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10 Cards in this Set

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-selective beta-1 adrenoreceptor antagonist
-moa: competitively blocks beta-1 receptors = decreases HR, CO, renin secretion, BP and myocardial oxygen demand
-use: angina, HTN, post-MI cardio-protection
-SE: bronchoconstrxn w higher doses bc of beta-2 receptor block
-other: esmolol, metoprolol, acebutolol
-muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist
-moa: competitively blocks M-receptors = increases HR and conduction velocity, causes smooth muscle relaxation and decreases exocrine gland secretion
-use: bradycardia and AV block, IB sx's, tx of anticholinesterase poisoning, antisecretory agent (glycopyrrolate often used for this in surgery), tx of ocular inflammation (relaxes iris and ciliary muscles)
-SE: tachycardia (but can slow HR at first bc of vagal stimulation), mydriasis and cycloplegia, warm dry flushed skin, delirium, hallucinations
-other: glycopyrrolate, ipratropium, dicyclomine, oxybutynin, scopolamine
-selective beta-1 adrenoreceptor agonist
-moa: activates beta-1> beta-2 >> alpha-1 receptors; increases cardiac contractility and CO > HR
-use: acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock
-SE: tachycardia and arrhythmia
-cholinesterase inhibitor
-moa: reversibly binds and inhibits cholinesterase, increases muscle strength in persons w myasthenia gravis; very short-acting after I.V. administration
-use: dx myasthenia gravis; differential dx of myasthenic crisis and cholinergic crisis (increases muscle weakness in pts w cholinergic crisis); reversal of curariform-type neuromuscular blocking agents (like rocuronium)
-SE: muscarininc effects (miosis, salivation) that can be treated w atropine
-other: neostigmine, physostigmine, pyridostigmine
-nonselective adrenoreceptor agonist
-moa: activates alpha and beta receptors, increasing IP3 and cAMP. alpha-1 = vasoconstrxn, increased BP. beta-1 = increased HR, conduction and contractility. beta-2 = vasodilation and decreased diastolic BP, bronchodilation
-use: cardiac arrest, V-fib, anaphylactic shock, asthma and COPD, prolong duration of local anesthetics
-SE: HTN, tachycardia, ischemia, hyperglycemia
-other: norepinephrine (but doesn't activate beta-2 receptors significantly)
-irreversible alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonist
-moa: blocks alpha-1 > alpha-2 receptors, irreversible blockade
-use: pheochromocytoma
-SE: postural hypotension
-other: phentolamine
-nonselective alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonist
-moa: competitive, reversible antagonist of alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors
use: counteract vasoconstriction; control BP (during surgery for pheochromocytoma)
-SE: hypotension
-other: phenoxybenzamine
-selective alpha-1 adrenoreceptor agonist
-moa: activates alpha-1 receptors, increases IP3 and causes contraction of vascular smooth muscle and vasoconstriction
-use: nasal and ocular decongestant, tx of drug-induced hypotension and spinal shock, dilation of pupil for eye exam
-SE: rebound nasal congestion, HTN
-other: norepinephrine, pseudoephedrine
-muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist
-moa: activates M-receptors in ciliary muscle to increase aqueous humor outflow, activates M-receptors in salivary gland and increases salivation
-use: glaucoma (topical) and dry mouth (xerostomia), ex. useful in Sjogren's syndrome (arthritis, dry eyes, dry mouth)
-SE: miosis, blurred vision from excess contraction of iris sphincter and ciliary muscles
-other: cevimeline
-cholinesterase reactivator
-moa: organophosphate antidote binds phosphorus of organophosphate and breaks bond w cholinesterase; but should be given quickly before "aging" of bond prevents effect
-use: organophosphate toxicity (mainly to reverse muscle weakness)
-SE: can be difficult to identify toxicity from pralidoxime or from atropine or organophosphate compounds