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84 Cards in this Set

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cutaneous nerves to the abdomen arise from where?
intercostal nerves (T7- L1)

supply anterior and posterior abdominal walls in a dermatomal manner
injury to which nerves duirng hernia repair can lead to permanent paraesthesias?
1. ilioinguinal
2. iliohypogastric
3. genital branch of the gentiofemoral nerve
on the skin what are the lines called that you want to cut along?
langer's lines
fibrous tissue that lines or envelops muscles
nonmuscular fiber containing portions of muscle present at insertion points
band of tissue that connects bones or supports viscera
superficial fascial later is known as?
camper's fascia
name the abdominal layer:
cover perineum and genitalia, dartos mm of the scortum, more superficial, fattier
camper's fascial, superficial fascial layer
name the layer:
deeper, more fibrous, continues into the perinuem.
second fascial layer = scarpas' fascia
what are the fascial layers from outside in?
1. superficial fascia
2. campers fascia
3. scarpa's fascia
4. deep fascia
5. Transversalis fascia
6. Subserous fascia
forms the inguinal ligament. layer of abdnomina mm. angles like jean pockets
exteranal oblique mm
originates from iliac crest and forms a broad wheat meeting at the midline
internal oblique mm
deepest of three mm layers in the abdomen,. fuses medially to form rectus sheath and linea alba
transversus abdominis mm
thin layer of tissue between the transversus abdomens and the extraperitoneal fat
transversais fascia
serous membrane that lines the peritoneal cavity. during embryologic descent of the testes, part of the peritoneum is pulled into the scotum. = tunica vaginalis of the testis.
what is it called when the testes descend abnormally and allows communication between the peritoneum and the tunica vaginalis?
patent process vaginalis
what is the MC groin hernia?
indirect inguinal hernia
are most hernias inguinal or femoral?
who is more likely to get a femoral hernia?
______ hernia results from a persistent process vaginalis which leaves the abdomen at the internal ring and passes within the spermatic cord- congenital.
indirect inguinal hernia
______ hernia is caused by a defect or weakness through floor of inguinal canal (transversalis fascia) and protrudes through Hesselbach’s triangle- most often acquired
direct inguinal hernia
Protrudes directly through Hesselbach’s triangle
Medial to inferior epigastric vessels
Weak area where fascia not enforced by overlying muscle
direct inguinal hernia
what is the weakest part of the abdominal wall?
hesselbach's traingle
what is another name for the inguinal ligament?
strangulation occurs more frequently with what kind of hernias?
femoral, indirect, and umbilical
what do we call an inflammation of the spermatic cord?
what is the MC hernia in women?
indirect hernia
who usually gets femoral hernias?
women, older
what is the second MCC of bowel obstruction?
incarcerated hernia
N/V, fevers, chills, pian, erythema of overlying skin, elevated WBC, eleveated lactic acid. -- can lead to intestinal necrosis and perforation. true surgical emergency
strangulated hernia
what are you feeling when palpating a hernia?
1. granular feel
2. elastic feel
1. granular = omentum
2. elastic = intestine
what is the classification system used to grade groin hernias?
Nyhus Classification
what is the name of the device used for palliative hernia treatment?
a truss
reserved for patients with circumstances that make them unable to tolerate surgical intervention
what are the 4 basic tenets of repair for inguinal hernias?
1. reduce intrabdominal contents to the abdominal cavity
2. reinforce internal ring
3. create a tension-free inguinal floor
4. obliterate the hernia sac
open mesh “tension-free” repair for hernias.
open lichtenstein repair
if doing an open hernia repair, what is the most likely method?
Shouldice repair
name the hernia repair:
used in small hernias, basically tightens up the transversus aponerosis around the cord
Marcy Repair
name the hernia repair:
transversus abdominins aponeurosis + transversalis fascia --> inguinal ligament with nonasborbabale interrupted sutures
Bassini repair (the italian surgeon)
useful for indirect and direct inguinal and femoral hernias. Tries to restore the posterior inguinal wall to anatomic correctness. name the procedure
McVay repair
similar to mcvay except for placement of speramtic cord
Halsted Repair
Name the hernia repair:
no mesh - anatomic closure, high success rate and low rate of recurrence "canadian repair"
Shouldice repair
if you damage this nerve your scrotum will be numb
genitofemoral nerve
if you damage this nerve your inner thigh will be numb
ilioinguinal nerve
what are the 13 post-operative complications of hernia repair?
1. Testicular atrophy
2. Hydrocele
3. Ischemic orchitis
4. Seroma*
5. Chronic groin pain
6. Osteitis pubis
7. Urinary retention
8. Recurrence
9. Trocar site hernia
10. Wound infection
11. Hematoma *
12. Infertility
13. Mesh infection
Umbilical hernias are congential defects that occur at the umbilical fibromuscular ring, which usually obliterates by what age?
