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160 Cards in this Set

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Anoxic and hypoxic damage to the brain is secondary to:

conditions that affect the cardiac and respiratory systems

deficient oxygen supply can occur from (2):

deficient perfusion of blood to the brain

reduced amount or concentration of oxygen in the blood

factors which may complicate patterns of neuropathology and cognitive dysfunction due to hypoxic/ischemic conditions:

broad range of conditions that can cause H/I damage

multisystem complications that occur and can exacerbate encephalopathy

cognitive impairment from milder H/I states may not always be recognized in hospital setting

methodology and operational definitions of key terms such as hypoxia vary across studies

partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) in health adults at sea level:

95-100 mm Hg

Result of arterial oxygen level dropping:

complex cognitive processes such as memory and judgment become impaired

homeostatic protective mechanisms are triggered when PaO2 is disrupted within these parameters:

increasing cerebral blood flow up to as much as 400%

autoregulartory response to a reduction or loss of perfusion pressure can involve dilation of blood vessels to maintain flow

the brain is highly dependent on
consistent supply of blood, O2, and glucose and
consumes those at levels disproportionate to its
mass in other parts of the body
beyond a certain point, protective measures are
insufficient to prevent certain CNS injury
the brain depletes energy sources within several
minutes of onset of complete ischemia, although
conditions like hypothermia can extend that
neuropathological changes from
hypoxia/ischemia are consistent with the
mechanism of insult–
brain regions with high metabolic demands and
those at the distal end of cerebral arteries (in
particular, watershed regions) are more
brain regions that show high vulnerability to
neocortex (layers 3,5,6)
hippocampus (pyramidal cells in CA1)
Basal ganglia (striatum, globus pallidus)
cerebellar regions (Purkinje cells)
visual cortex
neuroimaging also shows time dependent
vulnerability to damage in specific regions
lesions often evolve over weeks or months
early neuroimaging
is variable, sometimes showing loss of
distinction btwn white and gray matter in the
cortex, but also often appearing normal

basal ganglia and neocortex regions may show
damage on neuroimaging soon after onset

hippocampal damage may not be evident on
neuroimaging for days or weeks

diffuse atrophy may appear chronically but is
not expected acutely

white matter tracts are generally preserved in
hypoxia/ischemia but are vulnerable to carbon
monoxide poisoning
hippocampal damage historically a hallmark of
hypoxic damage, but reviews of published cases
w neuroimaging data shows

1. hippocampal damage is freq not noted

2. when damage is visible, it usually is present in
multiple brain regions

one review showed that watershed cortex and
the basal ganglia were both more frequently
damaged than the hippocampus

the hippocampus was the sole affected structure
in only
18% of reported cases
hypoxia/ischemia triggers a cascade of neuronal
cell processes that are multifaceted, time dependent, and neurotoxic

most energy required from neurons is derived
from hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate

the brain has no inherent energy stores (in
contrast to other tissue) and thus is critically
dependent on uninterrupted flow of O2 and

a sudden loss of cerebral perfusion or
anoxia/hypoxia causes a critical shortage of the
O2 and glucose supply to neurons, and if not
rapidly reversed, initiates processes that result
in neuronal death

a series of secondary toxic processes is also
sodium and calcium pumps fail, resulting in
depolarization of the neuronal membrane and
release of excessive levels of glutamate

glutamate is the most common excitatory
neurotransmitter, but at excessive levels it
becomes excitotoxic to neurons

a further series of toxic events are triggered
that involve lactic acidosis from anaerobic
metabolism, cytotoxic edema, free cell radical
production, and others

necrosis and apoptosis become factors as the
pathology evolves
even if the causal condition is addressed and
circulation is restored, cerebral circulation may
not respond effectively
for reasons that are not well understood but that
may involve edema preventing reflow to small
vessels, as well as an inability to remove toxic
metabolites that have accumulated
carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning shows many of
the same effects as other forms of
hypoxia/ischemia but there are some notable
differences in the pathological processes
– CO has a high affinity for binding with
hemoglobin, forming carboxyhemoglobin

the effect displaced O2 binding sites in red
blood cells, resulting in hypoxia and acidosis

once carboxyhemoglobin rises above 20–30%
of total hemoglobin in the blood, acute effects
are seen

levels above 50% cause coma and severe CNS

not clear whether CO is directly toxic to
neurons, and he most sig effects are very
similar to what is seen following cardiac arrest

