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36 Cards in this Set

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CBC, ESR, CT head, MRI brain, LP, XR-sinues,
confusion/memory loss
CBC, VDRL/RPR, serum b12, tsh, mri, ct, lp, glucose (hypo), electrolytes
depressed mood
pe, mse, blood alcohol, tsh, cbc, urine tox
mse, urine tox, tsh, cbc, electrolytes
cbc, vdrl/rpr, mri brain, orthostatic vital signs, electrolytes, audiogram
cbc, electrolytes, glucose, urine tox, eeg, mri, ct, lp, ecg
cbc, glucose, electro, ecg, ct, mri, doppler, echo, pt/ptt, lp, emg/nerve conduction study, serum b12, tensilon test (MG) ach receptor antibodies
cbc, tsh, hiv/std,urine tox, ft4, glucose, hba1c, ua
night sweats
ppd, cxr, cbc, sputum grain stain, acid fast
polysomnography, mse, urine tox, cbc, tsh
sore throat
cbc, peripheral smaer, monospot test, throat culture, ast/alt/bil/alk phos, hiv antibody/viral load,
throat swab culture, rapid streptococcal antigen
cbc, cxr, peak flow, pft's, methacholine challenge test, sputum grain stain, culture, ct chest, bronchoscopy, ppd, HIV antibody
chest pain
ecg, cpk-mb troponin, cxr, cbc, electrolytes, echo, barium swallow, upper endoscopy,
sickle cell pul infarct
cbc, retic count, ldh, peripheral smear
abg, cxr, cpk-mb, troponin, ecg
glucose, cbc, electro, tsh, bun/cr, ecg
weight loss
tsh, ft4, cbc, electro, hiv, urine tox
weight gain
cbc, electro, gluc, tsh, 24 hr free cortisol, dexmatheasone suppresion test
cbc, cxr, endoscopy, barium swallow, ct
urine hcg, cbc, electro, ca, gluc, ua, urine culture
abdominal pain
rectal, ua, uc, bun/cr, cbc electro, amylase, lipase ast/alt/bil/alk phosp ,u/s abdomen, ct abdomen, viral hepatitis serologies
rectal exam, cbc, colonoscopy, ast/alt/bil/alk phos, urine tox, tsh, electrolytes, stool for occolt, ct abdomen/pelvis
upper gi bleeding
rectal, cbc, electro, ast/alt/bil/alk phos, endoscopy, h. pylori,
blood in stool
rectal exam, cbc pt/ptt, axr, colonoscopy, ast/alt/bil/alk phos, barium enema, ct abdomen/pevlcis,
genitourinary exam, ua, urine cytology, bun/cr, psa, cbc, pt/ptt, cyotoscopy u/s-renal/bladder, ct abdomen/pelvis
other urinary symptomts
rectal, ua, cbc, bun/cr, psa, u/s prostate (transrectal), ct pelvis,
genital, urine culture, gram stain, and culture, chlam gon pcr,
erectile dysfunction
genital, rectal , gluc, cbc
pelvic, urine hcg, u/s pelvis, cbc, electro, ua, urine culture, lh/fsh/ tsh prolactin, mri brain
preg, pit tumor, thyroid
amenorrhea, hot flash, night sweats, emotional labiliy, dyspareunia, pelvic, urine hcg, lh/fsh, tsh, prola
vaginal bleeding
pelvic exam, urine hcg, cervical cultures, pap smear, cbc, esr, gluc, colposcopy (cervical ca) endometrial bio, u/s pelvis
vaginal discharge
pelvic exam , wet mount, koh prep, wet mount, cervical cultures, ph vaginal fluid
pelvic exam , wet mouth, koj prep, cervical cultres, u/s pelvis
xr-skeletal survey, ct-maxillofaicla, urine tox, cbc, pelvic, urine hcg,
joint/limb pain
xr-affected, ct, urine tox, nerve conduction study, emg, ana, anti-dsdna, esr, c3, c4, rf, cbc, arthrocenteies, synovial fluid analysis, dexa scan, arthrocentesis, lyme antibody,
low back pain
xr l spine, mri lspine, ct l-spine,
child w/ fever
pe, cbc, electro, ua, urine culture, blood culture, lp, viral antibodies, throat swab for culture, stool exam/cutulre,
behavioral problems
pe, mse, urine tox