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75 Cards in this Set

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A scientific conclusion based on knowledge that humans and bacteria share a common genetic language.
Humans and bacteria share a common ancestor.
The aspect of bology that unites all of the diverse fields of bilogy as a single science is...
A newky duscivered multicellulae organism feeds on organic waste sush an organism is a member of the
kingdom fungi
Kingdoms of eukarya consost pri,arily of unicellular orgamisms
Biology is
the study of life
the two main processes that ecosystems depedn upon
Mutrient cycling and energy flow
Most closely associated with darwin is
Natural Selection
Feature is common to
Prokaryotes, fungi, and plants cell walls
The science of biology influincing and changing our culture by helping us eva;uate envioronmental issues and the iimpacts of human actioins by`
revolutionizinf medicine, and agriculture, by providing tools that can be used in forensics
Humans are composed of
Eukaryotic cells
A scientific conclusion based on knowledge that humans and bacteria share a common genetic language.
Humans and bacteria share a common ancestor.
The aspect of bology that unites all of the diverse fields of bilogy as a single science is...
A newky duscivered multicellulae organism feeds on organic waste sush an organism is a member of the
kingdom fungi
Kingdoms of eukarya consost pri,arily of unicellular orgamisms
Biology is
the study of life
the two main processes that ecosystems depedn upon
Mutrient cycling and energy flow
Most closely associated with darwin is
Natural Selection
Feature is common to
Prokaryotes, fungi, and plants cell walls
The science of biology influincing and changing our culture by helping us eva;uate envioronmental issues and the iimpacts of human actioins by`
revolutionizinf medicine, and agriculture, by providing tools that can be used in forensics
Humans are composed of
Eukaryotic cells
Required for natural seelection to e occur
inhreitance, overreprodution , unequal reproductive success, individual variation
Sugar dissolves when stirred in to water
the sugar is the solute, the water is the solvent, and the sweetend water is the solution
THe hydrogens and oxygen of a water m olecule atr hels together by
covalent bonds
An atoms protons are found in its.....
Element zinc is not one of the
four most common elements in living sysstems
Nitrogen has an atomic mumber of 7
therfore it has 5 electrons in its outermost shell
single carbon atom can form a maximum of
4 covalent bonds
the equation
enzymes are
starch is an example of a
Oragnelle chlorplast is responsible for
The two basic types of cells are
Prokayotic an eukayotic
The difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is that
Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus surronded by a membrane, which is lacking in prokaryotic cells
You find a cell of a type you have never seen before the cell has both a nucleus and a cell wall
therefore you can conclude that it must be a plant cell
Cell theory states
That all living things are composed of cells
Genes are carried on
Teh correct sequence of stages fo mitosis is
Prophase, Metaphase,Anaphase,telophase
Sister chromosomes are joined by
Upon completion of tleophase I and Cytokinesis,
There are two haploiid cells
Seek early detection will help prevent
Cancer and increase survival
Homologous chromosomes carry the same
gene sequence
XY is the sex chromosome complement of
the normal human male
Sexual intercourse in humasns allows a
Haploid sperm cell to fertilize a hapoloid egg cell
A true-breeding plant that produces yellow seeds is crossed with a true-breedin plant tht produces green seeds
The f1 plants have yellow seeds the expected phenotypic ratio of seed color of the offspring of an f1*f1cross is 3:1
The best definitions of true breedin plant is
one that self fertilizes to produce offspring identical to the parent
AA x aa crosses will only produce
Heterozygous offspring
Accordinf to mendels pronciple of segregation
gametes have one copy of each allele
THe mating between a pteagreed labrador retriver and a pedigrees german shepard
would prdoduce a hybrid
Mendal crossed true breeding Puple floweered plants with true breeding white flowered plants and they all came out purple
the allele for the purple flower os most dominent
alleles ar described as
alternitive forms of a gene
9:3:3:1 is the expected phentoptypic ratio of the following cross AaBb x AaBb.
iin this example a id dominant to A and B is dom. to b
Locus is the name given to the specific location of a gene in a
In tht absence of limitting factors a pop growth follows an
exponential model
The mas pop size that came be supported by available envior. resouses defines the
carryin capacity
a Pyrimid is the app shape of the age structure diagram of a rapidly increaasing
community is level of ecology concerned with groups of
indivduals of different specoes
Food supply is a factor which operates in a
density dependent manner
A population is
a group od organisms of the same species isolated in space and time
Ecosystems are
a level of ecology which is concerned with both the biotic and abiotic aspects of an enviorment
Oppurtunistic species typically have a
high rate of reproduction
The number fo individuals of a pop per unit ares is the
Pop density
OOrganisms at the most the first trophic level are
Population of two coexsisting species both feed only at the third tropic level
competition relationship my exist between two organisms
Boimass id
the total amount of organic material in an ecosystem
Estuaries are regions where
fresh water and salt water mix
Prokaryotic cell is
a detritivore
producers are ultimitly
responsible for making energy available to the organisms listed here
with regard to the envoirmen as a whole the worst time to apply pesticide on your lwn is
when its raing or about to rain
species found only one place on earth are called
epedemic species
result of increase in global atmospheric temp as little as 2deg. cel
altered reainfall etc...
The single greatest threat threat to boidiversertu is
habitat destrution
the primary goal of conservation biology is th conter the loss of
Human disturbance in a community usually
reduses species diveristy
ddt was once used as
coal is
a source of energy whtch contribues to global warming