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113 Cards in this Set

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Papalpower in the fourteenth century was strengthened by the rise of strong regionalmonarch and princes.

False, the Papal power weakened
Catherineof Siena
playedan important role in ending the “Babylonian Captivity of the Church.”
False Thehumanist poet Petrarch, along with English and German critics, adjudged thepapacy’s apparent dependence on the wishes of the French monarchy as nothingless than a form of servile bondage. Indeed, Petrarch labeled it “TheBabylonian Captivity of the Church,” an allusion to what became the seventyyears during which the Israelites lived subjected to their Babylonian masters.
TheConciliar Movement sought to end conflicts between European monarchs by callingfor political assemblies
The“Great Schism” in the west began with the election of two

was a term used to describe ___Jews_______ who were forced to convertto Christianity in Spain and Portugal during the 1400s.

The Council of Constancetried to reform the church by providing for the regular holding of

Electionof popes

JohnHus was

Chancellor of the University of Prague

ALine of Demarcations was drawn by Pope Alexander VI in 1493 to separate theexploration efforts of

Portugal and Spain

Whichof the following is associated with attempts to restore the artistic andarchitectural splendor of Rome in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries?

The “Renaissance Popes”
Which of the following wasa result of the political, social, and religious changes of the late MiddleAges?
Papal power over the temporal rule of Europe became severely limited

Thereis general agreement among scholars to refer to the period between 1300 and1700 as an era of European “Renaissance.”


Historicalevidence proves that the Renaissance humanism was a rejection of Christianfaith and morals.


Fourteenth-centuryItalian thinkers such as Petrarch and Boccacio thought of their own time as aperiod of cultural rebirth after centuries of cultural darkness.


ColuccioSalutati argued that studying the liberal arts could benefit the church.


GirolamoSavonarola was an ardent supporter of the renaissance in Florence.


“ChristianHebraism” took an interest in Hebrew language and Jewish history.


Womenenjoyed relative equality with men during the Renaissance era.


“Renaissance” derives froma French world that means

Renaissance__________ is a movement often associated with a high view of human ability anda celebration of the achievements of ancient pagan culture.


Johannes Gutenberg

__________was a German publisher known for introducing moveable type and the printingpress.

Theterm “Renaissance” was used to describe a historical period for the first timein

Thesixteenth century


Wanted to base their faith onlinguistic study of Scripture

Ad fontes refers to the humanist concern tofind and study the original manuscript sources of

Pagan and Christianliterature

Petrarchcriticized the scholastic theologians for

Failing to use philosophy to promote the art of living well

Failing to use philosophy to promote the art of living well

Petrarchcriticized the scholastic theologians for

In the sixteenth century Protestanttheologians tended to define the gospel in all of the following doctrinal termsexcept

meritorious salvation

The crucial distinction betweenRoman Catholics and Protestants was that the

__________ saw the exclusive ground ofjustification as the imputed righteousness of Christ.


The irreducible core of thedistinctive Protestant doctrine of justification centered upon

imputed righteousness of Christ

Martin Luther’s understanding oforiginal sin resulted in his

teaching the bondage of the will

The __________ was the historicalfulcrum around which the early events of the Reformation revolved.

sale of indulgences

True or False. The Protestant Reformation resulted in a lesscoherent and therefore less effective social order and public policy forproviding relief of the poor.


The historical origins of the term“Protestant” reach back to the imperial diet held at Speyer in


In his statement before the Diet ofWorms in 1521, Martin Luther declared that __________ often err and contradictthemselves.

pope and councils

Who said, “The Christian isthe lord of all, and subject to none, because of faith; he is the servant ofall, and subject to everyone, because of love

Lorenzo Valla’s proof that theancient ecclesiastical document supporting papal supremacy, The Donation ofConstantine, was a forgery was published by Ulrich von Hutten (1488-1523)in the year


As the first Swiss canton to breakwith the Roman Catholic Church in 1525, ________

assumed lead advocacy ofProtestantism within the Swiss Confederation.


All ofthe following is true about Ulrich Zwingli except

all of the above – no exception

True or false. As a committed pacifist Zwingli refused tominister alongside Swiss soldiers whenever they were deployed upon abattlefield for combat

Erasmian criticism of theRoman Catholic Church focused upon
moral coruption

True or False. Zwingli as a staunch advocate of believer’sbaptism and therefore, fiercely rejected infant baptism as a political act oftreason.


