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138 Cards in this Set

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what is associated with pelvic pain worsened by bladder filling or intercourse accompanied by urinary frequency, urgency, and nocturia
interstitial cystitis
what is the most likely cause of sudden onset hirsutism or viriluzation during pregnancy in a multiparous AA woman
pregnancy luteoma bilaterally
*masses are solid
**reassurance and follow-up
three hallmark features of endometriosis
treatment option for endometriosis
what cancer are patients with PCOS at risk of developing
endometrial carcinoma
what is the next step in management of an obese, hypertensive, diabetic woman who is >35 presenting with dysfunctional uterine bleeding
endometrial biopsy
when should testes be removed in a testicular feminization
after puberty
next step in management of a septic abortion
*results from retained products of missed, incomplete, inevitable, elective abortion
cervical/blood cultures
IV antibiotics
gentle suction curettage
most serious consequence of prolonged fetal demise
what should be done after the first episode of an intrauterine fetal demise
autopsy of the fetus and placenta
what is associated with fever, uterine tenderness, and foul-smelling lochia in the postpartum period
postpartum endometritis
what are risk factors for postpartum endometritis
prolonged rupture of membranes
prolonged labor
treatment of choice for postpartum endometritis
IV clindamycin and gentamicin
what is the next step in managment in a patient with a biophysical profile score of 2 or less
deliver the baby immediately
*consistent with severe fetal asphyxia
treatment of choice for seizures in eclampsia
magnesium sulfate
what is the earliest sign of magnesium sulfate toxicity
depression of the deep tendon reflexes
*CNS depressant and neuromuscular blocker
**second sign of toxicity is respiratory depression
treatment of magnesium sulfate toxicity
administration of calcium gluconate
hypothyroidism can also elevate the prolactin level
TRH --> prolactin
measure the TSH in a women with secondary amenorrhea with fatigue and milky secretion of nipples
what should be suspected in a patient when fetal heart monitoring shows tachycardia --> bradycardia --> sinusoidal pattern after artificial rupture of membranes
vasa previa
what are patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism secondary to low FSH and LH at risk of developing
next step in management of a 15 year old girl with amenorrhea and no secondary sexual characteristics
FSH level
*increased - karyotyping
*decreased - MRI
most common cause of an abnormal maternal serum AFP level
gestational age error
an increase in blood pressure that appears before 20-weeks gestation
chronic hypertension
most common risk factor for placental abruption
best screening test for PCOS in a pt with oligomenorrhea, obesity, male pattern baldness
2-hour oral glucose tolerance test
psychiatric condition which women present with all signs and symptoms of pregnancy, but have normal endometrial stripe and negative pregnancy test
next step in management of a women in preterm labor at 30 weeks with cervical dilation and effacement changes
tocolysis and steroids
gold standard for diagnosis of endometriosis
next step in management of a pt with HSIL on pap smear who is 15 weeks pregnant, successful colposcopy is done
repeat colposcopy and biopsy after delivery
copious vaginal discharge that is white or yellow in appearance, nonmalodorous,and occurs in the absence of symptoms or findings on vaginal exam
physiologic leukorrhea
painless vulvar ulcer with non-exudative base and bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy
chancre - syphillis
what two hormones should be check in a 45 year old patient presenting with night sweats, insomnia, and irregular menses for 6 months
TSH - r/o hyperthyroid
FSH - look for elevated levels
next step in management of a 35 week gestation patient with fever, leukocytosis, and PPROM
antibiotics and immediate delivery
what can induce ovulation in patients with PCOS
clomiphene citrate
role of B-HCG during pregnancy
preservation of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy
next step in management of a woman presenting with vaginal bleeding and RLQ pain with B-HCG of 1000 and no evidence of an intrauterine pregnancy on U/S
