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78 Cards in this Set

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FAS characterized by
growth retardation
short palpebralfisures
mide face hypoplasia
smooth or short philtrum
thinner upper lip
CNS malformations
attention def
learning disabilities
inteelectual deficits
5 stable personality traits
opennes to experience
social smile
16 weeks
end of baby talk
5 years
kohlberg concepts of morality in adolescents
pre-conventional ( obedience to parents)
conventional-role conformity (gain approval to maintain relationship)
self-accepted principles (comply with rules on the basis of ethical principles)
circadian influences arises from
suprachiasmiatic nucleus
pontine reticular formation
basal ganglia include
substantia nigra
the subthalamic nucleus
caudate nucleus
globus pallidus

lentiform nucleus (putamen and globus pallidus)
corpus striatum (putamen, caudate and globus palidus)
SZP neuroimaging findings
MRI:decreased size of hypocampus, amygdala and parahypocampul gyrus
lack of glial cells
10-15% reduccion in overal size of temporal lobe
reduction of cortical areeas (frontal, parietal and thalamus)
PET: decreased preforntal cerebral blood flow and temporal lobe limbic region was hyperactive
brain imagin in HD
enlarged ventricules and atrophy of caudate and putamen
hemiballismus is caused by
lession in the subthalamic nucleu
brain changes in alcohol dependence
generalized reductions in brain mass by decreasing in cortical gray and white matter and increased of CSF volume in ventricules mainly lateral.
drug abuse that can be tested in urine times
cocaine: 6-8 h (metabolite 2-4d)
THC: 3d to 4 weeks
amphetamines: 48h
BZD: 3 days
ALcohol: 7-12h
barbiturics 2-4 h (s.acting) 3 weeks (l.acting)
heroine: 36-72h
codeine: 48h
methadone: 3days
morphine: 48-72h
PCP: 8 days
panic attacks triggered by sodium lactate are inhibited by
BZD not by Bblockers.
haptic hallucinations
involves touch (formication0
chromosomes commonly associated with SZP
5,11,12 (long arms)
6,8,9 ( short arms)
x chromosome
chromosomes commonly associated with AD and pick's disease
AD: 1,14,21
pick: 17
FTD are
primary progressive aphasia
croticobasal degeenration
semantic dementia
pick's disease
what is cenesthetic hallucination
a sensation of an altered state in a body organ w/o any special receptor apparatus to explain the sensation. eg. burning sensation in the brain
MRI finding in SZP
decreases volume in the limbic system
increased vol in basal ganlia
decreased cortical grey matter
cataplexy is seen in?
catalepsy is seen in?
sleep antidepresant effects has been linked with
total sleep deprivation
slevtice REM sleep deprivation
sleep deprivation in the last half of the night.
sleep changes in patients with depression
shortened of REM sleep latency
increased porcentage of REM sleep (>25%)
shift in REM distribution occurring in the first half of the night.
sleep patterns changes over life span
in neonatal period REM sleep occurs > 50% of total sleep and goes from alert to REM state. no stages 1 to 4
in young adulthood: REM sleep occurs 25%
elderly: increase sleep latency
incidence of noctural myoclonus increases
total average of dayle sleep increases
pts with PLM sleep about one hour less
death rates occurs more in people who sleep longer than 9 hours or shorter than 5 hours.
BZD changes in sleep
reducdes SWS and reduce REM sleep. increases eeg beta and sleep spindle activity
REM sleep changes
decreased cardiac output
increases cerebral glucose metabolism
resporatot\ry rate is variable
increases brain temperature
increases HR and BP
poikilothermic condition
near body paralysis
temperament traits
harm avoidance
novelty seeking
reward dependence
smooth pursuit eye movements is often seen in X PD?
high levels of testosterone, 17 stradion and estrone is seen in which PD?
impulsive (cluster B)
low MAO levels have been seen in which PD?
Slow wave activity seen in which PD?
low levels of 5HIAA are low in person who
are impiulvie agressive and attempt suicide
women with fragile x syndrome are diagnosed with this type of PD
personality cluster correspond to normal temperament traits:
harm avoidance: cluster C
novelty seeking: cluster B
reward dependence: Cluster A
incidence of Sz with buproprion
0.05% at 300 mg dose
0.1% at 400 mg dose
common S/e with bupropion
HA, tremor,dry mouth, nausea, and insomnia
drug to treat RLS
Dopamine antagonist: ROPINIROLE
mechanism of action of clonidine
alpha 2 adrenergic receptor agonist resulting in a decreased of NE released from the presynaptic nerve terminals
S/E of clonidine
sedation,bradycardia, hypotension, fatigue, dry mouth, constipation, nausea and dizziness
Sildenafil mechanism of action
Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitor. known to be a nitic oxide enhancer, whihc increase the snythesis of cGMPcausing smooth muscle relaxation in the the corpus cavernosun allowing blood to flow into the penis reulting in turgidity and tumescence.
drug to treat urinary retention secondary to anticholinergic S/E
BEthanechol 25-50 mg TID to QID
causes of lithium toxicity
low salt diet
ACE inhibitors
renal insufficiency
why MAOI and lithium can't be used together?
risk for Serotonin syndrome
drugs used in the treatment of sexual dysfuntion caused by SSRI?
alcium channel blocker has been beneficial in whcih psych disorder?
Tourette's disorder
% of patient developing benign rash in the first 4 months of treatment with lamotrigine?
serious rash: 0.08-0.13%
name 6 drugs that are induced by CBZ
due to inhibiton of CYP 3A4 nefazadone,grapefruit juice, cisapride and flouxetine should not be used with
terfenadine, CBZ, alprazolam, astemizole, and triazolam
due to inhibiton of 2c9/10 and 2C19 fluoxetine and sertraline should not be use with respectively?
dilantin and tolbutamide.
drugs not to used with clozapine
dose of flumazenil for the treatment of BZD overdose
initial dose 0.2 mg Iv over 30 sec
most people respond to accumulative dose of 1 to 3 mg.
it may precipitate seizure
what is median effective dose and what is median toxic dose.
median affective dose is the dose at which 50% people have a specific therapeutic effect
median toxic dose is the dose at which 50% patients experience a specific toxic effect
what is therapeutic index
relative measuere of the toxicity or sagety o a drug and is defined as theration of the median toxic dose to the median effective dose.
potential adverse effects caused by blockade of muscarinic acetylcholine rerecptors
blurred vision
urinary retention
dry mouth
retrograde eyaculation
decreased sweating
exacerbation of asthma
memory problems
narow angle glaucoma
sinus tachycardia
name 2 drugs that increased valproate levels and two that decreased it
increased by aspirin and fluoxetine
decreased by CBZ and OCP
difference between BZD and zoplicone
it does not have the muscle relaxant effect seen with BZD.. but it is a hypnotic that act at the GABA-BZd complex.
four indication for the use of dantrolene
serotonin syndrome
malignant hyperthermia
clozapine acts in which receptors
blockade of D1, D3. D4, 5-HT2, H1 and alpha1 noradrenergic receptors.
ADHD neuroimaging changes
reduced perfussion in bilateral frontal areas in PET scan
increased perfusion in prefrontal, striatal, thalamus regions in response to methylphenidate administration on PET
dorsal ant cingulate cortex dysfuntion on funtional MRI
abnormalities in frontal-striatal brain on various imaging techniques
concordance rates of ADHD for monozygotic and dizygotic twins respectivelt
51-81% and 29-33%
neurobiochemical abnormalities in autistic disorder
grand mal sz
ventricular enlargement on CT
EEG abnormalities
increased total brain volume
prader willi syndrome
chromosome deletion 15
hypotonia, feeding difficulties
food seeking
food hoarding
temper tantums,
excessive daytime sleepiness
emotional lability
FAS physical and cognitive sx
thin upper lip
midface hypoplasia
short palpebral fisure
smooth philtrum
short stature
mild to mod MR
Describer Cloninger psychobiological model of personality
personality made up of 50% temperament and 50% character.
1. Harm avoidance
2. Novelty seeking
3. Persistence
4. Reward dependence