CO poisoning often results in delayed
neurologic deterioration, which may occur 1–2
weeks after exposure

Basal ganglia damage is common, contributing
to the extrapyramidal features often seen
following severe Co poisoning

hippocampal and general brain atrophy ( as
measures by ventricle to brain ratio) may be
seen months following injury

NP deficits may be seen in attn., inform
processing, EF, verbal and non verbal memory
CO is a
gas that is present naturally but also results from
a combustion of man made fuel (gasoline engine
and furnace exhaust)
not clear, milder cases often unrecognized in a
hospital setting
determinants of severity
effects vary based on the nature of the
underlying condition that produced the
disruption in O2 supply and how rapidly the
pathological process can be reversed.
if hypoxia is not severe enough to disrupt
CNS damage is unlikely
mild hypoxia that does not lead to LOC (like high
altitude climbing)
may induce mild cognitive and motor impairment
not expected to have lasting effects, though
some studies suggest a possible persistence of
mild changes
most severe cases
result from sudden cardiac arrest or acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
occurs very rapidly. when the brain is deprived of
O2 for several minutes, damage progresses
rapidly and if the underlying cause is not quickly
reversed, brain death or a persistent minimally
responsive state may result
those who emerge from prolonged coma
typically have lasting cognitive and functional
disability (varying degree of dementia) and may
show extrapyramidal syndromes like
rapid resuscitation efforts
may prevent escalation to permanent damage
examples include emphysema, neuromuscular
weakness, fibrosing lung disease

results in persistent respiratory acidosis with
reduced arterial O2 sat and elevated carbon

cog deficits may not occur in mild cases that do
not produce persistent hypoxia

severe COPD often results in cog impairment,
lower scores on objective measures compared
to less severely affected indiv.

positive pressure ventilation with O2 may
improve cog Fx but not necessarily better
quality of life
involves recurrent episodes of blood O2
desaturation due to total or partial breathing

Disrupts normal sleep architecture

O2 desat may occur up to 100 times an hour

neuroprotective vasodilatory response to
hypoxia may be lacking
severe OSA
assoc with greater risk for white matter
hyperintensities and cog imp (learning and mem,
EF, psychomotor impairments), but not
consistent across studies
older adults
more vulnerable to sleep disordered breathing

community dwelling elderly women with sleep
disordered breathing show increased risk of
cognitive impairment
reduces episodes of breathing dysfunction

reduced O2 desat during sleep

improves daytime sleepiness

may lead to improvement is select areas of
cognition presentation, disease course, and
recovery course
quite variable
favorable recovery
short period of impaired consciousness

regain purposeful motor movements

preserved memory within a few hours following
poor outcome

no pupillary response 3 days post injury (68%
GCS motor score of 1–2 on day 3 (73%)
Alpha coma EEG pattern (66%)
convulsions or myoclonus (74%)
total GCS score of 3–5 in first 24 hours (77%)
bilateral absence of somatosensory evoked
potential on median nerve stimulation (76%)

the following are poor prognostic indicators in
the absence of sedation effects
coma more than 6 hours
no spontaneous leg movements or localization
to pain stimuli
prolonged loss of pupillary responses
sustained conjunctive eye deviation
abnormal eye movements (nystagmus)
myoclonic seizures
lower cranial nerve dysfunction (such as absent
cough and gag reflexes)
when evaluating a pt in the acute phase of recovery
be mindful of
that can cause or contribute to encephalopathy,
confusing or complicating the presentation
recovery curves in pts with severe
hypoxic/ischemic injury
are fairly flat, and return to independence is
rarely achieved
instruments useful for evaluating individuals
early in recovery (acute care or early IP rehab)
and that focus on basic functioning:
Coma Recovery Scale– Revised
Coma– Near Coma Scale
Rancho Los Amigos Level of Cog Fx
instruments useful for structured basic
assessment of mental status
Orientation Log
Cognitive Log
with higher cog Fx early in recovery: RBANS
For patients recently emerging from minimally
responsive state, out emphasis on:
frequent reorientation
Est consistent daily routines
use short treatment sessions
attend carefully to basic physiological needs
(nutrition, toileting, sleep)
maintain a quiet treatment environment
avoid overstimulation
as recovery progresses
attention deficits, distractibility, severe
anterograde amnesia, and EF dysfunction need
to be addressed

