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30 Cards in this Set

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EMS System
Emergency Medical Services system.
emergency medical technician trained to the basic level.
emergency medical technician trained to the intermediate level.
First Responder
a person typically trained to the first-responder level who is likely to be the first person on the scene with emergency care training.
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
under the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2005 National EMS scope of practice model, designation of the level of EMS practitioner that will replace the existing EMT-Intermediate level with the addition of the use of advanced airway devices, monitoring of blood glucose levels, initiation of intravenous and intraosseous infusions, and administration of a select number of medications.
Emergency Medical Responder
under the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2005 National EMS Scope of Practice Model, designation of the level of EMS practitioner that will replace the existing first-responder level.
Emergency Medical Technician
under the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2005 National EMS Scope of Practice Model, designation of the level of EMS practitioner that will replace the existing EMT-Basic level with the addition of advanced oxygen therapy and ventilation equipment, pulse oximetry, use of automatic blood pressure monitoring equipment, and limited medical administration.
emergency medical technician trained to the paramedic level.
under the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2005 National EMS Scope of Practice Model, designation of the level of EMS practitioner that will replace the existing EMT Paramedic level to provide the highest level of prehospital care, including advanced assessments, formation of a field impression, and invasive and drug interventions.
prehospital care
emergency medical treatment given to patients before they are transported to a hospital or other facility. Also called out-of-hospital care.
Americans with Disabilities Act
a federal law passed in 1990 that protect individuals with a documented disability from being denied initial or continued employment based on their disability.
medical direction
medical policies, procedures, and practices that are available to EMS providers either off-line or on-line.
medical director
physician who is legally responsible for the clinical and patient care aspects of an EMS system.
medical oversight
the medical director's broad responsibilities, including all clinical and administrative functions and activities necessary to exercise ultimate responsibility for the emergency care provided by individual personnel and the entire emergency medical services (EMS) system.
off-line medical direction
medical policies, procedures, and practices that medical direction has established in written guidelines
on-line medical direction
direct orders from a physician to a prehospital care provider given by radio or telephone
the policies and procedures for all components of an EMS system. Also called orders or standing orders
standing orders
preauthorized treatment procedures; a type of treatment protocol. See also off-line medical direction, protocols.
quality improvement
a system of internal and external reviews and audits of an EMS system to ensure a high quality of care. Also known as continuous quality improvement (CQI).
a condition resulting from chronic job stress, characterized by a state of irritability and fatigue that can markedly decrease effectiveness
critical incident
any situation that causes unusually strong emotions that interfere with the ability to function
critical incident stress debriefing
a session usually held within 24 to 72 hours of a critical incident, where a team of peer counselors and mental health professionals help emergency service personnel work through the emotions that normally follow a critical incident.
a session held prior to a critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) for emergency service personnel most directly involved to provide an opportunity to vent emotions and get information before the CISD>
microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses that cause disease
body substance isolation
see standard precautions
personal protective equipment
equipment worn to protect against injury and spreading infectious disease
standard precautions
a method of preventing infection y disease organisms based on the premise that all blood and body fluids are infections. Formerly called body substance isolation.
the process of washing a soiled object with soap and water
in addition to cleaning, this process involves using a disinfectant such as alcohol or bleach to kill many of the microorganisms that may be present on the surface of an object
purified protein derivative tuberculin test
a test to determine the presence of a tuberculosis infection based on a person's positive reaction to tuberculin, a substance prepared from the tubercle bacillus.