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98 Cards in this Set

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How does primary growth occur?

The apical meristem makes cells get larger and they push out through the soil

Secondary growth is only in...

Woody plants.

Cambians in secondary growth

Cork and vascular

3 tissue types

Ground, vascular, dermal

Dermal tissue provides

Protection and h20 control

Vascular tissue

Moves water

Ground tissue

Controls metabolism, photosynthesis, support, and storage

Stem cells (meristem)

Start out undefined then can turn into one of the three cells

Xylem cells

Tracheids and vessel elements (both dead)

Phloem cells

Companion cells and sieve tube elements (both alive)

Sieve tubes don't have.... but are...

A nucleus etc. Has a membrane and cytosol. But are still alive

Dermal cells

Guard cells and root hairs

The apical meristem can form into...

The procambium

the ground meristem or

the ProtoDerm

The procambium turns into...

Vascular tissue

The ground meristem turns into

Ground tissue

The porotoderm turns into

Dermal tissue

The leaf primordium is in

Primary shoot growth

Water potential

Potential energy of H2O per unit area compared to Pure H2O


Solute potential


Pressure potential

ψs drops when

The amount of solute increases

ψp increases when

Water rushes in and puts pressure on their cell walls

Water moves through the root hair to the root through


When transpiration occurs when water is evaporated from the leaf pulling up water molecules behind it it is creating a ...within the plant


Water moves into the roots because of the

High concentration of solutes

The pericycle

Is the outermost layer of vascular tissue is where the root branches come from so It can connect directly to the vascular system

You track the season counting the Rings in the


Summer growth

Smaller compact cells they're darker

Fall and winter growth

Looks like hardened lines due to little growth

Spring growth

Large cells light


Whatever the phloem is moving

Ways plants avoid ice within the cells (4)

1) insulation from bark

2) pull water out if cells

3)produce things like oil,amino acids to keep water from freezing

4) antifreeze (reforms the ice so the ice isn't sharp and won't cut the cell

In the companion cells the charge of the gradient inside and out is ...

Inside negative

Outside positive

Sucrose hydrogen transporter in companion cells direction is determined by

Whichever gradient is higher

Phloem is the only one with

Turgor pressure

Vessel elements vs sieve tubes

Vessel elements are wider/shorter move less water but provide less support

What keeps the sieve tubes alive

The companion cells holds all the machinery for the sieve tubes

Sugar cane

Perennial grass

The product of this plant (salvia) and bacteria lead to tooth decay

Solute potential is never at play in

Transpiration -cohesion

Primary growth increases the length of the roots and shoots through the

the length of the roots and shoots

Apical meristem

...provides almost all of the cells in the primary plant body

Primary growth/apical meristem

The force of the primary root system to move through the soil is provide through the...

Zone of elongation


Inner most layer of the ground dermal tissue

The cortex is...

Ground tissue

Root hairs form out of the...


Root branches form to

Take advantage of an area without roots

Pith is only in the roots of...


Secondary growth occurs from

The lateral meristem/cambium

Secondary growth increases the...

Width of the roots and shoots and the amount of conducting tissue and to provide structural support

The vascular cambium is located

Between the xylem and the phloem in the stem.

Vascular cambium forms

Secondary xylem and phloem

Cork cambium located

At the perimeter of the stem

The cork cambium produces

Cork cells that protects the woody stem as it increases the girth

Does secondary growth occur in all eudicots?

No but it only occurs in eudicots. Tomato plants are eudicots but they don't do secondary growth


Basically stomata that are open all the time

Cocao tree

In Latin it means food of the Gods


Hierarchy of plant body


Absorption occurs mainly near the tips at the

Root hairs

3 plant organs



How the leaves are arranged on a stem (maximizes sun capture)

Covers the surface of the leaves and the entire plant



The xylem and phloem together


Ground tissue internal to vascular tissue


Ground tissue external to vascular tissue


The most abundant organic polymer on Earth

Sclerenchyma cells

Fibers and sclerids


Long thin cells strong (lignin in cell wall)

Arabidopsis thaliana

First plant genome to be sequenced

Completes entire life cycle in 6 weeks

In transpiration the...for it to happen

Stomata must be open

Air surrounding the leaves is drier than air on the inside of the leaves

Transpiration is driven by the...

Difference in the potential energy of water

Solute potential is always


When a plant cell is hypertonic

The chloroplasts are in the middle

When the plant cell is hypotonic the

Chloroplasts are against the wall

Diffusion and osmosis is good for

Movent over short distances but too slow for long distances

Wilted plants are

Flaccid due to cell pressure

Bulk flow

Movement of a fluid driven by pressure and difference in water potential


Result of positive pressure pushing up water

Hypothesis of upward pressure

Water flows into xylem from root cortex generates positive pressure that forces fluid up xylem

Capillary action hypothesis

Movement of water up a narrow tube depending on diameter (can move up less than a meter this way)

Hypothesis transpiration/cohesion/ tension

Sticks water together in an unbroken column

Outside air is more....than the water potential in the tree


Transpiration does not occur across

Plasma membrane

In transpiration there is a ... pressure on the walls ....in

Negative pressure pulling in

Plant growth throughout life


Do all plants have the same genes?

Yes, different patterns of gene expression between cells cause cellular differentiation that created the different cell types

When an epidermal cell touches only a single cortical cell...

Glabra gene expressed so no root hair will form

Stomata only take up a small amount of the leaf surface


The phloem sap contains

Sucrose/amino acids/ hormones

Mechanism for translocation

Bulk flow

Roots in the summer (sink/source)

Sink, leaves

Roots in the spring (sink/source)


Plasmodesmata can change in permeability in response to...

Turgor pressure, cellular calcium level, ph

Plant viruses cause plasmodesmata to


Plasmodesmata are constantly changing structures


Changes in communication within the....of plasmodesmata can lead to changes in development


Phloem moves hella ****

Inter-cell communication

Order of material flow in phloem

Leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis, sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf, solutes are actively transported into sieve tubes, water diffuses into the sieve tubes, sugar moves down the stem


Forms from cortex and includes cork and cork cambium