rehab generally involves teaching compensatory
strategies or attempting to directly address areas
of cog deficit
studies comparing patterns of recovery from
hypoxia/anoxia to TBI have found the following
amount of tissue loss is more critical in
determining outcome than etiology

measures of memory correlate with
hippocampal atrophy in both hypoxia and TBI

intelligence correlates with whole brain volume
in both conditions

those with hypoxia have similar lengths of
inpatient stay as TBI but show slower progress
and poor outcomes

those with hypoxic injury more likely to be
referred to residential care

those with hypoxia perform worse on all
measures of fx outcome than TBI and have
have lower functional independence measure
motor and cognitive gains relative to those w
outpatient and post acute brain injury rehab
are appropriate and may extend treatment
gains from IP setting

focus on compensatory strategies, skill
acquisition, building independence, and
community reintegration

family training and support is critical
Assessment methods– imaging
MRI and CT initially often do not reveal sig

follow up studies may reveal white matter
changes, corpus callosum atrophy, cortical
edema, cerebellar lesions, basal ganglia
lesions, thalamic lesions, and/or hippocampal

NP assessment may serve the following pruposes
characterize strengths and deficits and link
such patterns to daily Fx

identify target goals for continued

identify the presence and severity of
psychological disturbance that may impact
recovery and rehab

determine decision making capacity and need
for supervision

identify target areas for accommodations for
return to school and work
the most catastrophic cases may result in brain
death or persistent minimally responsive states

less severe cases show variable periods of coma,
marked confusion in early recovery, and lasting
significant cog impairment or dementia
high percentage of survivors of sudden cardiac
arrest and ARDS show
generalized cog impairment

a higher percentage show specific/focal deficits
in memory, attn., or processing speed
changes in memory
have been reported in more than 50% of
survivors of severe hypoxia
personality changes
have been reported in 1/3 of survivors of severe
less than 50%
of those who require rehabilitation regain full
independence of daily FX, but there is much
variability in outcome
in mild cases with rapid reversal of pathological
cog imp may be transient, but some may
experience persistent cognitive deficits
expectations for NP assessment results–

overall scores may be reduced due to
impairments in processing speed and efficiency
expectations for NP assessment results–

gross confusion apparent early

attn. may be a sig prob as rehab progresses and
may be a long term issue

distractibility is often observed both early in
recovery and over the long term
expectations for NP assessment results–

processing speed
often impaired, cognitively and motorically
expectations for NP assessment results–

formal language d/os rarely seen

though cases involving severe watershed
damage trans cortical aphasia or other higher
order language syndromes may be present
expectations for NP assessment results–

if watershed zones are affected, deficits can be

cortical blindness and other severe visuospatial
imp variants have occurred

lower performance on these tests may in part
reflect slowed information processing
expectations for NP assessment results– memory
impairments in storage, capacity, and retrieval
are common

in severe cases with bilateral hippocampal
damage, a marked amnestic state may be

a subset of patients have no mem imp but
have motor or cog imp in other domains (eg, FX
assoc with watershed regions)
expectations for NP assessment results–

may be minimally affected in milder cases, with
the exception of executive aspects of attn.

