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61 Cards in this Set

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stepwise approach to ascites:
Na & H2O retstrxn
2. spinonolactone
3. loop diruetic (<1L/d diuresis)
4. freq abdominal paracentesis (2-4L/d, monitor renal function, only if good)
pancreatic pseudocyst on CT

most pancreatic pseudocysts resolve spontaneously only tap if >5cm, >6 weeks, infected, or eroding --> hemorrhage of blood vessel;
amylase can be levated because its's a soup with pancreatic juices and componenets, so when that leaks intto blood, amylase is increased
contraindication to succinylcholine for rapid sequence intubation
hyperkalemia (depolarization can cause signifciant K release)
pts at risk: crush, burn (rhabdomyolysis), demyelinating syndromes, tumor lysis syumdromes;
use non-depolarizing agnentts.
how does lactulose work:

what is the alternative
bacteria ferment it and acidify their environment, traps ammonia
alternative is neomycin : kills amomonia producing bacteria, but is nephro-ototoxic.
Mechanism of Non-Alcoholic Liver Dz:
Insulin Resistance --> Fat accumulation --> increased lipolysis --> oxidative stress
Dx: Bx
Palpable mass through abdomen near kidneys
Adrenal masses are almost never palpable. if you can papate something you're palpating kidney.
Rectal Examination reveals fluctuant mass at the tip of the finger

dz, tx
pelvic abscess in rectovesicular pouch.
you can feel the whole prostate
likely 2*/2 appendicitis
tx: drainage
Serum-Ascites Albumin Gradient Gradter than 1.1 is indicative of portal hypertension as the etiology for ascites (vs pancreas)
best dx test for sigmoid diverticulitis
Abdominal CT
High Amplitude Peristaltic Esophageal Contractions with Normal LES relaxn

Dz, Dx, Tx
Diffuse Esophageal Spasm
eosphagram usually normal
classical: "corkscrew" esophagus
2*/2 emotional disorders & functional GI disorders
Dx: manomoatry
Tx: antispasmotic, dietary modulation, counseling; CCCBs & nitrates
birds beak narrowing of distal esophagus
classes and courses
Uncomplicated: no abscess: oral antibiotics & bowel rest
<3cm abscess: IV abx
>3cm: CT guided ddrainage
no success --> sugical debridement
surgery for fistulas, perforation, obstrx, recurrent
dyspepsia workup
Dyspepsia: non-heart burn epigastric piain, fullneess/early satiety, bloating or nausea
Red Flags: weight loss, persistent vomiting, dysphagia, occult blood, odynophagia, FHx)
without Red flags: test for H pylori serology if prevelently endemic
if negative or not endemic: 8 week trial with PPI's & Follow Up
Familial Cholelithiasis
think Hereditary spherocytosis
all these pts need folate supplementation
Drugs which cause pancreatitis:
metronidazole, tetracycline
AIDS pts: didanosine, pentamidine
Seizures/Bipolar: Valproate
Immunosuppressants: Sulfalazine, 5-ASA
Diuretics: Thiazides & Furosamide
MCC: Rectal Bleeding in elderly vs Frank Rectal Hemorrhage in elderly
MCC: Rectal Bleeding in elderly, angiodysplasia
MCC: Frank Rectal Hemorrhage in elderly, diverticulosis
Ludwig's Angina:
Strep + anaerobes
MCC Death = Asphyxiation
Tx: remove tooth (source) + antibiotics
asx gallstones