2 yo
do we repair umblical hernias in kids?
many kids have them until 2-4 yo .Before then, don't do anything. REpair is only indicated if they persist in children older than 2-4 yo
icisional hernias used to be quite common, what do we do differently now that has reduces their incidence?
newer repair techniques have reduced them a lot having do to with the use of mesh
Combines a direct and an indirect hernia
Two hernia sacs divided by the epigastric vessels
Pantaloon hernia
A portion of the hernia sac is composed of a wall of an intraabdominal organ, such as cecum or sigmoid colon
sliding hernia
The anti-mesenteric border of the bowel herniates through the fascial defect and lies within the hernia sac
Richter's Hernia
Occurs at the site of a previous surgical incision or operative site anywhere on the body
incisional hernia
Occurs through the semilunar line (lateral margin of the rectus muscle)
Prone to incarceration
Occur males> females
Spigelian Hernia
bordered by the 12th rib, external oblique and erector mm of the spine. what is the triangle called? what hernia do we see here?
Superior lumbar upside down triangle.
Grynfeltts hernia
bordered by the iliac crest, external oblique and latissimus dorsi. what is the name of the traingle and what hernia do we see here?
inferior lumbar triangle
Petits Hernia seen here
any groin hernia that contains a Meckel’s diverticulum
Littres Hernia
Any groin hernia containing an appendix
Amyand's hernia
follows the path of the obturator nerve and muscles
Occurs with a female-to-male ratio of 6:1 most often in the 7th and 8th decades of life
Presents more commonly as a bowel obstruction
Obturator hernia
Presents with intermittent bowel obstruction and paresthesias on the anterolateral aspect of the thigh due to compression of the obturator nerve
obturator hernia
what is the name of the sign for pain along the medial aspect of the thigh?
Howship-Romberg sign
Hernia of a loop of intestine through the cribriform fascia presenting lateral to femoral artery
Hesselbach's hernia
the major blood supply of the small bowel is?
the superior mesenteric artery
mcc of SBO in the US is?
MCC of SBO in the world is?
In the use = adhesions
In the world = hernias
Small-bowel obstruction (SBO) leads to __________ dilatation of the intestine secondary to swallowed air and continued gastrointestinal secretions
when might you see a step ladder pattern?
in sbo
seen on x-ray. Air in wall of the intestines. highly suggestive of necrotizing entercolitis
pneumotosis intestinalis
you are doing a rectal exam on someone with a suspected SBO. if you find gross or occult blood what would that mean?
If you find a mass?
strangulation or malignancy, pneumotosois?
mass = obturator hernia
what sounds will be heard on PE of SBO?
at first high pitched active bowel sounds as it tries to squeeze it along, then hypoactive bowel sounds when it gives up.
what is the tx for SBO?
1. ABC
2. NG tube - decompress, prevent aspiration
3. Lrg IV bore
4. Fluids - isotonic
5. FOley catheter to monitor U/O want >.5 ml/kg/hr
6. Abx - gram -/+ and anaerobes
7. correct lyte imbalance (will need K)
8. NPO
9. analgesia + antiemetics
10. early surgical consult
11. early monitorin, BP, caridac, ICU?
what bowel sounds do we hear in ileus?
decreased!!! or absent bowel sounds (think the bowel isn't moving so its not going to make any noise!)
what bowel sounds do we hear in SBO?
normal or increased bowel sounds at first and then absent bowel sounds?
what are the two types of tissue in a meckels?
gastric and pancreatic (hence it releases HCl!)
what are possible complications from a meckels?
carcinoid tumors originate from ?
Kulchitsky cells within the crypts of Liberkun
carcinoid tumors greater than _____ have a 90% chance of metastasis
2 cm
what is the most common location of carcinoid tumors?
what is the most common location in the small intestine?
the appendix!!
the illeus
what is the rule of thumb when finding a carcinoid tumor of the appendix that is >2cm or <2cm?
<2c = appendectomy done
>2cm = right colectomy done!
dont forget to look for a second primary tumor since there may be multicentric foci
carcinoid syndrome is diagnosed by?
increased 5-HIAA in urine (5 hydroxyindoleacetic acid)
what to carcinoid syndrome tumors release?
vasoactive peptides and serotonin
mC bening tumor of the small bowel
Leiomyomas (what kansas has)
MC malignant tumor of small bowel
Small bowel tumors present with?
abd. pain
weight loss
mesenteric ischemia can affect which arteries?
SMA, IMA, celiac arteries
Caused by occlusion of an artery . extreme pain out of proprotion to physical exam
acute mesenteric ischemia
what is the diagnostic test of choice for mesenteric ischemia
CT angiogram