EF deficits common and disabling in severe cases

some patients sustain orbitofrontal damage bc
this is a watershed region
expectations for NP assessment results–

the basal ganglia and cerebellum are high risk for

severe anoxic injury can cause spastic
quadiparesis, ataxia, parkinsonian syndromes,
and other motor impairments/dysfunction
expectations for NP assessment results–

emotion and personality
anosognosia (impaired self awareness) is
common early post injury and may persist long

depression commonly observed

changes in self regulation of emotion may
occur due to medial frontal and frontal
systems injury

beh dysregulation may be seen in severe cases
and may become a chronic feature

severe psychiatric issues are common in severe
cases, which may incl beh dysregulation and
major depression
prognosis for returning to driving is not good in
severe cases, but may be possible with mild to
moderate injuries with good recovery
return to work is unlikely in severe cases, but
may be possible with mild injury and good

for those unable to return to competitive
employment, alternative vocational or volunteer
placement may be appropriate
school/vocational training
unlikely, but may be possible with mild injury and
good recovery

for students in high school and younger, it is
critical to involve the school and educ specialists
as early as possible to plan for academic re–entry
(important for recovery and legally mandated)
for medical and legal affairs will likely be severely
limited early in recovery

despite recovery, may remain impaired due to EF
and memory imp

legal issues vary across jurisdiction
for attn. and memory may be used– such as:

methylphenidate (Ritalin), other stimulants
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (Aricept)
and NMDA receptor antagonists (Namenda)

SSRIs or anticonvulsants may be used for
mood stabilization

evidence for support of the use of these meds
in hypoxic injury is more anecdotal than
evidence based
risk factor modification
increased supervision for safety
external and internal structures
assistance with decision making (POA,
family support/training
interpersonal relationships
can be challenging due to persistent memory
impairment, poor insight, exec dysfunction, and
changes in premorbid role Fx
functional issues
severe injuries often result in dystonia, spastic
hemiparesis, or quadraparesis due to basal
ganglia involvement

ataxia may persist due to cerebellar

many of these patients are unemployable and
require attendant care for the rest of their lives
rehab considerations
compensatory strategy training is critical for
patients with memory or other cog imp

emphasis should be placed on errorless learning,
procedural learning, attention process training
(APT), and evidenced based cognitive
rehabilitation Tx
pediatric considerations
brains of infants and children req a higher
percentage of O2 than adults (over 30% total
body O2 consumption from infancy to age 4)

impact of hypoxia will depend on
developmental period where it occurs

neonatal hypoxia may lead to major
developmental disorders and impaired
cognition, depending on severity and pattern
of damage

injury to the basal ganglia and thalamus is
predominant pattern in neonates assoc with
long term outcome

congenital heart defects and sleep disordered
breathing are also found to have a relationship
with cog, academic, and beh Fx

some deficits are not noted until a child starts
geriatric considerations
older brains less able to recover from an anoxic
injury and will likely suffer more permanent and
severe cog deficits due to reduced reserve

for many, there are pre–existing MCI and Fx
impairment or will have age related impairments
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
severe, often life threatening medical condition
where the lungs are compromised and damaged
and are unlikely to supply sufficient O2 to the
arterial blood (eg hypoxemia)

can result in hypoxic damage to brain as well as
many other systemic px
programmed cell death

part of normal regulation and turnover of cells,
but also can result from pathological processes
like ischemia
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
a chemical compound that provides energy for

under anoxic conditions, becomes less available
in the neuron, leading it to catabolize itself
most common excitatory neurotransmitter in the

under hypoxic conditions, excessive amounts are
released in the synaptic cleft, and it becomes
excitotoxic, contributing to deleterious processes
in the neuron
encompasses several pulmonary conditions, incl
emphysema and bronchitis

progressive obstruction of expiration

can produce chronic hypoxia and result in cog
refers to death of tissue or neurons, typically due
to inefficient blood supply
watershed regions

in the brain, refers to overlapping border zones
btwn distal supplies of two arteries

for example, the region supplied by the distal
branches of the middle and anterior cerebral
arteries is a watershed region

these regions particularly vulnerable to effects
of hypoxia/ischemia

anoxic/hypoxic damage
results secondary to conditions that affect the
cardiac or respiratory system

can result from reduced concentration of O2 in
the blood or from deficit perfusion of blood to
the brain

defined as lack of or insufficient supply of O2
circulating to tissue in the presence of
adequate blood flow
ischemic–hypoxic encephelopathy
terms used together for the purposes of the
chapter b/c in most cases where the brain
sustains marked disruption of O2 supply, both
processes become involved
prevalence of cog imp following cardiac arrest
range widely, from 6–100%
several factors complicate attempts to
characterize patterns of neuropathology and cog
imp due to hypoxic, ischemic conditions
a broad range of conditions that cause
hypoxic/ischemic damage