course of action
only 20% of pts with asx gallstones will dvlp sx or complciations --> do nothing
only remove prophlyactically if at risk for CA or complixsn: morbidly obese underoign Gastric Bypass and those with procelain gallbladders
Indications for ERCP:
-interventional for gallstone pancreatitis
-diagnosis of choronic pancreatitis, dx of ampulaltory ca's need ts samples, need bile duct exploration
Type 1: two bad copies --> unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia --> must have liver transplant
type 2: one bad copy --> almost always okay, some phenobarbital or clofibrate to reduce serum bilirubine levels prn;
CJ2: <20, gilbert's <3
Tx: diabetic gastroparesis:
improveged glycemic control
small freq meals
DA agonists (metoclopramide, domperidone)_ before meals
erythromycin (normally produces diarrhea, this is from interation with motilin receptors)
Confirming Diagnosis of mesenteric angina
angiography or doppler US
15% of acute pancreatitis pts are complicated by
What is Reye Sro:
Fatty liver with Encephalopathy
Viral Illnesses treated with Aspirin
Fatty vacuolization of liver s inflammation
constellation of : elevated AST&ALT, elevated ammonia, PT prolongation, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis
Mortality: 1/3
Tx: glucose + FFP + [mannitol vs cerebral edema]
Acute Pancreatitis Pt becomes hypotensive, pathology?
most likely increased vascular permeability from enzyme spillage
if bleeding look for signs (Cullen, Grey Turner)
Ulcerative cholitis with RUQ pain, biliary Sx
Dz, Dx, Tx
immediately think Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Confirm Dx with cholangiographic "Beading" of bile ducts
Tx: control with ursodeoxycholic acid, dilation & stenting; ultimate tx is transplant
Survival is 12 years from Dx due to hepatic failure
Pre-cirrhotic alcoholic liver px:
dz will completely reverse with abstinence from ETOH (as long as not fully cirrhotic)
Potassium Chloride pills complications
pill esophagitis from
Hepatic Encephalopathy superimposed on Acute Hepatitis
course of action
80% mortality, high priority candidate for liver transplantation

contrad by non-hepatic likely causes of death or drug/etoh abuse
Noncaseating Granulomas
are pathognomonic for Crohns
when differentiating Crohns vs UC
D-xylose test:
D-xylose is a simple sugar which only requires access to mucosa to be absorbed
ie: it will still be absorbed with pancreatic & hepatic insufficiency
normally a person ingests 25mg and excretes >4.5g within next 5 hours
non-excretion = non-absorption = either celiac dz or bacterial overgrowth
bacterial overgrowth responds to abx
cirrhosis with varices
anyone with cirrhosis should get an endoscopy to screen for esophageal varicies
anyone with asymptomatic esophageal varices should be started on beta blockers prophylactically
Hepatic Adenoma Lab Abnormalities:
Possibly elevated AP & GGT
Dx: CT + AFP levels to monitor for malignant transformation (10% of time)
Bx: hepatocytes w/ glycogen & fat (normal looking) but lacking tissue architecture (ducts/septa, etc)
Acalculus colechystitis:
critically ill noncommunicative pts
imaging: thickend GB wall & pericholecytic fluid
Tx: IV ABx + Interventional Radiology percutaneous cholecystostomy
Choledochal cysts
: congenital abomalies
dilation of biliary ducts
weakness of wall due to reflexu of alkaline pancreatic secretions
Transaminases & PT as indicators of post-Hepatitis Liver fnx
Transaminases Decreases + Stable PT = Recovering Liver
Transaminases Decrease + Increasing PT = Hepatocytes mostly dead, decreased number dying = decreased transaminases; liver function markedly deteriorate = increased PT.
Dubin Johnson Sro vs Rotor sro:
conjugated hyperbilirubineamias
both benign disorders of bile secretion
DJ is pigmentedhepatocytes, rotor is not.
acute ascending cholangitis course of action
= ERCP, not surgery
much lower morbidity with ERCP
melanosis coli
dark brown discoloration of colon with lymph follicles shining through as pale patches
diagnostic of factitious diarrhea
pigment macorphages in lamina propria
4 months from use of laxatives to melanosis coli [only with anthraquinone containing laxatives like bisacodyl), 4 months to resolution after last use
dark brown discoloration of colon with lymph follicles shining through as pale patches
melanosis coli

