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42 Cards in this Set

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Tyoe I fibers have high _______ capacity whereas Type 11 fibers have high _______ capacity.
oxidative, glycolytic
A motor unit is composed of an _______ ________ neuron and a GROUP of _______ _______.
alpha motor, muscle fibers
The two neural mechanisms responsible of force gradations are ____ _____ and _______.
rate coding, recruitment
Rate coding implies ________ summation, which allows for increased firing rates in motor units.
Recruitment implies ______ summation, which allows for an increase in number of motor units.
_______ recruitment refers to the gradual recruitment of ____ motor units.
Orderly, four
Length-tension relationship refers to the optimal _______ length = optimal _______.
sarcomere, overlap
The speed-force relationship explains that as a muscle ________ faster, the _____ development decreases.
contracts, force
The speed-force relationship explains that as a muscle _______ faster, maximal ____ increases.
All fibers in a _____ unit develop force in response to an ______ _________.
motor, action potential
The ____________ side of the membrane is positive.
The __________ side of the membrane is negative.
The resting membrane potential is -__mV.
The Sodium-Potassium pump uses ___ to move 3 ________ ions and 2 ________ ions.
ATP, sodium, potassium
The threshold for an action potential is -__mV.
Once an action potential threshold is reached, voltage-gated __ channels open and allows __ to _____ the cell.
Na+, Na+, enter
After depolarization from rapid Na+ entry, __ channels close and slower __ channels open to allow __ to move into the _____________ fluid.
Na+, K+, K+, extracelluar
The Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO) is located at the origins and insertions of _________ _________ fibers into the ________ of skeletal muscles.
skeletal muscle, tendons
The major function of the ________ ________ ________ is to sense muscle tension when a muscle is contracted, sending signals to the brain about how much force is being exerted and where.
Golgi Tendon Organ
________ _________ are found within the belly of muscle.
Muscle spindles
The primary function of muscle spindles are to ________
detect changes in the length of the muscle.
The stretch reflex is caused by what specialized muscle fiber?
muscle spindles
The Primary Motor Cortex controls ___ and _______ muscle movement.
fine, discrete
Of the Primary Motor Cortex, the frontal lobe contains _________ _____ and the premotor cortex controls ________ motor skills.
pyramidal cells, learned
The basal ganglia is important in initiating movement of a ________ and ________ nature.
sustained, repetitive
The Cerebellum controls _____ and ________ muscular activity. It "______" movements.
rapid, complex, smooths
ATP can be recycled thanks to ___ during the first 3-15 seconds of maximal exercise.
The Glycolytic System breaks down _______ via ________ and yields __ - __ mol ATP
glucose, glycolysis, 2, 3
The Oxidative System yields ___ - ___ ATP per 1 glucose molecule and around ___ ATP per 1 FFA.
32, 33, 100
The ________ ________ occurs in the mitochondria.
oxidative system
A marathon warrants the use of _______ ______ as fuel.
fatty acids
The primary energy source of a 200m race is ____.
The primary energy source of an ____m race is anaerobic glycolysis.
Aerobic metabolism is the primary energy source for races longer than _____m.
The two types of hormones are _______ and non-_______.
steroid, steroid
Hormone secretion is regulated by _________ feedback and is secreted in bursts (________).
negative, pulsatile
Hormone receptors are _________, meaning they adjust numbers based on up-regulation and down-regulation.
Sweating causes loss of blood plasma which results in increased __________.
Increased blood osmolarity stimulates osmoreceptors in the ____________, which causes the _________ pituitary gland to secrete ADH.
hypothalamus, posterior
ADH causes the ________ to increase re-absorption of water.
The RAS is a ________ system that regulates ______ __________ and _______ balance.
hormone, blood pressure, water
______ is secreted by the kidney once they sense low blood pressure caused by dehydration.