multisystem complications occur and may
exacerbate encephalopathy

cog imp from milder hypoxic/ischemic states
may not be recog. in the hospital setting

methodology and operational def of key terms
vary across studies
the brain is highly dependent on
consistent supply of blood, O2, and glucose and
consumes those at levels disproportionate to its
mass in other parts of the body
oxygenation of the blood is the result of
a complex process involving hemoglobin
concentration and O2 saturation
partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2)
refers to pressure exerted independently by a
specific gas within a larger mix of gases

in healthy adults at sea level is typically 95–100
mm Hg

when this level rapidly drops, complex
cognitive processes such as memory and
judgment become impaired
homeostatic protective mechanisms are
triggered when PaO2 or perfusion is disrupted,
and these are effective w/in certain parameters
– the nervous system responds to hypoxic states
by increasing cerebral blood flow up to 400%
– autoregulatory response to a reduction or loss
of perfusion pressure involves several
mechanisms, including dilation of blood vessels
to maintain flow
beyond a certain point, protective measures are
insufficient to prevent certain CNS injury
the brain depletes energy sources within several
minutes of onset of complete ischemia, although
conditions like hypothermia can extend that
processes differ in COPD and other advanced
pulmonary illness characterized by persistent,
gradual reduction in arterial O2 levels.
in such individuals, arterial O2 pressure may
gradually decrease to levels that if suffered
acutely produce rapid onset of coma or marked
cognitive impairment

(similarly, high altitude climbers may acclimate
gradually to lower O2 sat, though not necessarily
without cog or physiological effects)
neuropathological changes from
hypoxia/ischemia are consistent with the
mechanism of insult–
brain regions with high metabolic demands and
those at the distal end of cerebral arteries (in
particular, watershed regions) are more
brain regions that show high vulnerability to
neocortex (layers 3,5,6)
hippocampus (pyramidal cells in CA1)
Basal ganglia (striatum, globus pallidus)
cerebellar regions (Purkinje cells)
visual cortex
neuroimaging also shows time dependent
vulnerability to damage in specific regions
lesions often evolve over weeks or months
early neuroimaging
is variable, sometimes showing loss of
distinction btwn white and gray matter in the
cortex, but also often appearing normal

basal ganglia and neocortex regions may show
damage on neuroimaging soon after onset

hippocampal damage may not be evident on
neuroimaging for days or weeks

diffuse atrophy may appear chronically but is
not expected acutely

white matter tracts are generally preserved in
hypoxia/ischemia but are vulnerable to carbon
monoxide poisoning
hippocampal damage historically a hallmark of
hypoxic damage, but reviews of published cases
w neuroimaging data shows
1. hippocampal damage is freq not noted

2. when damage is visible, it usually is present in
multiple brain regions

one review showed that watershed cortex and
the basal ganglia were both more frequently
damaged than the hippocampus
the hippocampus was the sole affected structure
in only
18% of reported cases
hypoxia/ischemia triggers a cascade of neuronal
cell processes that are multifaceted, time dependent, and neurotoxic
most energy required from neurons is derived
from hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate

the brain has no inherent energy stores (in
contrast to other tissue) and thus is critically
dependent on uninterrupted flow of O2 and

a sudden loss of cerebral perfusion or
anoxia/hypoxia causes a critical shortage of the
O2 and glucose supply to neurons, and if not
rapidly reversed, initiates processes that result
in neuronal death
a series of secondary toxic processes is also
sodium and calcium pumps fail, resulting in
depolarization of the neuronal membrane and
release of excessive levels of glutamate

glutamate is the most common excitatory
neurotransmitter, but at excessive levels it
becomes excitotoxic to neurons

a further series of toxic events are triggered
that involve lactic acidosis from anaerobic
metabolism, cytotoxic edema, free cell radical
production, and others

