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69 Cards in this Set

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Do protoctists Have muscle

True ( non striated)



Smooth muscle

Skeletal and smooth,cardiac 💪

Arthropods have muscle?

Striated muscles

Heart beat initiated by

San or pacemaker

Is heart some what independent of nervous system

Yes because of its pace making property for its contraction

*autonomic nervous system can only modify rate of pace maker

Cardiac muscle



*uni or by nucleated

Simple muscle

* smooth muscle


Uni nucleated

Contoll by autonomic system

Smooth 💪 found in

Digestive track

Bladder blood vessel eye

State of erection of hair of skin


Skeletal muscle



Attachment to stationary part origin

Attachment to movable part insertion


Non elastic tissue which connects muscle to the bones causing it to move

Muscle structure

Muscle fibre ➡ myofibril ➡ sarcomere ➡ micro filaments

Sarcomer separated by


Thin filaments posses




Thick filaments

Myosin have cross bridges

I band

Only have thin filaments and is light located at edges


Both thick and thin filaments between h zone and I band and is darker


Only thick filaments

Sliding filament theory by


Fully contraced sarcomere

35% of its length

How can a muscle contract greater

The more motor units contract the greater the contraction

Human eye muscles contract

0.01 seconds

Muscle contraction depends upon

Nerve impulse , energy, calcium ions

Energy is stored in the muscles in the form of


What is creatine phosphate

Serve as muscle reserve of high energy phosphate continuously replenishing the ATP consumed during muscular activity

Role of calcium ions

Stored in sarcoplasmic reticulum when nerve impulse reaches the earth plate acetylcholine is released so calcium ions also released from cytoplasm to the muscles where they bind with troponin and tropomyosin detaches from actin and myosin attaches to it

Glucose breakdown by

Respiration and fermentation

Oxygen debt

The amount of oxygen need to remove lactic acid from the tired muscle is call oxygen Dept the more lactic acid present the greater is Oxygen Dept

During vigorous exercise what happens

Glycogen decrease, ATP degrees, pH decrease and lactic acid increase

Abnormal muscle contraction

*tetany it is inventory contraction straited muscles caused by Low level of calcium in blood the muscles are held under constant contraction ATM expired login is not read it is fatal

Cramps type of tetanic contraction commonly called muscle pull due to dehydration electrolyte imbalance or low blood sugar level

What are antagonistic muscles

Which move in opposite

Movement of arm

Flexor or biceps contracts elbow bends

Extensors or triceps contract elbow open straight

Shoulder joint

Articulated by gLeonard cavity of scapula and head of the humerus bone


protector move the arm in forward direction

Retractor =move backward

Abductor arm move away from the body

Aductor move towards the body


Move by help of pseudopdia are finger like projections of cytoplasm movement depends upon alternate change of cytoplasm into a fluid like sol and jelly like gel form


Move by side like extensions of plasma membrane called cilia it is brought about by alternate power stocks and recovery stocks

Locomotion of euglena

By flagella

Hydrostatic skeleton present in

Cnidarians,helimenthes,Annelids , jellyfish octopus

Joints definition

Point at which bones connect each other

Cell of cartilage


Chondrocytes secret

Extra cellular matrix made up of protein and polysaccharides

Main protein collagen

Sharks rays,skates


External ear,nose tip,larynx


Embryonic endoskeleton


Cell's of bones


Bones harden by

deposition of crystal of calcium phosphate called ossification or calcification

What is necessary for calcium absorbtion

Vitamin d


Point at which bones connect each other

Shoulder hip

Ball and socket joint

Elbow and knee

Hinge joint

Back and forth motion

Elbow also pivot joint

Plant show

Cellular and organ movement


Outermost layer of thin walled cells

What is beneath epidermis

Cortex and Central portion Stele


Cylindrical core of vascular bundles


They are thin-walled Found in epidermis cortex and pith it is unspecialized vegetative did not have secondary walls if they lose their turgidity causes wilting Harbaceous stem and leaves

Bryophytes maid of

The whole body is made up of a parenchyma tissues


Irregularly thickened provide support


They are dead tissues heavily lignified secondary walls two types fibres which are tough strong but flexible and sclereids which have irregular shape and generally called stone cells common in heart parts of seed and nuts


Elongated tubular heavily lignified dead cells have hollow cavity found in xylem acting as supporting tissues


They have no transverse walls look like open water pipeline also found in xylem for support

Less secondary growth occurs in

Monocot plants

The secondary growth occurs in gymnosperms and dicot angiosperms


Secondary tissues

Vascular cambium and cork cambium

Vascular cambium

It appears between primary xylem and primary phloem and called fussi form initials

Secondary xylem secondary phloem

The cells formed inside of vascular cambium give rise to secondary xylem and the cells found outside give rise to secondary phloem

When is cork cambium/phellogen made

When layers of hypodermal cell regain the power of division

Heart wood

Part of tree where xylem become non functional it is the inner part of ring in deposits of risen tennis in gums are seen

Callus is formed by


Annual rings

Accumulation of secondary xylem in the form of concentric layers

It consists of two zones news on spring wood or summerwood which has larger vessels and Outer zone of winter wood or autumn woodhaving smaller vessels