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10 Cards in this Set

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Group B StrepAgalactae
Can cause neonatal secpticemia, meningitis, or pneumoniaCan have early/late onset (utero, birth or later)60% of colonized mothers give birth to colonized babiesBlood cultures, swabs, CSF find G+ cocciObstetric Complications: UTI's, Peurperal sepsis, Amnionitis, Endometriosis, wound infections
Viridens Streptococci
S. Salavarius, S. MitisCan cause disease when introduced to abnormal heart valves.Alpha hemolyticFound in Normal flora of upper respiratory tractMust be differentiated from S. Pneumnonia
Lactic Streptococci
Found in milkNot associated with diseaseStrep LacisStrep Cremoris
Group D Enterococcus
Enterococci-Streptococcus Gaecalis Hemolysis variable (mostly non-hemolytic)FibrinolyticProtein/Carb factors regulate adheranceBacteriocins: Inhibit competitive bacteriaFound in normal flora of intestinal tractCommon in pyelonephritis, wounds and subacute bacterial endocarditisResistant to antibiotics (VRE)Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus -Mediated by R-PlasmidsRisk factors: Urinary or intravascular cathertization Capable of surviving high concentrations of bile and sodium chloride (Grew on MSA) 7(E. Faecalis colonize large intestine 10and urinary tract
Beta Hemolytic Strep
All contain a group specific C-carbohydrateSerological grouping (lancefields typing)Group A -S. PyogensGroup B -S. AlgalactaeGroup C -Pathogen of animals
Streptolysins *Strep S_Stable/oxygen (hemolysis) *Strep O-Inactivated by ox.(stab agar) *Antigenic (ASO titer) Strep marker *Cardiotoxid & LeukocidalStreptokinase- Initiates fibrinolytic dissolution of fibrin clots.Hyaluronidase Depolymerizes connective tissueErythrogenic toxin Local redness/Scarlet feverM.Protien Found in cell wall -pilli
Strep Throat
signs/symptoms: red sore throat, white patches tonsils, swollen lymp nodes in neck, fever, headache (naus/vomit children sometimes)Transmission: Direct close contact-respiratory droplets (cough/sneeze) Rarely from milk/milk productsUntreated patients most infectious 2-3wks after onset.Incubation period before symptoms:2-4 days after exposurePatient no longer infectious after 24 hrs. of antibioticsDiagnosis: throat swabbed for culture or rapid strep test (10-20 min) culture usually 24-48 hrs. (neg cult=viral)
Scarlet Fever
occurs w/sore throat and rarely w/impetego or other strep infectionsfever/rash over upper body (may be all)Rash is fine, red, rough texture and blanches upon pressureBright red strawberry tongueskin can peel after recovery.Illness spread by same means as strep/treatment same too
Strep Morpholoy and Physiology
G+ Cocci in chainsColonies: very small convex / granularPhys: facultative anaerobes Fastidious nutritionally (require blood, AA &nucleic acid derivatives) Catalase negative Is not dissolved in 10% bile salt ENCAPSULATED Blood Agar: HEMOLYTIC
Group A _ Strep. Pyogenes
Bacitracin identifiesPharyngitis/Strep throatScarlet FeverSkin infections(Nec. Fa. flesh-eating)Bactermia, sepsis, strep toxic shock synd,Complications: Acute Rheumatic Feverand Poststrep. glomerulitis