necrosis and apoptosis become factors as the
pathology evolves
even if the causal condition is addressed and
circulation is restored, cerebral circulation may
not respond effectively
for reasons that are not well understood but that
may involve edema preventing reflow to small
vessels, as well as an inability to remove toxic
metabolites that have accumulated
carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning shows many of
the same effects as other forms of
hypoxia/ischemia but there are some notable
differences in the pathological processes
– CO has a high affinity for binding with
hemoglobin, forming carboxyhemoglobin

the effect displaced O2 binding sites in red
blood cells, resulting in hypoxia and acidosis

once carboxyhemoglobin rises above 20–30%
of total hemoglobin in the blood, acute effects
are seen

levels above 50% cause coma and severe CNS

not clear whether CO is directly toxic to
neurons, and he most sig effects are very
similar to what is seen following cardiac arrest

CO poisoning often results in delayed
neurologic deterioration, which may occur 1–2
weeks after exposure

Basal ganglia damage is common, contributing
to the extrapyramidal features often seen
following severe Co poisoning

hippocampal and general brain atrophy ( as
measures by ventricle to brain ratio) may be
seen months following injury

NP deficits may be seen in attn., inform
processing, EF, verbal and non verbal memory
CO is a
gas that is present naturally but also results from
a combustion of man made fuel (gasoline engine
and furnace exhaust)
not clear, milder cases often unrecognized in a
hospital setting
determinants of severity
effects vary based on the nature of the
underlying condition that produced the
disruption in O2 supply and how rapidly the
pathological process can be reversed.
if hypoxia is not severe enough to disrupt
CNS damage is unlikely
mild hypoxia that does not lead to LOC (like high
altitude climbing)
may induce mild cognitive and motor impairment
not expected to have lasting effects, though
some studies suggest a possible persistence of
mild changes
most severe cases
result from sudden cardiac arrest or acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
occurs very rapidly. when the brain is deprived of
O2 for several minutes, damage progresses
rapidly and if the underlying cause is not quickly
reversed, brain death or a persistent minimally
responsive state may result
those who emerge from prolonged coma
typically have lasting cognitive and functional
disability (varying degree of dementia) and may
show extrapyramidal syndromes like
rapid resuscitation efforts
may prevent escalation to permanent damage
examples include emphysema, neuromuscular
weakness, fibrosing lung disease

results in persistent respiratory acidosis with
reduced arterial O2 sat and elevated carbon

cog deficits may not occur in mild cases that do
not produce persistent hypoxia

severe COPD often results in cog impairment,
lower scores on objective measures compared
to less severely affected indiv.

positive pressure ventilation with O2 may
improve cog Fx but not necessarily better
quality of life
involves recurrent episodes of blood O2
desaturation due to total or partial breathing

Disrupts normal sleep architecture

O2 desat may occur up to 100 times an hour

neuroprotective vasodilatory response to
hypoxia may be lacking
severe OSA
assoc with greater risk for white matter
hyperintensities and cog imp (learning and mem,
EF, psychomotor impairments), but not
consistent across studies
older adults
more vulnerable to sleep disordered breathing

community dwelling elderly women with sleep
disordered breathing show increased risk of
cognitive impairment
reduces episodes of breathing dysfunction

reduced O2 desat during sleep

improves daytime sleepiness

may lead to improvement is select areas of
cognition presentation, disease course, and
recovery course
quite variable
favorable recovery
short period of impaired consciousness

