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45 Cards in this Set

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What were the 4 elements of IAQ?
• Sources of contamination or discomfort
• Pathways
• Occupants
What are the 3 elements of disease
- biological agents
- host
- environment
What are the main modes of infectious disease transmission
• Airborne and Droplet
• Contact Transmission-direct and indirect
• Vector borne-insect bites
How does alcohol consumption affect the body’s response to benzene exposure
• Alcohol may potentiate those effects of benzene that depend of metabolism.
What is the primary target organ for benzene
• Bone Marrow
What are the two benzene diseases of greatest concern
• Leukemia and aplastic anemia
Intrinsically Hepatotoxic Agent
Injures the hepatocyte or interferes with metabolism
True or False: Many agents only cause liver disease after bioactivation by hepatic enzymes.
True or False: Liver is particularly susceptible to synergistic effects of multiple hepatotoxins
common hepatic disorders
• hepatitis- inflammation of the liver
• Cirrhosis - death of liver cells
• Fatty liver disease - a buildup of fat in hepatocytes from exposure to chemicals like toluene or alcohol consumption
what are the 2 known causes of angiosarcoma?
• Vinyl Chloride and arsenic
which cause of angiosarcoma is the most common?
- vinyl chloride
How do we protect the worker from hepatic illness
• Pre placement screening – Identify factors that could make the worker more susceptible to hepatotoxin exposure.

• Hierarchy of Controls
- Engineering controls
- Administrative controls
Give two reasons why the kidney is a target organ for so many toxic chemical compounds
• Excessive blood flow
• Major role of elimination
why is there no etiologic information for most end-stage renal disorders (ESRD)?
• Exposures go unnoticed
• few recognizable acute symptoms,
• long lag period between exposure and onset of illness.
What are two major types of chronic renal disease
• Glomerulonephritis

• Tubulointerstital nephritis
primary health effect from cadmium exposure
• Progressive renal tubular dysfunction. (Kidney damage)
How does Cd enter the food chain
• Soil uptake by grains.
• Due to high levels in groundwater
Be able to understand and use the heat balance equation
• WBGT = 0.7 Tnwb + 0.3 Tgt

• WBGT = 0.7 Tnwb + 0.2 Tgt + 0.1 Tdb
How do we control metabolic heat loading
• Use a mechanical or automated device to reduce the physical workload
• The biological process throught which our bodies adapt to the environment basically getting used to the heat
If the wet bulb temperature is significantly lower than the dry bulb reading, then relative humidity (RH) is high, low, or neither
List the two types of disorders (outcomes) of concern from occupational reproductive toxins
• Reproductive Hazard: reduces ability to conceive

• Development Hazard: causes birth defects
• Agents that attack the fetus
What is the problem with endocrine disrupters
• Certain chemicals can mimic sex steroids like estrogen.
• Women going through puberty at a earlier stage.
Explain why reproductive occupational exposure is only relevant during a specific time window.
• Some toxins generally target specific organs that may not have developed yet in the fetus.
• Still can kill the egg though
3 reasons why there has been a reduction in occupational reproductive health disorders
• substituting with less toxic chemicals
• reducing exposures to chemicals
• Dirty jobs are outsourced
What is challenging about the study of occupational reproductive health disorders?
• Only about 4000 of 84000 chemicals in the workplace were tested for reproductive toxicity
• Limited information is available on levels of chemical exposures
• Effects of multiple exposures and complex work environments limit ability to establish causation.
one example of a teratogenic agent
What 3 factors help in establishing a link between occupational exposure & neurological disease?
• clear dose response
• strong temporal relationship- symptoms usually disappear once toxin is eliminated
• bilateral response
What 3 factors complicate establishing a causative link between an occupational toxin & neurological disease?
• Neurons can regenerate but severe damage is irreversible
• Multiple symptoms may result from a single toxin
• Neurotoxic symptoms may be similar to those from other causes: psychiatric, metabolic, neoplastic or other
List at least 2 heavy metals that are neurotoxic
- aluminum
- zinc
What class of insecticides is a noted peripheral neurotoxin?
What was the causative agent in the “case of the confused 67 year old?”
Methylene Chloride
How did the patient become confused? (What did the chemical do to him?)
his brain was starved of oxygen
What is the primary biological effect of exposure to Stoddard solvent?
• it attacks the CNS, traveling through the blood/brain barrier
• Person gets a high then is depressed after
How do we link Stoddard exposure to health effects?
• clinical research (medical history and work history)
• temporal association
• Superfund (sites or sources of exposure)
• Research ( dose estimates and what enhances the effects)
Is there one BEI test for Stoddard exposure? If not, why not?
No, stoddard is a mix of chemicals.
what is meant by occupational nursing Case Management?
Provide cost-effective care while minimizing disability, pain and suffering
Host Idiosyncratic Toxicity
liver damage is in low doses. usually referred to as an allergic reaction.
what is the substance that causes jaundice?
what is the primary health effect from Cd exposure?
kidney damage. progressive renal tubular dysfunction.
what is challenging about the study of occupational reproductive health disorders?
1) limited info is available on levels of chemical exposure
2) not all chemicals have been tested for reproductive toxicity
3) effects of multiple exposures and complex work environments make it difficult to est. causation
3 factors that help in establishing a link btwn occ exposure and neurological disease
1) dose-response
2) bilateral response
3) temporal relationship
3 factors that complicate establishing a causative link btwn occ toxin and neurological disease
1) multiple symptoms can result from a single toxin
2) symptoms can be similar to other causes
3) neurons can regenerate but severe damage is irreversible