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17 Cards in this Set

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What is a modifier?

Describes or "modifies" someone or something in a sentence. Often have -ing or -ed verbs or commas to separate them from a sentence.

What is a subject and a verb?

Subject is a noun performing the action expressed by the verb

What are the three middlemen/warmups?

Prepositional phrase, subordinate clauses, other modifiers

What are prepositional phrases? Examples?

Help a phrase but aren't necessary e.g. if, for, by, in, with, at, to, on, from

What is a subordinate clause?

Can't stand along in a sentence. Often begin with connecting words such as who or which.

Explain the usage of AND vs Additives for singular vs plural

"And" will give you a plural subject while other additives do not. Exception is if "and" is connecting something thought of as one subject e.g. strawberries and cream.

What are examples of additive phrases?

along with, in addition to, as well as, accompanied by, togther with, including

Explain the usage of either or/neither nor for singular vs plural

Use the plurality of the noun closest to these. If neither or either is used by themselves (without or or nor), then they are always singular.

What is a collective noun and are they singular or plural?

A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group of people or objects. e.g. agency, army, audience, class, committee, team, baggage, equipment, fruit.

They are always singular.

What is an indefinite pronoun? Are they singular or plural?

Pronouns are words that replace other nouns or pronouns and an indefinite pronoun is not specific about the thing it refers to e.g. anyone, each, everyone, someone, whatever, whoever. They are singular.

There are 5 exceptions: some, any, none, all, more/most. (SANAM). Look at the "of" phrase that follows and then use the pluraity of that word.

Explain the usage of quantity phrases for singular vs plural

For quantity phrases such as majority, minority, pluraity, fraction and percent look at the "of" phrase that follows and then use the pluraity of that word.

Explain the usage of the number vs a number for singular vs plural

The number is singular while a number is plural

What is a gerund? Are they singular or plural?

Gerunds are verbs acting as a noun. They end in -ing.

They are always singular.

What is an adverb?

Tweak the meaning of verbs, adjectives and clauses. Often ends with -ly. e.g. Oddie slept peacefully last night.

What is a clause?

A clause is a proper sentence. It must have at least one subject and verb otherwise you have a fragment, an error).

The four types are main, subordinate (or dependent), noun, and adjective (or relative). Only the main clause can stand alone as a sentence.

For structure and concision what should you look for to avoid?


Having been/being- rare it's used right. Having been suggests a fully completed state.

Awkward gerund phrases (avoid complex gerund, so prefer "giving food" vs "the giving of food"

Introduction of new pronouns when uneccessary

How do you connect an independent clause to a main clause?

Semi colon or comma + coordinating conjunction (for, and, not, but, or yet and so)