regain purposeful motor movements

preserved memory within a few hours following
poor outcome
no pupillary response 3 days post injury (68%
GCS motor score of 1–2 on day 3 (73%)
Alpha coma EEG pattern (66%)
convulsions or myoclonus (74%)
total GCS score of 3–5 in first 24 hours (77%)
bilateral absence of somatosensory evoked
potential on median nerve stimulation (76%)
the following are poor prognostic indicators in
the absence of sedation effects
coma more than 6 hours
no spontaneous leg movements or localization
to pain stimuli
prolonged loss of pupillary responses
sustained conjunctive eye deviation
abnormal eye movements (nystagmus)
myoclonic seizures
lower cranial nerve dysfunction (such as absent
cough and gag reflexes)
when evaluating a pt in the acute phase of recovery
be mindful of
that can cause or contribute to encephalopathy,
confusing or complicating the presentation
recovery curves in pts with severe
hypoxic/ischemic injury
are fairly flat, and return to independence is
rarely achieved
instruments useful for evaluating individuals
early in recovery (acute care or early IP rehab)
and that focus on basic functioning:
Coma Recovery Scale– Revised
Coma– Near Coma Scale
Rancho Los Amigos Level of Cog Fx
instruments useful for structured basic
assessment of mental status
Orientation Log
Cognitive Log
with higher cog Fx early in recovery: RBANS
For patients recently emerging from minimally
responsive state, out emphasis on:
frequent reorientation
Est consistent daily routines
use short treatment sessions
attend carefully to basic physiological needs
(nutrition, toileting, sleep)
maintain a quiet treatment environment
avoid overstimulation
as recovery progresses
attention deficits, distractibility, severe
anterograde amnesia, and EF dysfunction need
to be addressed

rehab generally involves teaching compensatory
strategies or attempting to directly address areas
of cog deficit
studies comparing patterns of recovery from
hypoxia/anoxia to TBI have found the following
amount of tissue loss is more critical in
determining outcome than etiology

measures of memory correlate with
hippocampal atrophy in both hypoxia and TBI

intelligence correlates with whole brain volume
in both conditions

those with hypoxia have similar lengths of
inpatient stay as TBI but show slower progress
and poor outcomes

those with hypoxic injury more likely to be
referred to residential care

those with hypoxia perform worse on all
measures of fx outcome than TBI and have
have lower functional independence measure
motor and cognitive gains relative to those w
outpatient and post acute brain injury rehab
are appropriate and may extend treatment
gains from IP setting

focus on compensatory strategies, skill
acquisition, building independence, and
community reintegration

family training and support is critical
Assessment methods– imaging
MRI and CT initially often do not reveal sig

follow up studies may reveal white matter
changes, corpus callosum atrophy, cortical
edema, cerebellar lesions, basal ganglia
lesions, thalamic lesions, and/or hippocampal

NP assessment may serve the following pruposes
characterize strengths and deficits and link
such patterns to daily Fx

identify target goals for continued

identify the presence and severity of
psychological disturbance that may impact
recovery and rehab

determine decision making capacity and need
for supervision

identify target areas for accommodations for
return to school and work
the most catastrophic cases may result in brain
death or persistent minimally responsive states

less severe cases show variable periods of coma,
marked confusion in early recovery, and lasting
significant cog impairment or dementia
high percentage of survivors of sudden cardiac
arrest and ARDS show
generalized cog impairment

a higher percentage show specific/focal deficits
in memory, attn., or processing speed
changes in memory
have been reported in more than 50% of
survivors of severe hypoxia
personality changes
have been reported in 1/3 of survivors of severe
less than 50%
of those who require rehabilitation regain full
independence of daily FX, but there is much
variability in outcome
in mild cases with rapid reversal of pathological
cog imp may be transient, but some may
experience persistent cognitive deficits
expectations for NP assessment results–

overall scores may be reduced due to
impairments in processing speed and efficiency
expectations for NP assessment results–

gross confusion apparent early

attn. may be a sig prob as rehab progresses and
may be a long term issue

distractibility is often observed both early in
recovery and over the long term
expectations for NP assessment results–

processing speed
often impaired, cognitively and motorically
expectations for NP assessment results–

formal language d/os rarely seen

though cases involving severe watershed
damage trans cortical aphasia or other higher
order language syndromes may be present
expectations for NP assessment results–

if watershed zones are affected, deficits can be

cortical blindness and other severe visuospatial
imp variants have occurred

lower performance on these tests may in part
reflect slowed information processing
expectations for NP assessment results– memory
impairments in storage, capacity, and retrieval
are common

in severe cases with bilateral hippocampal
damage, a marked amnestic state may be

a subset of patients have no mem imp but
have motor or cog imp in other domains (eg, FX
assoc with watershed regions)
expectations for NP assessment results–

may be minimally affected in milder cases, with
the exception of executive aspects of attn.

