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45 Cards in this Set

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Marbury v's madison (1803)

Established the supreme courts power to strike down acts of Congress that were in conflict with the constitution; i.e from this case came to the high courts most Important power judicial review

United States vs Caroline products company

Dealt with a federal law that prohibited filled milk

Lochner V's New York 1905

Case that held the liberty of contract was implicit in the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment. Limited the number of hours a baker could work each week to 60

Dred Scott v Sanford 1857

Blacks whether free or slaves, could not be u.s citizens and could not sue in federal courts . And slavery cannot be outlawed in the western territories before they access statehood voided by the thirteenth and fourteenth amendment after the civil war

Plessy v Ferguson 1896

Segregated facilities for blacks and whites were held to be constitutional under the doctrine of separate but equal, held for 60 years

Korematsu v. United States (1944)

During ww2 this case held that American citizens of Japanese descent can be interned and deprived of basic constitutional rights

Brown vs board of education 1954

Segregated schools in the several states are unconstitutional in violation of the 14th amendment. This case held that the separate but equal doctrine of plessy "has no place in the field of public education"

Loving v's Virginia (1967)

laws that prohibit marriage between two people of different races miscenenigation statutes) are constitutional

Griswold v Connecticut 1965

Even though not found In the language of the document this case held that embodied within the constitution is a right to privacy. Thus specifically married people are entitled to use contraception;making it a crime to sell contraceptives to them is unconstitutional

Row vs wade 1973

Struck down laws restricting abortion prior to viability as unconstitutional prohibiting most restrictions in the first trimester and permitting only health-related restrictions in the second

Mapp vs Ohio 1961

Applied the exclusionary rule of weeks (above) to state criminal procedures as well

Miranda v's Arizona 1966

Police must advise criminal suspects of their rights under the constitution to remain silent, to consult with a lawyer and to have one appointed if necessary. Any interrogation must stop if the suspect he or she wishes to remain silent.

Tinker v's des Moines independent community school district 1969

Wearing armbands is a legitimate (a thus constitutionally protected) form of protest under the first amendment even by students on public school grounds.

Citizens united v's federal election commission 2010

Limits on corporate and union political expenditures during an election cycle violate the first amendment. This case cleared the path for the birth of super pacs

Reynolds v's slim 1964

Mandated that state legislatures be organized by population. Rather than by county. Previously about 50% of California legislative power had been held by about 10% of the state's population simply due to the fact of smaller countries in certain areas.

Obergefell v's hodges 2015

Fundamental right to marry is Guranteed to same sex couples by both the due process clause and the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment to the us constitution. Legalizing same sex marriage in the us

Gideon v's wainwright 1963

anyone charged with a serious criminal offense has the right to an attorney and the state must provide one if defendant is unable to afford a private legal counsel

Kelo v's city of new London 2005

Upheld the power of local government to seize property for economic development purposes. Known as eminent domain

Burwell v's hobby lobby 2014

Allowed closely held for profit corporations to be exempt from a law it's owners religiously object to If there is a less restrictive means of furthering the laws interest

Mculloch v's Maryland 1819

The federal and government may use any means the constitution may not forbid

Gibbons v's ogden

Provides an extensive definition of the term commerce allowing the national government a justification of regulation in all economic areas

Gibbons v's ogden

Provides an extensive definition of the term commerce allowing the national government a justification of regulation in all economic areas

West coast hotel vs parish 1937

Upholding the constitutionality of minimum wage

Regents of the universe of cal v's bake (1978)

Race based set opportunities violate the equal protection close but still leaves door open to be taken in consideration for admission

Bowers v's Hardwick 1986

Sodomy is illegal and criminalized not constitutional

Lawrence v's Texas 2003

You have the right to Sodomize in private

Gonzales v's carhart 2007

Congress can prohibit dilation and extraction

Miller v's california 1973

Came up with a three part test to determine if material is legally obscene and not constitutionally protect

Texas v's Johnson 1989

Prohibiting burning the American flag is unconstitutional

Barnes v's Glen theater 1991

Nude dancing is not protected by the first amendment

McCutcheon v's federal election commission

No restraints on Donor limits "aggregate"

Brown vs entertainment merchants association 2011

Video games are a protected form of media speech and states may not prohibit or ban the sale of them

Sony Corp v's universal studios 1984

Making individual copies of TV shows is not copyright infringement

Brown vs Mississippi 1936

A defandants confession cannot be extracted by police violence

Escobedo v's Illinois 1964

A person has the right to speak to an attorney while in custody

Near v's Minnesota 1931

Freedom of press censorship unconstitutional

Roth v's united states 1957

Obscene material is not protected by the first amendment

Engal v's vitale 1962

Prayer in school violates the establishment clause of the first amendment

New York times v's Sullivan 1964

Public officials to prove they were libel ed must show that a statement was false and was published with malicious intent

Brandenburg v's Ohio 1969

Advocacy of force is protected by the first amendment

Lemon v's Kurtz man 1971

Guidelines for the funding of pariochal schools

Us vs nixon 1974

President cannot invoke executive privilege in criminal cases to withhold evidence

Us term limits v's Thornton 1995

No term limits on congress

Gonzales v's raich 2005

Congress may ban the use of marijuana even if states approve

Weeks v's united states 1914

You need a search warrant other wise evidence won't hold in court