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43 Cards in this Set

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what is an account through which the navy can accumulate all costs according to activity, unit, purpose, and type of expenditure?

cost accountingwhat

what is an account used to maintain records of material and supplies on hand. These records provide the information necessary to prepare returns or reports?

inventory (stores) accountingwhat

what is an account used to maintain records of all navy-owned or navy-controlled real property and equipment of a capital nature?

plant property accounting

what is an account used to maintain records of payments to civilian and military personnel of the navy?

payroll acounting

the navy expends money from one of two major classifications, appropriations or what?


what is an authorization by an act of congress to incur obligations for a specified time and purpose and to make payments out of the treasury?


the accounting period of the navy is the what?

fiscal year

how many types of appropriations may be used in the navy, depending upon the purpose for which they are issued?


what generally cover the current operating and maintenance expenses of the navy?

annual appropriations

what appropriations are generally made for purposes that require long lead-time of planning and execution such as procurement of aircraft and missiles navy and Shipbuilding and Conversion Navy?

multiple year

what consists of a seven digit number identifying the government agency responsible for administering the appropriation, the fiscal year, and the specific appropriation?

appropriation symbol

all appropriations assigned to the navy are identified by what?


what are 3 characters long, and are used only in OPTAR transactions that affect the international balance of payments?

object class codes

what is the UIC of the activity that performs the accounting for an operation budget/fund?

Authorization Accounting Activity (AAA)

all UICs currently assigned are listed in what?

NAVCOMPT Manual, V. 2

the cost code consists of how many characters and may be alphabetic, numeric or both?


what fills a very important need in financing the day-to-day operations of the Navy?


what is a fund established to finance a cycle of operations?

revolving fund

the one fund that you will be most concerned with is the what?

navy working capital fund

basic capital for the NWCF is made available where?


what is an inventory account and an integral part of the NWCF. It serves as the "holding account" for NWCF procured supplies before their sale?

Navy Stock Account (NSA)

what is a revolving fund used to finance industrial commercial type activities?

navy industrial fund

what provides a single permanent revolving fund for financing all work not chargeable to a current naval appropriation?

naval working fund

what fund is used for the economical and efficient completion of navy operations, which are financed by two or more appropriations?

navy management fund

what is a fund held in trust be the navy for use as specified in a special agreement or act of congress?

trust fund

what is a series if systems designed to promote better management procedures throughout the Department of Defense by providing managers with improved methods of obtaining and controlling resources required to accomplish the assigned missions?

resource management system (RMS)

what is the method used where operating costs are accounted for in fiscal (accounting) period during which the costs of resources consumed or applied are received?

accrual accounting

what are codes established by DOD to classify expenses for cost accounting and reporting purposes?

expense element codes

what is the financial authority issued by major clairmany or subclairmant to an intermediate level of command?

expense limitation

what is the budgeted amount within an operating budget approved in a fixed amount for incurring obligations or unfilled orders?

obligation authority

what is the annual budget and financial authority of an activity or command that contains the resources to perform that activities mission?

operation budget

what is an authorization of funds subject to administrative control issued to a level below responsibility center?

operating target (OPTAR)

what is an organizational unit headed by an officer or supervisor who is responsible for the management of all resources within the unit, and who, in most cases, can significantly influence the expense incurred within the unit?

responsibility center

what include active fleet ships, amphibious battalions and units, staff and commands, and certain designated shore activities?

Ship Operating Forces

what for accounting purposes, is a general term used to describe a request document for material or services that has been entered in the OPTAR log?

unfilled order

what is a unit of measurement such as documents processed, tonnage moved, students trained, or gallons processed?

work unit

how many interrelated subsystems make up the RMS to meet the objectives of the DOD?


it is a policy of whom that the accounting effort performed by the navy operating forces is kept to the absolute minimum?

Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV)

what performs the official accounting and reporting for OPTARs issued by the TYCOM?

Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS)

each activity establishes a what? NAVCOMPT Form 2155, to record OPTAR grants and the value of transactions authorized to be incurred as chargeable to the TYCOM operating budget?

requisition/OPTAR log

what are established by fiscal year for each OPTAR received to hold the appropriate accounting documents and listing pending transmittal to the DFAS?

OPTAR holding files

listings applicable to reimbursable OPTARs and other special funds or transactions are submitted for the how many-month life cycle of the appropriation?

36 month

what is an administrative money ceiling established by the fleet commander?