EF deficits common and disabling in severe cases

some patients sustain orbitofrontal damage bc
this is a watershed region
expectations for NP assessment results–

the basal ganglia and cerebellum are high risk for

severe anoxic injury can cause spastic
quadiparesis, ataxia, parkinsonian syndromes,
and other motor impairments/dysfunction
expectations for NP assessment results–

emotion and personality
anosognosia (impaired self awareness) is
common early post injury and may persist long

depression commonly observed

changes in self regulation of emotion may
occur due to medial frontal and frontal
systems injury

beh dysregulation may be seen in severe cases
and may become a chronic feature

severe psychiatric issues are common in severe
cases, which may incl beh dysregulation and
major depression
prognosis for returning to driving is not good in
severe cases, but may be possible with mild to
moderate injuries with good recovery
return to work is unlikely in severe cases, but
may be possible with mild injury and good

for those unable to return to competitive
employment, alternative vocational or volunteer
placement may be appropriate
school/vocational training
unlikely, but may be possible with mild injury and
good recovery

for students in high school and younger, it is
critical to involve the school and educ specialists
as early as possible to plan for academic re–entry
(important for recovery and legally mandated)
for medical and legal affairs will likely be severely
limited early in recovery

despite recovery, may remain impaired due to EF
and memory imp

legal issues vary across jurisdiction
for attn. and memory may be used– such as:

methylphenidate (Ritalin), other stimulants
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (Aricept)
and NMDA receptor antagonists (Namenda)

SSRIs or anticonvulsants may be used for
mood stabilization

evidence for support of the use of these meds
in hypoxic injury is more anecdotal than
evidence based
risk factor modification
increased supervision for safety
external and internal structures
assistance with decision making (POA,
family support/training
interpersonal relationships
can be challenging due to persistent memory
impairment, poor insight, exec dysfunction, and
changes in premorbid role Fx
functional issues
severe injuries often result in dystonia, spastic
hemiparesis, or quadraparesis due to basal
ganglia involvement

ataxia may persist due to cerebellar

many of these patients are unemployable and
require attendant care for the rest of their lives
rehab considerations
compensatory strategy training is critical for
patients with memory or other cog imp

emphasis should be placed on errorless learning,
procedural learning, attention process training
(APT), and evidenced based cognitive
rehabilitation Tx
pediatric considerations
brains of infants and children req a higher
percentage of O2 than adults (over 30% total
body O2 consumption from infancy to age 4)

impact of hypoxia will depend on
developmental period where it occurs

neonatal hypoxia may lead to major
developmental disorders and impaired
cognition, depending on severity and pattern
of damage

injury to the basal ganglia and thalamus is
predominant pattern in neonates assoc with
long term outcome

congenital heart defects and sleep disordered
breathing are also found to have a relationship
with cog, academic, and beh Fx

some deficits are not noted until a child starts
geriatric considerations
older brains less able to recover from an anoxic
injury and will likely suffer more permanent and
severe cog deficits due to reduced reserve

for many, there are pre–existing MCI and Fx
impairment or will have age related impairments
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
severe, often life threatening medical condition
where the lungs are compromised and damaged
and are unlikely to supply sufficient O2 to the
arterial blood (eg hypoxemia)

can result in hypoxic damage to brain as well as
many other systemic px
programmed cell death

part of normal regulation and turnover of cells,
but also can result from pathological processes
like ischemia
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
a chemical compound that provides energy for

under anoxic conditions, becomes less available
in the neuron, leading it to catabolize itself
most common excitatory neurotransmitter in the

under hypoxic conditions, excessive amounts are
released in the synaptic cleft, and it becomes
excitotoxic, contributing to deleterious processes
in the neuron
encompasses several pulmonary conditions, incl
emphysema and bronchitis

progressive obstruction of expiration

can produce chronic hypoxia and result in cog

refers to death of tissue or neurons, typically due
to inefficient blood supply

watershed regions

in the brain, refers to overlapping border zones
btwn distal supplies of two arteries

for example, the region supplied by the distal
branches of the middle and anterior cerebral
arteries is a watershed region

these regions particularly vulnerable to effects
of hypoxia/ischemia