diagnostic of factitious diarrhea
pigment macorphages in lamina propria
4 months from use of laxatives to melanosis coli [only with anthraquinone containing laxatives like bisacodyl), 4 months to resolution after last use
Pancreatitis Imaging:
no imaging for acute pancreatitis until fail to respond to conservative treatment then CT
Diagnosti test for chronic pancreatitis best established by imaging best established by calcification
Tx: varices
sclerotherapy/band ligation & surgery are all not indicated until after a variceal bleeding. they are not prophylaxisis; Protostystemic shunt is the last resort as it worsens encephalopathy.
Non bleeding varices are managed with propranolol. This reduces bleeding risk by half.
ZE: diagnoisis
is fasting gastrin >1k
MCSro assoc. w/ Increased Gastric Folding & Duodenal Ulcers
Zollinger-Ellison Sro (GastrinOMA) <-- MEN I: 1* hyperparathyroidism, pituitary rumors & pancreatic tumors
Hydatid Cyst
means Echinococcus tapeworm infection - sheep *7 dogs
Tx: controversial, basically resect because they can all bleed or undergo malignant transformation
suspected esophageal perf
when you'd like to perform both barium swallow and endoscopy for difficulty swallowing
perform the swallow first - because maybe esophagus is tortuous stricture or something you would perf.
inflam bowel dz vs EHEC:
inflam bowel >4 wks
Mallory Weiss Bleeding Stops Spontaneously in ?%
90% of pts
Mechanisms of hepatic encephalopathy:
1. accumulation of ammonia
2. prodxn of false neurotransmitter
3. increased sensitivity to inhibiotry neurotransmitters like GABA
4. Zinc deficiency
NB: charactreristic delta waves on EEG
Potential COmplications of Acute Pancreatitis:
Left-Sided Pleual Exudative Effusion
Abd Compartment Sro
IntraAbd hemorrhage
Pancreatic Pseudocyst
Abdominal Pseudoaneurysm
Anytime you have epigastric pain
include pancreatitis in your DDx
Causes of Drug Induced Esophagitis
(ie direct caustic injury to esophagus)
Antibiotics: Tetracyclines
Anti-inflam: NSAIDS & Aspirin
Bisphosphonates: Alendronate
Others: KCl, quinidine, iron
pt with sx cholelithiasis does not want surgery
--> ursodeoxycholic acid & avoid fattty foods
ursodeoxycholic acid reduces hepatic secretion of cholesterol & slowly dissolves stones
expensive & stones recur
Hepatorenal Sro:
Renal Failure of unknown cause (likely vasodilatory) from Hepatic Failure
Support: Vasporessin, Vasoconstrictors, Albuin
Treatment: Liver Transplant is only Definitive Treatment
UC monitoring
: colonoscopy every year after 8th year since dx
Fleshy immobile mass midline hard palate
Torus Palatinus
benign, ulcerates from poor vascular supply
surgical exision if symptomatic
congenital, may grow thorughout life
Why Steatorrhea in ZE Sro?
Gastrin --> Acidification of Stomach --> inactive pancreatic enzymes
ulcer locations
Acid hurts ulcers
gastric ulcers get worse with eating
duodenal ulcers get better with eating (pancreatic HCO3)
duodenal ulcers higholy associated with H pylori
traumaticly induced duodenal hematoma
Tx: NG tube, NPO & parenteral nutrition
ie best management is conservative, no need for abx, surgical only if failure of conservative measures
how different drugs cause hepatic damage:
cholestasis: chlorpromazine, nitrofurantoin, erythromycin, anbolic steroids
fatty liver: tetracycline, valproate, anti-retrovirals
hepatitis: halothane, phenytoin, INH, alpha methyldopa
toxic/fulminant liver failure: carbon tetrachloride, acetaminophen
granulomatous: allopurinol, phenylbutazone
Pt OD's on acetaminpophen, course of action:
<4hours: administer charcoal (not useful thereafter)
@4hours: draw actetaminophen lvels (not accurate beforehand)
thereafter: determine & administer loading dose of N-acetyl cysteine (no change in efficacy so long as given within 8 hours of ingestion)