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28 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Biceps Femoris Actions
flex knee
extend hip
laterally rotate hip
SemiTendinosus Actions
flex knee
extend hip
medially rotate hip/leg
semimembranosus actions
flex knee
extend hip
medially rotate hip/leg
biceps femoris origin
long head: ischial tuberosity
short head: linea aspera
bicepts femoris insertion
head of fibula
semitenindosus origin
ischial tuberosity
semitendinosus insertion
medial shaft of tibia
semimembranosus origin
ischial tuberosity
semimembranosus insertion
medial condyle of tibia
gastrocnemius actions
flexes knee
plantar flexes ankle
gastrocnemius origin
posterior condyles of femur
gastrocnemius insertion
calcaneus/calcaneal tendon
tibialis anterior actions
inverts foot
dorsiflexes ankle
tibialis anterior origin
proximal lateral surface of tibia
tibialis anterior insertion
medial cuneiform and base of first metatarsal
tibialis posterior actions
plantar flexes the ankle
inverts foot
peroneous longus actions
everts the foot
assists in plantar flexion
peroneous longus origin
proximal 2/3 of lateral fibula
peroneous longus insertion
base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
gastrocnemius origin
posterior condyles of femur
gastrocnemius insertion
calcaneus/calcaneal tendon
tibialis anterior actions
inverts foot
dorsiflexes ankle
tibialis anterior origin
proximal lateral surface of tibia
tibialis anterior insertion
medial cuneiform and base of first metatarsal
tibialis posterior actions
plantar flexes the ankle
inverts foot
peroneous longus actions
everts the foot
assists in plantar flexion
peroneous longus origin
proximal 2/3 of lateral fibula
peroneous longus insertion
base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform