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207 Cards in this Set

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Sleep Apnea H/P
fatigue, daytime sleepiness, snoring, gasping/choking during sleep, obesity
Sleep Apnea Tx
weight loss
bariatric surg
Phrenic nerve pacemaking for severe cases
3 types of apnea
obstructive, central, mixed
What commonly causes atelectasis?
abd surg, asthma, foreign body asp, mass effect from tumors, pulm lesions, lymphadenopathy
Atelectasis H/P?
pleuritic cp, dyspnea, fever, dec breath sounds, dullness to perc
When does atelectasis dev into pna
72 hours
How to confirm proper placement of endotracheal tube?
auscultation, end tidal CO2 should rise after expiration
When do you switch from endotrach tube to tracheostomy?
3 wks
5 predictors of ventilator weaning success
1. Max ins press <30cm H2O
2. VC >10ml/kg
3. Minute vent <10L/min
4. PaO2:FiO2 >200
5. freq:TV <100 breath/min/L
What is croup
inflammation of larynx causing stridor
Croup bugs
Paraflu type1 >2,3
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
common ages for croup
3-5 mo
Coup h/p
barking cough, insp stridor, fever, mild pharyngeal erythema, lymphad
croup radiology
steeple sign= subglottic narrowing or airway
Croup tx
humidified air
aerosolized epi/inhaled steroids
admit for observation
Most common ages for epiglottitis
2-7 years
epiglottitis bugs
Hib, strep, Hflu
epiglottitis h/p
dysphagia, drooling, soft stridor, muffled voice, sudden high fever, retractions, leaning forward 'sniffing position', swollen epiglottis
epiglottitis labs
swab epiglottis and culture only if prompt intubation is possible cause it could make it worse
epiglottitis rads?
thumbprint sign on lateral neck xr
epiglottitis tx?
keep child calm, admit, nasotracheal intubation, abx for 7-10 days
mnemonic for causes of stridor?
bacterial tracheitis
foreign body
gas poisonous
hypersens rxn
bronchiolitis bug
RSV or paraflu type 3
bronchiolitis h/p
resp distress, nasal cong, cough, wheezing, fever, tachypnea, crackles, prolonged exp phase, hyperresonance
bronchiolitis rads
hyperinflation, patchy infiltrates
bronchiolitis tx
hyd, hum air, inhaled steroids, B2 agonists
bronchiolitis complication
increased risk for asthma
what is resp dist of the newborn
preterms are surfactant def = dec lung compliance, atelectasis, resp failure
resp dist of the newborn h/p
pres within 2 days, cyanosis, nasal flaring, exp grunting, retractions, RR>60, crackles
resp dist of the newborn labs
ABG: dec O2 inc CO2
amnio: is L/S ratio >2 or Phosphatidyl glycerol present in amniotic fluid? If yes, that's good. monitor. If no, give mom steroids in 24 hours prior to delivery if 34-37 wks to increase surf prod
resp dist of the newborn rads
ground glass, b/l atelectasis
resp dist of the newborn tx
NICU, maternal steroids within 24 hours of delivery, supp O2, surf replacement
resp dist of the newborn comp
inc risk of dev asthma
meconium asp synd h/p
meconium stained fluid during delivery, cyanosis, retractions, tachypnea
meconium asp synd labs
blood culture to r/o sepsis
meconium asp synd rads
atelectasis, areas of hyperinfl, pneumothorax
meconium asp synd tx
suction nose, mouth, upper airway, supp O2, maybe surfactant tx, abx
meconium asp synd comp
pulm htn, dev asthma later on
most common fatal autosomal recessive disorder in US
what is CF
AR def in Cl channel in exocrine glands: lungs, pancreas, repro glands, all the ducts get clogged with thick sec
how long do CFers survive with tx?
20 to 30
CF h/p
recurrent pulm inf, dyspnea, hemoptysis, chronic sinusitis, cough, meconium ileus at birth, steatorrhea, FTT, cyanosis, digital clubbing, rectal prolapse
CF pulm inf bugs
Staph aureus
CF labs
hyponatremia, sweat test shows increased Na and Cl (>60 in kids, >80 in adults), genetic testing shows CFTR mut
CF tx
DNase, chest pt, bronchodilators, nsaids, abx, supp pancreatic enzymes, fat sol vit supp ADEK
normal Aa gradient
5-15 mmHg
normal fev1/fvc
obstructive fev1/fvc
restrictive fev1/fvc
what causes increased Aa gradient
PE, pulm edema, R to L vascular shunts
pharyngitis bug
what causes false normal Aa gradient
hypoventilation, high altitude
complication of untreated strep pharyngitis
rheumatic heart dz/PSGN
strep pharyngitis tx
beta lactams
lab test for PSGN
high ASLO titer
rheumatic heart dz characteristics
erythema marginatum
subq nodules (Aschoff bodies)
migratory polyarth
mitral prolapse to mitral stenosis
elev ESR
which PFTs are elevated in obstructive and restrictive dz?
obs: TLC and RV
rest: fev1/fvc
sinusitis bugs
strep pneumo, Hflu, M catarrhalis, viral
which sinuses does sinusitis most commonly affect
Aa grad formula
713mmHg x .21 - (Paco2/.8) - PaO2
sinusitis rads
opacification of sinuses
sinusitis tx
amox 2 wks, 6-12 wks in chronic (>3 mo), consider surgical drainage
bronchitis bugs in smokers
Strep pneumo, Hfli
bronchitis bugs in non-smokers
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
how to diagnose mycoplasma pneumonia?
high cold agglutinin titer
who gets abx for bronchitis?
smokers, elderly, those with other lung dz
abx for bronchitis
fluoroquinolones, tetra, erythro
admission criteria for pna?
elderly, comorbids, lab abns, multilobar, signs of sepsis
viral pna bugs
flu, paraflu, adeno, cmv, rsv
6 typical bacterial pnas
strep pneumo, Hflu, Staph, Kleb, Pseudomonas, GBS
3 atypical bacterial pnas
Mycoplasma, Legionella, Chlamydia
Tx for strep, staph, and Hflu pna
Beta Lactams
what about Kleb pna
alcoholics, long hospital stays, sicklers, currant jelly sputum
Tx for kleb pna
ceph, aminoglycosides (genta/tobra)
what about Mycoplasma pna
young adults walking pna, positive cold agglutinin test
Tx for mycoplasma pna
Macrolides (azithro, clarithro, erythro)
who often gets pseudomonas pna
CFers and immunocomp
Tx for pseudomonas pna
fluoroquinolones (cipro), aminoglycosides, 3rd gen ceph
what about legionella pna
aerosolized water
Tx for legionella pna
macrolides, fluoros
who gets chlamydia pna
very young and elderly
Tx for chlamydia pna
doxy, macrolides
who gets GBS
neonates, elderly, nosocomial
tx for GBS pna
beta lactams or bactrim
southwest US pna
spelunker pna
central america pna
tx for fungal pna
ampho, keto
what about PCP
cd4<200, GI sxs
Tx for PCP
what is ards
refractory hypoxemia
common causes of ards
aspiration, acute pancreatitis, air/amniotic embolism, radiation, drug od, diffuse lung dz, DIC, drowning, shock, sepsis, smoke inhalation
ards labs
abg: resp alk, dec O2, dec CO2 from hypervent, wedge pressure <18
ards rads
b/l pulm edema and infiltrates
ards tx
icu, ventilation with peep, maintain sao2 >90%, tx underlying cause, keep fluids low to avoid pulm edema, ecmo in severe cases
what does it mean when co2 is normal during asthma exac
mean they're decompensating and gonna crash
risk factors for tb
DM, immunosupp, alcohol, lung dz, adv age, homelessness, crowded living cond, health care workers
TB h/p
cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, night sweats, WL, fever, rales
TB rads
apical fibronodular infiltrates if reactivated, lower lobes if primary, calcified granulomas/LNs (Ghon complexes)
TB comp
meningitis, bone involvement (Pott's dz), widespread dissem to multiple organs (miliary)
for who is 5mm indurated PPD a positive reading
hiv+, close contact, signs of tb on cxr
for who is 10mm indurated ppd a positive reading
homeless, immigrants, ivda, chronically ill, health care, recent incarceration
for who is 15mm indurated ppd positive?
describe sxs pattern for 4 classes of asthma severity
1. mild int: <2x/wk, awaken at night <2x/mo, PEFR >80%
2. mild persistent: albuterol use >2x/wk, awaken at night >2x/mo
3. mod pers: daily sxs, daily alb use, awaken >1x/wk, PEFR 60-80%
4. severe: sxs with minimal activity, rarely >70% PEFR
diag crit for chronic bronchitis
productive cough for 3 mo of year for >2yrs
2 forms of emphysema
centrilobular (common), panlobular (alpha1 antitrypsin def)
how to diff bw emphysema and chronic bronchitis
emph has decreased DLCO, CB ;has normal DLCO
when do you initiate home O2 program for COPDers?
when resting sat of <88%
emphysema h/p
cough, morning ha, JVD, dec heart sounds, wheezing, ronchi, accessory muscle use
emphysema rads
flat diaphragm, hyperinflated, subpleural blebs, dec vascular markings
what is bronchiectasis
dil of sm and med bronchi
what causes bronchiectasis
obstructive dz, tobacco, TB, fungal, sev pna, CF
bronchiectasis h/p
copious sputum w cough, hemoptysis, wheezing, rales
bronchiectasis rads
mult cysts and bronchial crowding on cxr, ct shows dilation of bronchi
bronchiectasis tx
pulm hygiene, chest pt, abx, resection of disesed lung
bronchiectasis comp
cor pulm, massive hemoptysis, abscess
diff for solitary pulm nodule?
granuloma, hamartoma, cancer, carcinoid, pna
how often are solitary pulm nodules cancerous?
what cancers met to lung?
breast, colon, prostate, endometrial, cervical
most common lung ca in smokers
what do you do when you find a solitary pulm nodule on cxr
1. compare it to old films
2. CT if yes or not available
characteristics favoring benign pulm lesion
<35, no change from prior films, uniform with smooth margins, <2cm, no LAD, then f/u with cxr 3-6mo
characteristics favoring cancerous pulm lesion
smoker, >45, new/progressing, no calcifications or irregular calcifications, >2cm, irregular margins, then FDG-PET or resection
lung cancer h/p
hemoptysis, cough, dyspnea, pleuritic cp, freq pulm infections
4 types of primary LC
Squam, Adeno, Small cell, Large cell
which primary LCs are centrally located vs peripherally located
squams and small cell are central, Adeno and Large cell and peripheral
characteristics of squam LC
cavitary lesions, direct extension to hilar LNs
characteristics of Adeno LC
wide mets, increased hyaluronidase levels in effusion
characteristics of small cell LC
rapidly growing, early distant mets, several paraneoplastic syndromes
characteristics of large cell LC
early cavitation late distant mets
Squam LC paraneoplastic syndromes
Dermatomyositis, Hypercal
Adeno LC paraneoplastic syndromes
Dermatomyositis, DIC, MAHA, thrombophlebitis
Small Cell LC paraneoplastic syndromes
Dermatomyositis, Cushings, SIADH, ectopic GH/ACTH, peripheral neuropathy, subacute cerebellar degen, Eaton-Lambert
Large Cell LC paraneoplastic syndromes
Dermatomyositis, gynecomnastia
common lung mets?
BLAB: breast, liver, adrenals, brain
laryngeal cancer is usually what type
laryngeal cancer assoc with what?
smoking and drinking
laryngeal cancer h/p
worsening hoarseness, dysphagia, ear pain, hemoptysis
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis h/p
progressive exercise intolerance, dyspnea, crackles, JVD, tachypnea, digital clubbing
what do Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis PFTs look like
restrictive pattern
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis labs?
bronchioalveolar lavage shows increased PMNs, biopsy shows fibrosis and loss of parenchymal architecture
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis rads
reticulonodular pattern, honeycombing, ground glass
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis tx
lung txplant, steroids + AZA/Cyclophos
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis prog
freq mort within 5 yrs
what is Sarcoidosis
noncaseating granulomas and hilar LAD, pulmonary infiltrates and skin lesions
Sarcoidosis risk factors
black females between 10-40
Sarcoidosis h/p
cough, malaise, WL, arthritis, CP, fever, erythema nodosum on shins and arms, LAD, vision loss, CN palsies
Sarcoidosis labs
inc ACE, Ca, alkphos, ESR, hypercalciuria
Sarcoidosis rads
B/L Hilar LAD, ground glass infiltrates
Sarcoidosis tx
steroids, usually self-resolving
what about asbestosis
insulation, boats, building maintenance, needs pleural biopsy with asbestos fibers seen, rads shows multinodular opacities, pleural eff, blurring of heart/diaphragm, chest CT shows linear fibrosis, comp: malignant mesothelioma, synergistic with tobacco
what about Silicosis
mining, pottery, sandblasting, rads shows small apical nodular opacities, hilar LAD, increased risk of TB, progressive fibrosis
what about Coal worker's dz
small apical nodular opacities
what about Beryllosis
electronics, ceramics, tool manufacturing, pulm edema, diffuse granuloma formation, diffuse infiltrates, hilar LAD, increased risk of LC, may need steroids to maintain lung function
what PFTs pattern will you see with pneumoconioses?
restrictive pattern
what is Goodpasture's
anti GBM Abs: intraalveolar hemm and GN
Goodpasture's h/p
hemoptysis, dyspnea, recent resp inf
Goodpasture's labs
+ anti-GBM Abs, PFTs restrictive but with increased DLCO from increased Hb in alveoli, UA shows proteinuria and granular casts, renal biopsy shows crescenteric GN and IgG deposition along glomerular capps
Goodpasture's cxr
b/l alveolar infiltration
Goodpasture's tx
plasmapheresis, steroids
6 characteristics of Wegener's granulomatosis
1. Necrotizing vasculitis
2. Necrotizing noncaseating granulomas in lung
3. Necrotizing GN
4. hemoptysis/hematuria
5. perfed nasal septum/ulcerations of nasopharynx
6. c-ANCA +
Wegener's tx
cytotoxic tx like cyclophos, steroids
where do PEs usually come from
95% from DVTs in leg
7 risk factors for PE
1. Heredity (genetic hypercoag)
2. History (prior PE or DVT)
3. Hypomobility
4. Hypovolemia (dehyd)
5. Hypercoag (cancer, smoking)
6. Hormones (preg, OCPs)
7. Hyperhomocysteinemia
PE h/p
sudden dysp, pleuritic cp, cough, hemoptysis, syncope, impending doom, fever, tachypnea, tachycardia, loud S2
PE labs
inc DDimer, increased Aa gradient, V/Q mismatch
sinus tachy, nonspecific st-t changes, anterior t wave inversions, classically S1Q3T3 (inverted T in 3)
PE rads
cxr: eff, wedge shaped infarct
v/q mismatch
pulm angiography is diagnostic
feel like CT angio is the best
supp O2, fluids/pressors, Heparin or LMWH for PTT 1.5-2x normal converted to Warfarin for INR 2-3 for 3-6 mo, IVC filter if can't be anticoagulated, thrombolysis for massive PE
