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9 Cards in this Set

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A. rhombozoans
B. orthonectids
C. cellular level organization
D. complex reproductive cycle
1. hermaphrodites
2. verminform larva: asexual in same host
3. infusiform larva: sexual dispersed
A. 1 species: trachoplax
B. once cnidaria
C. tiny flattened ciliated marine
D. cell level organization.. 4 cell types, no organs
E. budding & diocious
F. extra-organismal feeding
A. suspension feeders
B. diploblastic
C. body: specialized cells in mesohyl
1. asconoid: flagellated spongocoel
2. syconoid: flagellated canals
3. leuconoid: flagellated chambers
D. endoskeleton of protein fibers & spicules
E. cell level specialization: not true tissues
1. all the -cyte cells
F. mono & dioecious; budding
G. two larval
1. parenchymula
2. amphiblastula
H. regeneration & somatic embryogenesis
I. classes
1. calcerea
2. demospongiae
3. hexactinellida
A. diploblastic & mesoglea
B. blindsac body plan
C. acoelomate, tissue level organization, some organs
D. cnidocytes & nematocysts
E. sensory cells.. rhopalium
F. epithelio & gastro -musclular cells
G. no excret or respir
H. complex life cycles: medusa & polyp
I. mono & dio -ecious
J. planula larva
K. classes
1. hydrozoa
2. scyphozoa
4. cubozoa
5. anthozoa
A. triploblastic- true mesoderm
B. acoelomate- inner cellular parenchyma
C. organ system organization
D. no respir no ciculatory
E. nervous system: nerve plexus & centralization
F. protonephridia (flame & tube excretory)
G. classes
1. turbellaria
2. monogenea
3. trematoda
4. cestoda
A. small flattened body
B. triploblastic
C. Rhyncocoel: eversible proboscis
D. acoelomate
E.tube w/in tube digestive
F. no respiratory system
G. blood vascular circulatory system
H. free living predators
I. diecious, & some fragmentation
J. pilidium larva
A. freeliving, freshwater, some epizoites
B. cuticle and syncytial epidermis
D. corona (locomotion & grinding)
E. trophi (jaws>grinding)
F. mastax: muscular pharynx
G. attachment, foot narrow/contractile
H. nervous system: bilobed; brain
I. diecious: amictic & mictic eggs.. some parthenogenesis
J. eutely: nuclear constancy
A. vermiform (cylindrical)
B. cuticle: of collagen proteins
C. dioecious
D. free living; import in decomp & food webs
E.parastic forms
pseudocoelomates in general
a. bilateral
b. triploblastic
c. pseudocoelom: fluid filled & hydroskeleton
d. smallllll
e. vermiform with cuticle
f. mouth-anus digestive
g. muscular pharynx
h. no circulatory or respiratory
i. excretory: canals & protonephridia
j. nervous system: ganglia & circumentric ring
k. sensory organs
l, muscles: longitudinal fibers
m. most dioecious
n. eggs covered in chitin
o. eutely