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48 Cards in this Set

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false joint- no joint
ball and socket joints
Acetabulofemoral (hip); Glenohumeral (shoulder)
elbow, Interphalangeal (PIP), talocrural (ankle), Metatarsals (toes), knee
ellipsoid or condyloid
radiocarpal (wrist), metacarpophalangeal (MCP- knuckles)
Carpometacarpal (base of thumb)
what is the main muscle, bone, and degrees for protraction of the scapula?
serratus anterior, scapulothoracic joint, no degrees
what is the main muscle and degrees for retraction of the scapula?
middle trapezius, scapulothoracic joint, no degrees
what is the main muscle and degrees for elevation of the scapula?
upper trapezius, no degrees, scapulothoracic joint
what is the main muscle and degrees for depression of the scapula?
lower trapezius, no degrees, scapulothoracic joint
what is the main muscle, main bone, and degrees for flexion of the shoulder?
anterior deltoid, glenohumeral, 0-170 degrees
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for extension of the shoulder?
Latissimus Dorsi, Glenohumeral, 0-60 degrees
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for abduction of the shoulder?
middle deltoid, glenohumeral, 0-170 degrees.
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for adduction of the shoulder
latissimus dorsi, glenohumeral, not measured
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for horizontal abduction of the shoulder?
posterior deltoid, glenohumeral, 0-40 degrees
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for horizontal adduction of the shoulder?
pectoralis major, glenohumeral, 0-130 degrees.
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for External Rotation of the shoulder?
Infraspinatus, glenohumeral, 0-90 degrees.
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for internal rotation of the shoulder?
subscapularis, glenohumeral, 0-70 degrees.
what is the main muscle, and total degrees ROM for flexion of the elbow?
biceps, 0-135-150 degrees.
what is the main muscle, and total degrees ROM for extension of the elbow?
triceps, not measured.
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for supination of the forearm?
supinater, radioulnar, 0-80-90 degrees.
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for pronation of the forearm?
pronater teres, radioulnar, 0-80-90 degrees.
what is the main muscle and total degrees ROM for flexon of the wrist?
flexor carpi radialis, flexi carpi ulnaris, 0-80 degrees
what is the main muscle and total degrees ROM for exension of the wrist?
extensor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, 0-70
what is the main muscle and total degrees ROM for ulnar deviation of the wrist?
extensor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, 0-70 degrees.
what is the main muscle and total degrees ROM for radial deviation of the wrist?
extensor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, 0-20 degrees.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for flexion of the finger?
lumbricales, metacarpophalangeal joint, 0-90 degrees.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for extension of the finger?
extensor digitorum, metacarpophalangeal joint, 0-15-45 degrees.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for abduction of the finger?
interossei dorsales, metacarpophalangeal joint, 0-25.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for adduction of the finger?
interossei palmares, metacarpophalangeal joint. no measurement recorded for degrees.
what is the main muscle and total degrees ROM for flexion of the Interphalangeal joint of the fingers?
flexor digitorum, pip- 0-110
dip 0-80
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for extension of the IP and DIP?
extensor digitorum, not measured.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for flexion of the thumb?
Carpometacarpal joint, flexor pollicis longus.
Mp= flexor pollicis brevis- 0-50
IP= flexor pollicis longus- 0-80-90
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for extension of the thumb?
carpometacarpal joint, abductor pollicis longus.
MP- Extensor Pollicis Brevis
IP- Extensor Pollicis Longus

not measured.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for abduction of the thumb?
carpometacarpal joint, abductor pollicis brevis, 0-50 degrees.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for adduction of the thumb?
abductor pollicis, carpometacarpal joint, not measured.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for opposition of the thumb?
opponens pollicis, carpometacarpal joint, not measured.
what is the main muscle, joint name, and total degrees ROM for flexion of the hip?
rectus femoris, acetabulofemoral, 0-120
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for extension of the hip?
bicep femoris, acetabulofemoral, 0-30
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for abduction of the hip?
gluteus medius, acetabulofemoral, 0-40
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for adduction of the hip?
adductor longus, acetabulofemoral, 0-35
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for internal rotation of the hip?
gluteus minimis, acetabulofemoral, 0-45
what is the main muscle, main bone, and total degrees ROM for external rotation of the hip?
piriformis, acetabulofemoral, 0-45
what is the main muscle, and total degrees ROM for flexion of the knee?
hamstring group, 0-135
what is the main muscle, and total degrees ROM for extension of the knee?
quadricep group, not measured.
what is the main muscle, and total degrees ROM for inversion of the ankle?
tibialis posterior, 0-35
what is the main muscle, and total degrees ROM for eversion of the ankle?
peroneus longus and brevis, 0-20
what is the main muscle, and total degrees ROM for planterflexion of the ankle?
gastrocnemius, 0-50
what is the main muscle, and total degrees ROM for dorsiflexion of the ankle?
tibialis anterior, 0-15