advantages of LMWH
does not req PTT monitoring and may be assessed by measuring Xa levels
what can cause pulm htn
PE, valvular dz, L to R shunts, COPD, idiopathic
pulm htn h/p
dyspnea, fatigue, loud S2 JVD, hepatomegaly, cyanosis, cp
pulm htn labs
inc rbc and wbc
pulm htn ecg
RVH pattern: RAD, large R wave in V1 that gets progressively smaller in through V6, S wave persists in V5 and V6
pulm htn rads
large pulm art and RV
pulm htn tx
supp O2, treat underlying cond
what could cause pulm edema
left sided failure, MI, valvular dz, arrhythmias, ARDS
pulm edema h/p
dyspnea, orthopnea, PND, S3 or S4, peripheral edema, wheezing, ronchi, rales, dullness to perc
pulm edema labs
enzymes and inc bmp could point to cardiac cause
pulm edema ECG
t wave abn or QT prolongation
pulm edema rads
fluid in lungs, cephalization of vessels, Kerley B lines: prominent horizontal interstitial markings in lower lung fields
pulm edema tx
underlying cond, salt rest, O2, diuretics, Nesiritide if cardiac
how can a swan ganz help you in pulm edema
wedge pressure >18 suggests cardiac cause for pulm edema, but <18 suggests ARDS
pleural effusion h/p
dyspnea, pleuritic cp, weakness, dec breath sounds, dullness to perc, dec tactile fremitus, egophony
Light's criteria for pleural effusion transudative vs exudative
Pleural:Serum protein <.5
Pleural:Serum LDH <.6
Pleural LDH <2/3 upper limit of serum LDH
Total pleural prot: <3g/dl
Exudative is opposites
what can cause transudative effusions?
CHF, cirrhosis, kidney dz (nephrotic)
what can cause exudative effusions?
infection, cancer, vasculitis, TB
pleural effusion labs except for light's criteria
Glucose (low in TB, malig, autoimmune), pH (acidic in TB, malig, empyema), amylase (high in pancreatitis, esophageal rupture, some malig), TG (high in thoracic duct rupture), CBC, gram stain, cytology
pleural effusion rads
blunting of costophrenic angles, also get a decub cxr or CT to see if fluid is free flowing or loculated (empyema vs abscess)
pleural effusion tx
thoracocentesis and chest tube placement, pleurodesis if recurrent
how many pleural effusion are due to neoplasm
pneumothorax causes mnemonic
Asthma, CF, HIV, Emphysema, Spontaneous, Trauma, Iatrogenic, Neoplasm
pneumothorax h/p
unilateral cp, dec chest wall mvmt, unilat dec breath sounds, inc resonance to perc, hypoten, JVD, trach dev
pneumothorax rads
lung retraction, mediastinal shift away from affected side, tension pneumos will also have trach dev away from side
3 types of pneumothorax
closed, open, tension
pneumothorax tx
small <15% of lung field supp O2
large >15% of lung field chest tube
If tension: needle decompression b/w 4th and 5th at midax line, or b/w 2 and 3rd at mid clav and chest tube
what can cause hemothorax
trauma, malig, TB, pulm infact
hemothorax h/p
dyspnea, pleuritic cp, dec breath sounds, dullness to prec, egophony, dec tac frem
hemothorax labs
thoracocentesis shows bloody effusion
hemothorax rads
same as for pleural eff: blunting of costophrenic angles
hemothorax tx
supp O2, chest tube
hemothorax comp
thrombi, fibrosis if it isn't drained from pleural space
when does malignant mesothelioma occur after asbestos exposure?
20 yrs
malignant mesothelioma h/p
nonpleuritic cp, dysp, dull to perc over bases, mass, scoliosis towards lesion
malignant mesothelioma labs
pleural biopsy
malignant mesothelioma rads
pleural thickening, eff, get a CT and/or PET
malignant mesothelioma tx
extrapleural pneumonectomy, chemo, radiation