repeat B-HCG in 48 hours
cut off for screening one hour glucose tolerance test during pregnancy
differentiate vaginal discharge: candida, bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas
Candida - thick and white, erythema, pruritis
BV - malodorous, thin, no inflammation
trichomonas - thin, malordorous, pruritis with inflammation
next step in management of a pregnant woman with a fetus with a congenital anomaly incompatible with life (renal agenesis) who is currently in labor at 28 weeks
allow spontaneous vaginal delivery
differentiate next step in management of a high vs. low risk patient with LSIL
low risk - HPV testing or repeat in 6-12 months
high risk - colposcopy
treatment of choice in a premenopausal woman with intermentrual bleeding, biopsy shows endometrial hyperplasia without atypia
cyclic progestins
best test for detection of fetal chromosome abnormalities in the 1st trimester
chorionic villus sampling
*performed between 10-12 weeks after an abnormal ultrasound
what is most associated with distal limb defect during CVS
gestational age, <10 weeks is higher risk
Anti-Rh antibody titer levels
1:16 is critical level
>1:6 means the mother is already sensitized
most accurate way to measure fetal weight during U/S
abdominal circumference
next step in management if a woman presents with decreased AFP
U/S to look for abnormalities, confirm gestational age, confirm viable pregnancy
vaginal bleeding occurring before 20 weeks pregnant with live fetus and a closed cervix
threatened abortion
*reassurance and outpatient follow up
etiology of primary dysmenorrhea
increased levels of prostaglandins
at what week should external cephalic version indicated
37th week
test of choice in a patient with LMP 6 weeks ago presenting with abdominal pain and vaginal spotting. B-HCG is 1500, transabdominal U/S does not reveal intrauterine pregnancy
transvaginal U/S
preferred form of oral contraceptive for lactating mothers
*estrogen antagonizes milk production
thyroid function during pregnancy
increased in TBG leading to increased total T4, unchanged free T4 and normal TSH
woman at 34 weeks gestation presents after MVA with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding
uterine rupture
*more likely to lead to hypovolemia and shock than abruptio placenta
single most important intervention to reduce maternal-fetal transmission of HIV
zidovudine treatment of mother and neonate
what is associated with dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia in woman >40 years and on physical exam they have a symmetrically enlarged uterus; denies dyspareunia or other symptoms
painless third trimester bleeding with normal fetal heart monitoring
placenta previa
*vasa previa would have rapid deterioration of the fetal heart tracing
what should post term pregnancies be monitored for
tamoxifen is associated with increased risk of what
endometrial cancer
raloxifene is associated with increased risk of what
blood clots
what should be ruled on in pregnant patients with severe vomiting
gestational trophoblastic disease, get quantitative B-HCG
treatment of choice for uncontrolled bleeding in women with dysfunctional uterine bleeding
high dose estrogen therapy
differentiate treatment of CIN I, II, and III lesions
I - repeating pap smear in 6 and 12 months is appropriate
II and III - LEEP or cold knife conization
B-HCG, AFP, Estriol, and Inhibin A in Down syndrome quad screen
Increased - B-HCG and Inhibin A
Decreased - AFP and Estriol
treatment of choice for trichomonas
metronidazole for both patient and partner
what causes excessive levels of B-HCG
molar pregnancy
what hormone antagonizes insulin during pregnancy
which hormone is produced by the corpus luteum after ovulation
purpose of progesterone during pregnancy
prevent contractions
makes endometrium favorable for implantation
main estrogen during pregnancy
how is it made
converted from fetal adrenal DHEAS
normal blood gas during pregnancy
respiratory alkalosis
significant events for weeks 1-3 postconception
week 1 - implantation
week 2 - epibalst and hypoblast, B-HCG is now positive
week 3 - ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
no hormone stimulation is needed for this formation
mullerian duct and normal female genitalia
*Testosterone and DHT are needed to form wolffian ducts and external genitalia
period of greatest teratogenic risk