To acknowledge that Christ isreally present in the sacramental elements of the Lord’s Supper, who wrote onthe table in chalk the words, Hoc est corpus meum (“This is my body”) atthe Marburg Colloquy of 1529?


Michael Servetus (1511-53) wasburned at the stake as a heretic in the city of __________, with __________serving as the prosecution’s expert witness in the trial.

Geneva, Calvin

True or False. Predestination is neither the epicenter northe wellspring of Calvin’s theological system.


True or False. Although Calvin believed sharing the Gospelwas a common duty of the children of God, he nonetheless discouraged supportingmissionary projects and church planting.


Who is best considered the fatherof Reformed Scholasticism?


Which ofthe following became the primary signifier of “the Radicals,” who broke withboth the Roman Catholic Church and the magisterial reformers?


Accordingto the most helpful analysis of Anabaptism each listing below attaches to theidentified grouping its correct label, authority and representative except

Polygenesis Anabaptists—apocalypticvision—Thomas Müntzer

Present-dayfactors in American evangelicalism and global Christianity that indicate theAnabaptist movement was not an abortive counter revolt within the Reformationinclude all of the following except

conviction that toseparate church from state was sedition

True orFalse. In the final analysis, it remainsthe case that in its most fundamental aspects, the Catholic Reformation wasprimarily the culmination of efforts to reform Roman Catholicism that wereinitiated prior to the rise of Protestantism.


Scholarsconsider all of the following as part of the magisterial reformation except:

Who wrote the Schleitheim Articles

Thomas Mützer

In 1567 Pope Pius Velevated this theologian to a Doctor of the Church, requiring Catholicuniversities to exclusively teach his theology

Thomas Aquinas

The Jesuits representingthe offensive weapon of the Counter-Reformation concentrated on each of thefollowing activities except
administer the Roman Inquisition

TheCouncil of Trent (1545-1563), the 19th General Council as declaredby the Roman Catholic Church, defined the doctrine of justification as denyingall of the following except:

through the voluntary reception of grace andgifts a man becomes just

Relationsbetween Catholics and Protestants did not become more cordial and tolerant withthe Vatican viewing Protestants as “separated brethren,” until the

20th century
Among early EnglishProtestants which of the following may be judged best as most significant?

William Tyndale

All of thefollowing were motives for King Henry VIII wanting a Papal annulment of hismarriage to Catherine of Aragon except:

endorsing Luther’s text, The BabylonianCaptivity of the Church

The truearchitect of the Protestantization of England was

Thomas Cranmer
One of the blessings thatGod gave the English people as a result of Marian Persecution (Queen Mary I,also known as Mary Tudor) was one of the most enduring translations in thehistory of the English language:
1560 Geneva Bible

True orFalse. Owing to her commitment to viamedia (a middle way) between a Catholic liturgy and Protestant doctrine thedoctrinal articles of the Elizabeth I reformation did not expressly reject theteaching of transubstantiation.


Particularlypressing differences between mainstream Anglicans and Puritan Anglicans duringthe early era of the Elizabethan Settlement included all of the followingissues except

Victory against whatforeign power during the long reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) signaledthat England had come of age and was a force to be reckoned with?

True orFalse. In the popular Englishimagination the Virgin Queen Elizabeth I was condemned of God because she nevermarried and because upon her death there was no male heir to take up the throneof England.


Relationsbetween Catholics and Protestants did not become more cordial and tolerantuntil

Vatican II Council, 1965

All of thefollowing doctrinal points were at the center of the Arminian controversy except:

a more extensive use of God’s word

The opponents of Cornelius Jansenaccused him of being a secret Calvinist.


German pietism stressed a need forgreater theological precision.


English Puritanism was a diversesocial and theological movement.


The trial and execution ofCharles I was celebrated by all Puritans.


Broad religious toleration wasestablished under Cromwell’s Protectorate.


The Synod of __________affirmed doctrines known as the “Five Points of Calvinism.”


The basictheological strains of Pietism include all of the following except

celebration of Lord’s Suppers

AmericanPuritanism had coalesced into three groups with all of the following emphases except

New Calvinists – followers of ArminianCalvinism

Trueor False. Seventeenth-century Europe maybest be describe as an age of confidence and stability.

Which people of Europeconsidered the seventeenth century their Golden Age?

Inthe seventeenth century what nation more than any other set the tone forpolitical art and architecture, as well as fashion?


