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33 Cards in this Set

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Attachment is..
an emotional bond formed between two people.
Develops over time
Leads to certain behaviours
Primary Attachment Figure
the person who has formed the closest bond with a child
Learning Theory
the name given to a group of explanations which explain behaviour in the terms of learning
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov's dogs
Weakness of Learning Theory
Harlow's monkeys
Weakness of Learning Theory
Schaffer and Emerson..
Babies are most attached to the person who was most responsive to their needs
Bowlby - MDH
A child should experience a warm, intimate, continuous relationship with one caregiver.
Bowlby's Attachment Theory
Konrad Lorenz
Imprinting is innate
Strength of BAT
Tronick et al..
African Tribe
Breastfed by other women, slept with biological mother
At 6 months, showed one single attachment
Supports monotropy
Weakness of BAT
Grossman and Grossman..
Father-infant attachments important in social development
Sibling relationships important to act around peers
Weakness of BAT
Thomas and Chess..
Temperament Hypothesis
Innate personality differences
Easy, slow to warm up, difficult
The Strange Situation tested behaviours..
Stranger Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Behaviour on Reunion
Seeking Proximity
General Orientation
Patterns of Attachment..
Type A - Insecure Avoidant
Type B - Secure
Type C - Insecure Resistant
Type D - Disorganised Attachment
(A+C) - mainly child abuse
Strength of SS
Easy to replicate
Weakness of SS
Disclosed observation
Demand characteristics
Observer bias
Single attachment recorded
Imposed Etic
Technique developed in one culture used to study another
Individualistic Culture
Rights and responsibilities of an individual
Personal Choice
Collectivist Culture
Needs and goals of the social group
Bowlbys MDH.
44 Thieves
32% AP - 86% Maternal Separation
Weakness of MDH
Institutions have no stimulating environments
Short-term effects of separation
PDD model
Weakness of PDD
No link between separation and later behaviour
Strength of PDD
Changed hospital policies
Privation is..
A lack of something emotional or physical
Czech twins
Freud and Dann
Nazi concentration camp orphans
Weakness of case studies
Hard to replicate
Impossible to generalise
Natural Experiment
Institution group - IQ 72
Foster group - IQ 95
Evaluation of Goldfarb
Children not randomly allocated
IV not manipulated
Lack control
High ecological validity
Romanian Orphans
> 6 months, 6-24 months, 2-4 yrs
Disinhibited attachment
Individual differences
2 Romanian children in same family
Recovery from privation..
Quality of institution care
Quality of after care
Later life experiences
Age left privated environment