weeks 3-8, during formation of the three germ layer to completion of oranogenesis
most of first trimester loses result from what
chromosomal abnormalities
at what B-HCG value should an intrauterine pregnancy be visible on transvaginal U/S
criteria for methotrexate usage in ectopic pregnancy
mass <3.5 cm
absence of fetal heart rate
B-hCG <6000
no history of folic supplementation
when is CVS done compared to amniocentesis
CVS - between 10-12 weeks
Amnio - after 15 weeks
most common cause of an elevated or decreased AFP levels
dating error
most common cause of painful late-trimester bleeding
abruptio placenta
classically presents with painless late-pregnancy bleeding
placenta previa
drug of choice in pregnancy patient with syphillis with penicillin allergy
penicillin after oral desensitization regimen
most common cause of abnormal bleeding of ovulatory cycles are predictable vs. unpredictable
predictable - structural: endometrial polyps, fibroids
unpredictable - hormonal: deficiencies/excess
causes of primary vs. secondary dysmenorrhea
primary - prostaglandins (normal anatomy)
secondary - identifiable anatomic pathology: endometriosis, adhesions, adenomyosis, fibroids
classicaly, retroverted uterus with ureterosacral ligament nodularity and tenderness is associated with what
treatment of idiopathic hursitism in women
spironolactone to suppress 5a-reductase
next step in management of a 30 y/o F with unpredictable and irregular bleeding that is not overweight, B-hCG is negative
progestin cycling
next step in management of a 30 y/o F with bleeding between regular cycles
hysteroscopy to look for anatomic lesion
causes of virilization and their associated labs
*rapid onset
adrenal tumor - elevated DHEAS
ovarian tumor - elevated Testosterone (sertoli-leydig)
*slow onset
PCOS - LH/FSH > 3, elevated testosterone
CAH - elevated 17-OHP
this disease is associated with premature puberty, skin pigmentation, and cafe au lait spots
McCune-Albright syndrome
next step in management of a 6 y/o F with signs of puberty: female body contours, breast development, and pubic hair
pelvic u/s to rule out pelvic mass
treatment of choice for McCune-Albright syndrome
aromatase enzyme inhibitor, ovaries secrete estrogen independent of GnRH
next step in management of a 6 y/o F with signs of puberty and normal pelvic u/s, FSH is elevated
GnRH agonist to suppress premature activation of normal HPO axis
3 different types of urinary incontinence and pathophys
stress - urethral sphincter falls below UGD
urge - overactive bladder
overflow - underactive bladder
3 different types of functional ovarian cysts
1. follicular - unilateral
2. corpus luteum - unilateral, associated with pregnancy
3. theca lutein - bilateral, associated with elevated B-hCG
3 different types of nonfunctional, benign ovarian masses
1. endometriomas - chocolate cysts
2. polycystic - PCOS
3. hyperthecosis - hirsutism
pregnant woman presents with bilateral adnexal masses which are partially solid and cystic
theca lutein cyst
in which situations should you suspect CA in a patient presenting with an ovarian mass
1. mass is solid or complex
2. patient is postmenopausal
this CA is associated with post-coital bleeding
cervical CA
differentiate symmetric vs. asymmetric IUGR etiology
symmetric - fetal in origin
asymmetric - placental in origin
etiology of 2nd trimester fetal loss
maternal origin: uterine anomalies or incompetent cervix
lab findings associated with antiphospholipid syndrome
anticardiolipin antibodies
lupus anticoagulant
prolonged PTT
differentiate complete vs. incomplete mole
complete - 46 XX from paternal only, fetus absent, higher change of malignancy
incomplete - 69 XXY, fetus non-viable, lower malignancy
common places for choriocarcinoma to metastasize
lung (#1), brain, or liver
associated with excessively elevated B-hCG and snowstorm appearance on U/S
hydatidiform mole
treatment for antiphospholipid syndrome
aspirin and heparin
red flags associated molar pregnancy
severely elevated B-hCG
large for gestational age
absence of fetal heart tones
*preeclampsia < 20 weeks
increasing order of antenatal fetal testing
NST -> vibroacoustic stimulation -> contraction stress test or biophysical profile
5 parts of the BPP
1. NST
2. AFI
3. extension-flexion
4. gross body movements
5. breathing
management of non-reassuring fetal tracings
stop oxytocin
isotonic fluid bolus
