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65 Cards in this Set

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Thyroid Vasculature
Superior Thyroid Artery --First Branch off external carotid
Inferior Thyroid Artery --Branch off thyrocervical trunk
Superior & Middle Thyroid Veins drain to internal jugular vein
Inferior Thyroids Vein drains to Brachiocephalic Veins
What % of pts have a pyramidal thyroid lobe
Eponym for LN's around pyramidal thyroid lobe
Delphian LNs
Eponym: connecting fibers between thyroid and trachea
Ligament of Berry
% of pts have an IMA artery
3% of pts (small inferior artery to thyroid from aorta or innominate)
Eponym: most posterior extension of lateral thyroid lobes
Tubercle of Zuckerkandl
Nerves around Thyroid Gland
Recurrent Laryngeal: found in tracheoesophageal grouves, dive behind cricothyroid muscle
damage--> no laryngeal adduxn --> hoarseness if u/l, ariway obstrx if b/l
Superior Laryngeal Nerve: unable to hit high pitches
Most active form of Thyroid Hormone
What is Synthroid
Workup for Thyroid Nodule
1. TSH
High/Normal TSH --> US
Benign --> Routine fu
Suspicious --> FNA
Low TSH --> I-123 for functionality
--> hypofnx --> US
--> hyperfnx = non-malig --> evaluate/tx for hyperthyroidism
Sick Euthryoid
Transient Decrease in T3 from hypocaloric & cytokines; Normal T4 & TSH
transient elevation in TSH upon recovery from critical illness
do not jump on subclinical hypothyroidism in p[t who has just recovered from critical illness
History Suggestive of Thyroid Cancer
Young male pt with FHx thyroid CA or Neck Radiation
Signs suggested of Thyroid CA
Single, Hard, Immobile, Cold Nodule with Lymphadenopathy
Increased Calcitoninn Levels
Symptoms suggestive of Thyroid CA
Voice changes, dysphagia, discomfort, rapid enlargement
Most common cause of thyroid enlargement
multinodular goiter
Eponym: toxic multinodular goiter
plummer's dz
Indications of surgery with multinodular goiter
cosmesis, compressive sx, unable to RO CA
% of cold nodules which are malignant
% of false negatives of FNA
Reltive Freq of Thyroid CAs
Papillary 80%
Follicular 10%
Medullary 5%
Clear Cell: 3%
Anaplastic: 2%
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Risk Factors
Pt profile: Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
30-something female hx rads
Histology of papillary carcinoma
psammomma bodies
Spread of Papillary Thyroid CA
10 year survival of Papillary Throid CA
Tx for Papillary Thyroid CA
<1.5cm & no hx rads: option of subtotal-thyroidectomy
else: total thyroidectomy
for both administer Synthroid post-op to suppress TSH
post-op I-131 to ID distant mets (then tx with ablative doses of I-131)
Palpable LNs:
--ipsilateral neck dissection if lateral
--central neck dissexn if central
Lateral Aberrant Thyroid
misnomer for metastatic papillary thyroid ca to LN
Most Common Metastasis of Papillary Thyroid CA:
Follicular Thyroid Adenocarcinoma Relative Frequency
10% of Thyroid CA's 2nd most common (to Papillary with 80%)
Spread of Follicular Thyroid CA:
Hematogenous (aggressive)
I-131 uptake in Thyroid CA's by type
Thyroid CA's with Good I-131 uptake
Papillary, Follicular
Thyroid CA's without I-131 uptake
Hurthle Cell CA, Medullary, Anaplastic
Thyroid CA's which require tissue diagnosis (cannot see with FNA)
Follicular, Hurthle Cell (a type of follicular cell)
Diagnosis of Follicular Thyroid CA
Requires tissue diagnosis demonstrating capsular/vascular invasion
FNA would just look like thyroid tissue
Most Common site of Follicular Thyroid CA metastasis:
10 Year Survival Rate of Follicular Thyroid CA:
Tx: Follicular Thyroid CA:
Total Thyroidectomy
post-op I-131 scan
The F's of Follicular Thyroid CA:
Far-away mets (hematogenous to bone)
Female (3 to 1)
FNA can't make dx
Favorable Prognosis
Hurthel Cell Thyroid CA Relative Frequency
5% of all thyroid CA's, 3rd most common (papillary 80%, follicular 10%)
Diagnosis of Hurthle Cell Thyroid CA
Requires Ts diagnosis
Cannot see on FNA
Tx: Hurthle Cell Thyroid CA:
Total Thyroidectomy
10 year suvival rate of hurthle cell thyroid CA
10 year survival Rates of Thyroid Cancer types
Papillary: option of subtotal thyroidectomy if <1.5cm & no hx rads, else total
Follicular: Total
Hurthle Cell: total
Medullary: total + Median Node dissection
Anaplastic: Total + XRT & Chemo
Medullary Thyroid CA Relative Frequency
4th most common at 3%
Treatment Modalities of Thyroid CA's by Type
Papillary: option of subtotal thyroidectomy if <1.5cm & no hx rads, else total
Follicular: Total
Hurthle Cell: total
Medullary: total + Median Node dissection
Anaplastic: Total + XRT & Chemo
Medullary Thyroid CA Risk Factors
RET proto-oncogene
MEN2: Autosomal dominant
Histology of Medullary Thyroid CA
aMyloid buildup of calcitonin
Tumor Marker of Medullary Thyroid CA
Causes an increase in calcitonin secretion
Useful for identifying medullary thyroid ca
Drug which causes an increase in calcitonin secretion
Useful for identifying medullary thyroid ca
Diagnostic Modality of Medullary Thyroid CA
Diagnostic Modalities of Thyroid CA
Papillary: (?)FNA
Follicular: Tissue Sample for Histology
Hurthle: Tissue Sample for Histology
Medullary: FNA
Anaplastic: FNA
10 year survival of Medullary Thyroid CA
80% --> 45% depending on whether LNs are involved
Pt has Medullary Thyroid CA, screen for what?
MEN2: pheo, hyperparathyroid
Medullary Thyroid CA pt found to have Pheo
Operate on Pheo first
Tx: Medullary Thyroid CA:
Total Thyroidectomy & Median LN dissexn
modified neck dissexn if lateral LNs are positive
M's of Medullary Thyroid CA
Median LN dissexn required
Modified neck dissexn if lateral nodes are positive
What is Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
Undifferentiated carcinoma arising in 75% of previously differentiated thyroid Ca's
Histology of Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
Giant cells, spindle cells
Diagnostic Modality of Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
DDX: Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
Thyroid Lymphoma (much better prognosis)
Tx: anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
Small: Total Thyroidectomy + XRT/Chemo
Large: debulking surgery, trach, XRT/Chemo
Px: anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
dismal, most pts at stage 4 on presentation
Blood Supply to parathyroids has been compromised intraoperatively
auto-graft into SCM or forearm
DDX: dyspnea s/p thyroidectomy
hematoma vs bialteral recurrent laryngeal nerve damage
Thyroid CA with amyloid histology
Medullary (Calcitonin)
Thyroid CA with spindle cells