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23 Cards in this Set

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he was born circa 1580, near Plymouth, Massachusetts. In 1614, he was kidnapped by English explorer Thomas Hunt, who brought him to Spain. Luckily, he was rescued by Spanish friars and found his way to England. After his new boss sent him on an expedition, he returned to the Patuxet region, where he became an interpreter and guide to pilgrims.
John Smith
colonist who landed in Virginia in 1607. He imposed a regime of forced labor on company lands. Was saved my Pocahontas from her dad
Anne Hutchinson
Quaker who held meetings in her home about not needing to go to church to go to heaven
name by settlers; captured John Smith but was rescued by Pocahontas; Ruled over six Powhatan tribes in the Richmond, Virginia, area
John Calvin
French born Swiss theologian who believed no one was destined to be saved. Living a good life and prospering economically might be indicators of God's grace
Roger Williams
wants separation from church and state. Banished from Massachusetts and establishes Rhode Island
Cecilius Calvert
in charge of Maryland- he guaranteed colonists "all privileges, franchises, and liberties" of Englishmen
John Winthrop
the Massachusetts Bay Company obtained a royal charter to plant a colony in New England, he joined the company, pledging to sell his English estate and take his family to Massachusetts if the company government and charter were also transferred to America. The other members agreed to these terms and elected him governor. two kinds of liberties: moral and natural pg 54
daughter of Powhatan, saved John Smith
Walter Raleigh
led a fleet of five ships with 100 colonists to set up a base on Roanoke Island, but was then abandoned gave up trying
Virginia Company
company who awarded 50 acres of land to anyone who paid their passage and who brought a sizable number of servants
Act Concerning Religion
Maryland adopted in 1649. All Christians were guaranteed "free exercise" of religion. Brought political stability in Maryland
those settled in Plymouth Colony, some becoming Separists; Puritans emigrated to New England in search of liberty. The first Puritans to emigrate to America were the Pilgrims
Virginia and Maryland made which developed a demand of cheap labor; King James I considered tobacco unhealthy, but increasing numbers of Europeans enjoyed smoking
Mayflower Compact
adult men going ashore agreed to obey "just and equal laws" enacted by representatives of their own choosing
headright system
colonists in Virginia were given two tracts of 50 acres each. New settlers were granted 1 headright. Wealthy ones could accumulate headrights by paying for the passage of poor individuals
Anne Hutchinson's followers. They held the spirit that the spirit of God dwelled within every individual, not just the elect and that this "inner light" rather than the Bible or teachings of the clergy, offered the surest guidance in Spiritual teachings. They believed they didn't need to go to church or be religious to go to heaven
indentured servants
2/3 of English settlers. those who surrendered their freedom for a specified time for passage to America. They were rewarded land after the specified time
House of Burgesses
first elected assembly of 22 members, the governor who was appointed by officials in London, 6 prominent citizens selected by the governor, and burgesses that made laws. Virginia House of Burgesses decided the fate of colonists
Half-Way Convenant
of 1662. tried to address religious problems allowing baptism of and a kind of "half-way" membership for grandchildren of those emigrated during the Great Migration, but church membership continued to stagnate; that allowed the children of baptized but unconverted church members to be baptized and thus become church members and have political rights.
Magna Carta
(or Great Charter) of 1215. An agreement between King John and a group of barons, it listed a series of liberties granted by the king. Protection against arbitrary imprisonment and the seizure of one's property without due process of law
history's first political movement. Offered a glimpse of the modern definition of freedom as a universal entitlement in a society based on equal rights, not a function of social class, advocated republicanism, freedom of worship, etc.
English Civil War
struggle for political supremacy between Parliament and the Stuart monarchs, James I and Charles I. Civil War in 1642, victory for Parliament, Charles I beheaded, monarchy abolished, nation resulting government by the will of people. Oliver Cromwell ruled