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20 Cards in this Set

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1. 4 positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
1. Delusions (mostly bizarre)
2. disorganized speech/behavior
3. hallucinations
4. education
with what chemical are the positive symptoms of schizophrenia associated?
a. Dopamine receptors
3. with what chemical or the negative symptoms of schizophrenia associated?
a. Muscarinic receptors (acetylcholine).
4. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia (5)?
1. Flattened affect
2. social withdrawal
3. anhedonia
4. apathy
5. poverty of thought.
5. What class of medications are the most effective treatment for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
a. Atypical antipsychotics.
6. Diagnosis of schizophrenia?
a. Positive psychosis symptoms that affect social and occupational functioning for LONGER THAN SIX MONTHS.
b. Schizophrenia presents at a younger age in males than females (15-24 vs. 25-34).
7. when psychotic symptoms are present for <6 months but > 1 month. What is the diagnosis?
a. Schizophrenic form disorder
8. when the symptoms of psychosis are present for <1 month, and the question states that there is a return to baseline, what is the diagnosis?
a. Brief psychotic disorder (look for a stressful life event that precipitates it).
9. When there is a history of psychotic symptoms for many years with no impairment of baseline functioning, think of?
a. Delusional disorder (the key is that delusions are non-bizarre)
b. and
c. personality disorders (especially schizotypal personality disorder, which presents with peculiar thinking and social isolation, but does not involve psychosis).
10. How is the treatment of delusional disorder and personality disorders, such as schizotypal personality disorder different from schizophrenia?
a. These patients do not respond to antipsychotics.
b. Psychotherapy is the preferred therapy.
11. Management to rule out other forms of psychosis that aren't schizophrenia?
a. Order a drug screen to rule out substance abuse.
b. Look for signs or symptoms of seizure. Temporal lobe epilepsy can present with hallucinations (auditory and a factory, distortions), feeling of déjà vu, or disassociation from surroundings.
12. Note: watch out for suicidal ideation in schizophrenia and schizophrenia form patients.
12. Note: watch out for suicidal ideation in schizophrenia and schizophrenia form patients.
13. 50% of schizophrenia patients attempt suicide in their lifetimes, and 10% of these attempts are successful.schizophrenia form patients are at greater risk of depression and suicide after the episode of psychosis results.
13. 50% of schizophrenia patients attempt suicide in their lifetimes, and 10% of these attempts are successful.schizophrenia form patients are at greater risk of depression and suicide after the episode of psychosis results.
14. What is the first step in the management of a schizophrenia or schizophrenia form with suicidal ideation?
a. Always hospitalize the patient If there's any risk of suicide.
15. What is the greatest risk factor for progression to schizophrenia?
a. Schizophreniform disorder.
b. Two thirds of eventually progressed to schizophrenia.
16. Schizophrenia prognosis?
a. In general, females have a better prognosis and respond better to treatment than males.
b. Patients with paranoid schizophrenia are more responsive to treatment than those with other kinds
17. Treatment of schizophrenia?
a. If the case describes bizarre paranoid symptoms, hospitalize the patient.
b. Give benzodiazepines for agitation in start and start antipsychotics.
1. Antipsychotic medications are given for six months and are the most effective therapy to prevent further episodes.
2. Long-term antipsychotics are only given when there is a history of repeat episodes.
c. Initiate long-term psychotherapy.
18. What is the first step in the management of any acute psychiatric condition?
a. To determine if the patient needs hospitalization.
b. Hospitalize the patient if there is risk of harm to self or others.
c. Hospitalized against the patients will if the patient has suicidal or homicidal ideation.
19. What five things portend a poor prognosis with schizophrenia?
1. Early age of onset
2. negative symptoms
3. poor premorbid functioning
4. family history of schizophrenia
5. disorganized or deficit subtype.
20. Immediate effect of antipsychotics?
a. Antipsychotics have an immediate quieting effect in acute psychotic attacks of any cause ( e.g.schizophrenia, depression with psychotic features, mania and bipolar disorder)
b. they also delay relapses.