Trueor False. Unlike the fifteenth andsixteenth centuries, the seventeenth century witness little in the way ofscientific discoveries.


Trueof False. Because the Spanish discoveredso much gold and silver in the Americas they had no need for imposing slavelabor upon the native peoples of the land they occupied or for bringing Africanpeople to the Americas as slaves.


Atthe close of the sixteenth century the emissaries of the political elite wouldhave recognized what two nations as being most powerful?


Trueor False. In spite of brutal warfare,horrific plague, famines, bad weather and economic depression Europe in theseventeenth century nonetheless increased in population.


Baroqueart is characterized by all of the following emphases except:

the rational and clarity

Europeanscame to question time-honored ideas taught by ancient authorities such asAristotle and Ptolemy for all the following reasons except:

secular ideas

Theoverwhelming majority of the population of Europe was all of the followingexcept:


Inthe seventeenth-century hierarchical world kings, nobles, religious leaders andother people of authority feared the power of


Theseventeenth century has been labeled the Age of


Theone monarch often singled out as the example, par excellence, of a king rulingwith absolute authority is:

Louis XIV of France

Whosaid, “We say that the scriptures are a rule, because they contain all thingsnecessary to faith and salvation, and more things may be found in them thanabsolute necessity requires”?

William Whitaker

Trueor False. Both Roman Catholics andProtestants believed that the teachings of the true church had authority


Allof the following describe traits of the scientific revolution so-called,except:

greater stress upon denominational differencesexasperating religious differences

Whosaid, “We are all citizens of one world, we are all of one blood… Let us havebut one end in view, the welfare of humanity; and let us put aside allselfishness in considerations of language, nationality, or religion”?

Jan Amos Komensky

Whichbattle was a turning point in the struggle between Christian forces and theTurkish Muslim Empire?

The Battle of Lepanto, 1571

Whosaid, “If absolute sovereignty be not necessary in a state, how comes it to beso in a family?... If all men are born free, how is it that all women are bornslaves?”

Mary Astell

Eachof the following statements about reason from a philosophe point of viewis true except:

reason is variable
True or False. Philosophes were united in replacingthe Gospel of Jesus Christ as the light of the world with hope in reason as themeans for establishing peace, prosperity and progress on earth for allhumanity.

Trueor false. According to Immanuel Kant a corecomponent to the Enlightenment was for each person to exercise the cardinalvirtue of courage by using one’s own reason.


Voltairesaid this Enlightenment thinker served as a Moses who led humanity from thecaptivity of ignorance to knowledge of nature as it really is.


Whichof the following has been recognized as the “father of biblical criticism”?


Inhis work The Essay on Human Understanding, Locke attacked Descartes’principle of __________ ideas.


Allof the following may be said of Locke’s understanding of Christianity except:

embraced orthodox doctrine of original sin

Trueor False. In promoting religioustolerance the reformed Protestant Pierre Bayle (d. 1706) argued against thebelief that atheists are incapable of forming a moral society.


Eachof the following is true about Voltaire except:

although an atheist he nonetheless believed welived in the best of all worlds

Thecivil religion that Rousseau describes in The Social Contract may bedescribed by each of the following except:

divine revelation underlies all religions

All of the following are true aboutKing Louis XIV except:

said of the state, “I am the people, and the people are the state” (The state, it is I)
Who said, “Crush theinfamous thing,” meaning the Church and the Christian faith

All of the following maybe said of the Jansenists except

advocates of Ultramontane absolutist loyalty to the papacy

True or false. In 1773 the papacy dissolved the religiousorder of the Society of Jesus, only to reestablish it in 1814.


True or False. The disposition of Gallican Catholicismtended to strengthen the French King’s resolve as well as that of the Frenchbishops to defer to the will of the papacy in all matters, temporal andspiritual.


The 1598 Edict of Nantes permittingreformed Protestant subjects to live in France without doing anything inReligion contrary to their conscience was revoked in what year?


The “Church of the Desert”referred to
Huguenot Protestants

True or False. In 1787 King Louis XIV issued the Edict ofToleration for Protestants


More than any other king beforehim, King Louis XVI tried to impose a Gallican form of Catholicism upon hispeople – whether they were Jansenist, Jesuit, Quietist, Protestant, or other.


Who helped to establish the firstAfrican Protestant church in the New World, contributing to the creation of“Black Christianity in the Atlantic World”?

Rebecca Patten