1. self-directedness
2. Cooperativeness
3. self-transcendence
5 dimension of personality (OCEAN)
anxiety psychodynamic developmental hierarchy
from lowest to hightest:
1. desintegration anxiety
2. persecutory anxiety
3. fear of a loss object
4. fear of loss of love
5. castration anxiety
6. superego anxiety
PTSD neuroanatomical changes
deecreased hypocampal volume ans structural amygdala changes
decreased broca area and
activation of amygdala in flashbacks
marked right hemisphery lateralization
neurochemical findings in PTSD
increased urine chatecolamines
increased opioid receptor
decreased 5HT
dec resting GC levels
hyporessponsiveness to DSTY
platelet alpha 2 and lymptphocyte beta adrenergic receptor downregualtion
alcohol and substace use scales
CAGE questionnaire
AUDIT ( alcohol use disorder identification test)
MAST (Michigan alcohol screening test)
CIWA (clinical institute withdrwal assessment for alcohol)
Cloninger's 2 subtypes of alcoholism
Type I ( mileu limited) more females. environmental reaactivity. low criminality. lownovelty seeking and high harm avoidance
Type II ( male limited) early onset. less dependent inenvironemnt. more criminality. high novelty seeking, low harm avoidance. hx of alcohol in family. ASPD
scores ranges in HAMD 21Q
0-7 no dep
8-13 mild dep
14-18 mod dep
19-22 sev dep
>23 very severe dep
rating for MDQ
3 questions;
1 Qs has 13 items. +.7/13
2 Qs yes (all at the same time)
3Qs at least moderate problems
YMRS scoring
clinical rated
<13 no sx
13-19 minimal sev
20-25 mild
> 26-37 mod
>38 severe
heritability of mood disorders
10-25%=1 parent
20-50%= both parents
70-90%= MZ
4-24% 1st degree relative
Chromosome associated with MDD and BAD
MDD= CREB (chr 2) serotonine trasnporter
BAD= Chr 18 and 22

18 is also associted with panic
Assessment questionnaire to diagnose delirium?
CAM ( confusion assessment method questionnaire)
1. acute onset and fluctuating course
2. inattention
3. disorganized thinking
4. altered level of consciousness

the diagnosis requires 1 and 3 and either 3 or 4
cognitive changes with aging
sensory motor slowing
decreased in adquisition and retrieval of new information
problem solving abilities
fuild abilities
speech comprenhension
cognitive funtions preserve with aging
short term recall
cristlized abilities of knowledges and social skills
terciary memory