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21 Cards in this Set

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A mole is

The number of particles equal to the number of carbon atoms in 12 G of C 12

1 mole = 6.022 × 10^23

Avagadros number

6.022 × 10^23

Molar mass

The mass of one mole of any type of like items AKA atomic mass

Empirical formula

The simplest whole number ratio

Molecular formula

A multiple of the empirical formula also it is the actual number of atoms in the formula

When looking for the formula and working with percents assume the sample size is

100 g

When determining chemical formula round lower if less than .... and round up if greater than ...

0.2, 0.8

When determining the chemical formula if a decimal is between .2 and .8

Multiply by a fractional denominator

What are the steps for determining the chemical formula

1) change percent to grams

2) change grams to moles

3) divided by the smallest number

4) multiply till whole

Think of coefficients as


Coefficients do not

Add or change the molar mass

Limiting reactant problems can also be thought of as

either or

Percent yield is

Actual amount of product over theoretical amount of product X 100

🔺 H is also known as


Limiting reactant

The reactant that is completely consumed in a chemical reaction

Theoretical yield

The amount of product that can be made in a chemical reaction based on the amount of limiting reactant

Actual yield

The amount of product actually produced by a chemical reaction


The numerical relationship between chemical quantities in a balanced chemical equation

Mass percent of an element is

The elements percentage of the total mass of the compound

Convert from grams of a compound to grams of a constituent element

Mass compound to moles compound to moles element to mass element

Molar mass of an element serves as a conversion factor between

Grams and moles of that element