change maternal position
normal fetal scalp pH
* <7.2 indicates acidosis
medications given during postpartum hemorrhage
when can vaginal delivery of twins be performed
both cephalic
baby A is cephalic, baby B is breech
differentiate why fetal tracings are different in placenta previa vs. vasa previa
placenta previa - blood loss is maternal in origin, baby is fine
vasa previa - blood loss is fetal in origin, fetal bradycardia occurs
what is the next step in management of a patient presenting with 3rd trimester bleeding
1. stabilize the patient
2. rule out placenta previa with U/S before speculum/digital examination
define mild vs. severe preeclampsia
mild - elevated BP >140/90 with >300mg protein in urine; without HA, epigastric pain, or vision changes
severe - elevated BP >160/10 OR >5g proteinuria OR lab changes or symptoms along with mild HTN and proteinuria
which forms of antepartum HTN require emergent delivery of the fetus
sever preeclampsia
cHTN with superimposied preeclampsia
HELLP syndrome
neonatal complications associated with gestational diabetes
this rare condition during pregnancy can lead to pulmonary hypertension and right-sided heart failure, it is almost always fatal
amniotic fluid embolism
treatment of cholestasis of pregnancy
ursodeoxycholic acid
most common pruritic dermatosis of pregnancy
pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP syndrome)
complication associated with sickle cell trait
asymptomatic bacteriuria causing increased risk for cystitis
4 stages of labor
stage I (latent and active) - begins onset of regular UCs, ends when cervix is fully dilated
stage II - begins with fully dilated cervix, ends with delivery of fetus
stage III - begins with delivery of baby, ends with delivery of the placenta
stage IV - 2 hours post-partum
normal duration of latent, active, and stage II of labor
latent - <20 hr prime, <14 hr multip
active - 1.2cm/hr prime, 1.5cm/hr multip
stage 2 - <2hr prime, <1 hr multip
next step in management in a patient with active phase arrest
assess quality of UCs, treatment is oxytocin augmentation if inadequate
next step in management of a fetus that has just undergone vaginal delivery and has respiratory depression, mom has epidural in
next step in management of woman with prolonged stage 2 of labor, it has been 3 hours, she is exhausted and cannot push anymore; baby's station is -2
c/s, no trial of forceps this high
what is the only breech presentation that is safe for delivery
frank breech - feet are near baby's head
risk factors associated with PROM
ascending infection
when should prompt delivery of a fetus occur in a patient with PROM
fetal lung maturity
maternal fever, unexplained by UTI or URI
nonreassuring fetal monitoring
is tocolysis contraindicated in PROM with chorioamnionitis
YES, do not stop labor
management of patient at 42 weeks gestation
sure of dates - induction with oxytocin and AROM if cervix is favorable, unfavorable cervix needs PGE2
unsure of dates - twice-weekly NST/AFI and wait
differentiate postpartum blues vs. depression
blues - tearful, mood swings, but still care for their infant
depression - feelings of despair, hope, neglect care of infant
risk factors associated with uterine atony
prolonged labor
overdistended uterus (macrosomia, twins, polyhydramnios)
list causes of post-partum fever
wind - atelectasis
water - uti
womb - endomyometritis (most common)
wound infection
walk - pelvic thrombophlebitis
breast engorgement/mastitis
differentiate painful vs. painless genital ulcers
painful - HSV, chancroid (haemophilus ducreyi)
painless - chancre (syphilis)
when should patient be hospitalized for treatment of PIC
fever >102.2
evidence of abscess
outpatient treatment failure
differentiate causes of primary amenorrhea: breasts absent and uterus present, breast present and uterus absent, both are present
BA UP - turner's, Hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency
BP UA - mullerian agenesis, androgen insensitivity
BP UP - imperforate hymen
best way to work through causes of secondary amenorrhea
1. B-hCG to r/o pregnancy
2. progesterone challenge
a. positive (bleeding) - TSH and prolactin
b. negative - need EP challenge
3. estrogen/progesterone challenge
a. positive (bleeding) - FSH to differentiate HP failure vs. ovarian failure
b. negative - outflow tract obstruction, need hysterosalpingogram