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101 Cards in this Set

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The highest level of prehospital care is a?
Paramedics are concerned primarily with?
The best interests of their patients.
Paramedics who work closely with medical direction to care for pt's in their homes and emergency scenes without transport provide______ care?
Which of the following best describes a comprehensive network of personel, equipment and resources established to deliver aid and emegency medical care to the community?
EMS System
The process by which a governmental agency grants permission to engage in a given occupation to an applicant who has attained the degree of competency required to ensure the public's protection is called?
Water accounts for __ percentage of total body weight?
Entering a person's name and essential information in a particular record maintained by an organization is best described as?
A properly trained or licensed provider of health service to patients, such as a paramedic, is
Health Care Professional
The organ system that virtually controls all body functions is?
Nervous system
All of the following are among the body's four major elements except?
The rules or standards that govern the conduct of members of a praticular group or profession are?
An ion with a positive charge is called a?
The natural tendency of a body to maintain a steady and normal internal environment is known as?
When solutions on opposite sides of a semipermeable membrane are equal in concentration they are said to be?
The principal buffer of the body is?
A high concentration of hydrogen ions is referred to as?
The established policies and procedures of an EMS system that provide a standardized approach to the common patient problems and a consistent level of medical care are known as?
A classic sign of a bacterial infection is the increase in the number of?
Red bloods cells make up ____ percentage of whole blood volume?
Which of the following statements about immunity is true?
Lymphocytes are the primary cells involved in the immune response
All of the following provide some type of protection function for the brain except the?
The layer of the skin that contains the nerve endings is?
The area where cartligage is generated during bone growth in childhood is?
epiphyseal plate
The largest portion of the brain, which provides for conciousness and higher mental functions, is the?
The knee is an example of a modified?
Hinge joint
The smoker who takes supplemental vitamin K would be expected to have?
enhanced clotting ability
The skeletal muscles that provide the ability for voluntary movement are controlled by the?
Somatic Nervous system
In most states, which of the following processes grants EMS personnel the authority to practice in a given state under the license of a physician medical director?
The nerve that controls pupil dilation and most of the eye's travel through it's normal range of motion is the?
Oclomotor Nerve
The connective tissue that connects bone to bone is the?
Normal exhalahtion involves all of the following except?
Nervous stimulation of the phrenic nerve
The spinal cord is continuous from the brain to the level of the?
How many bones make of the vertebral column?
Normal inspiration involves all of the following except?
Contraction of the internal innercoastal muscle
The central area in the thorax that contains the heart, great vessels, trachea, esphagus is the?
The brain receives what percentage of the body's total blood flow per minute?
The portion of the brain that governs all sensory and motor actions is?
Which neurotransmitter is found in the synaptic terminals of the sympathetic nerves?
The portion of the brain that is responsible for the fine motor movement, posture and equilibrium is the?
Reflex pathways are mediated by the?
spinal cord
The central nervous system is made up of the?
Brain and spinal cord
The predominant effect of a drug with primarly alpha properties is which of the following?
Which of the following organs stimulates the production of glycogen?
What is the sypathetic receptor that prevents the over release of norepinephrine in the synapse?
Alpha 2
Which hormone causes uterine contraction and lactaction?
The heart's innermost layer is called the?
#47 Beta Blockers generally have which of the following effects?
Decreased myocardial contractility
Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) is secreted by the?
The chemical neurotransmitter for the sypathetic neurvous system is?
After blood circulates through the lungs and becomes oxygenated, it returns to the left atrium via the?
Pulmonary veins
Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system results in all of the following except?
constriction of blood vessels in the skin
In which of the following organs do the cells have the greatest capacity for storing glycogen?
Parasympathetic innervation of the heart occurs in the?
Vagus nerve
Which of the following is the BEST mathematical equation for understanding blood pressure?
blood pressure = (stroke volume x Heart Rate) x peripheral vascular resistance
The cerebral perfusion pressure is represented by which of the following equations
#56 Stroke volume x Heart Rate x Peripheral Vascular resistance =
Blood pressure
Which of the following is the "Gatekeeper" that slows the depolarization impulse and allows the ventricles time to fill?
AV Junction
All of the following comprise the upper airway except?
How many teeth are found in a healthy adult?
All of the following comprise the lower airway except?
The lip-like opening between the vocal cords is the?
An anatomical difference between adult and pediatric airways is that in a child the?
Jaw is smaller and the tongue is relatively larger
Surfactant's purpose in the alveoli is to:
Decrease the surface tension of the alveoli, allowing them to stay open
Which of the following is not a structure of the upper airway?
The leaf shaped cartilage that prevents food from entering the respiratory tract during swallowing is called the?
The pulmonary veins transport?
oxygenated blood
The bifurcation of the trachea is called?
The terminal (functional) unit of the respiratory tree is called
The mechanical process that moves air into and out of the lungs is known as?
The concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is?
Which of the following is expressed as the heart rate multiplied by the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle during systole?
Cardiac Output
When oxygen is combined with hemoglobin, it is measured as?
Oxygen Saturation
The exchange of gases between a living organism and its environment is called?
Which of the following can effect oxygen concentration in the blood?
All the above (pulmonary edema, ventilation/perfusion mismatch, decreased hemglobin concentration)
75 Accumulation of blood (or fluid) in the pleural cavity is known as a;
The normal respiratory rate for an infant is?
All of the following increase a person's respiratory rate except
The movement of gas from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is known as:
Control of the rate of a person's respiration is
Both voluntary and involuntary
The amount of gas inhaled and exhaled in one minute is called the
Minute volume
Pain in the right upper quadrant may be related to any of the following organs EXCEPT the
The process by which an agency in one state grants automatic certification or licensing to a paramedic who is certified or licensed by an agency in another state is called?
The structure that filters blood into a nephron is the
WHich of the following sequences correctly follows the passage of a food bolus through the alimentary canal?
Mouth, Esophagus, stomach, small bowel, large bowel,rectum,anus
The average tidal volume of a 70kg male is _____ ML.
Which of the following best describes the body's reaction to exposure to or invasion by antigens?
Immune response
The structure in the kidney that forms urine is the
One of the body's anatomical barriers to injection and injury is/are
_____ is a hormone produced by the kidney cells that stimulates the maturation of red blood cells
Which of the following best describes an antibody?
A substance produced by B lymphocytes that binds with an antigen
B lymphocytes are primarily responsible for:
producing antibodies
A pt is given antibody therapy in the hospital as a result of an infection. This therapy is an example of:
Passive acquired immunity
Hypoperfusion results in
All the above.
Carbon dioxide retention
You are presented with a patient displaying urticaria, dyspnea, hypotension, nausea, vomitting and dizziness. This pt is MOST likely suffering from which type of hypersensitivity reaction?
Type I
The diffusion pattern of water in which water molecules move to equalize concentration on both sides of a semipermeable membrane is known as:
Your pt is presenting with rapid onset hypotension, tacyycardia, and absent radial pulses. Which type of shock is least likely to be the cause
Which of the following is NOT one of the bodys three chief lines of defense against infection and injury?
Homeopathic secretions
One of the goals of antiviral therapy is to
Destroy the infected host cell
An infants respiratory rate generally is too fast to sustain adequate tidal volume when the rate is over ___ breaths per minute
T lymphocytes are primarily responsible for
Directly attacking antigens
Allergy, autoimmunity and isoimmunity are types of