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136 Cards in this Set

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How do you diagnose hypertension?
three separate measurements on three separate occasions >140/90mmHg
Except in pregnancy
What is the first line of drugs for Stage 1 hypertension?
What is the pharmaceutical treatment for Stage 2 hypertension?
thiazides + 1 other agent
What is the BP of Stage 1 HTN?
What is the BP of Stage 2 HTN?
What is the first line of treatment once a diagnosis of HTN is made?
3-4 months of lifestyle modifications
What is the difference between nitroprusside and nitroglycerin?
Nitroprusside: dilates arteries AND veins

Nitroglycerin: venodilator only
What is the MCC of death among untreated HTN patients?
coronary disease
What percentage of cases of HTN are essential, primary or idiopathic?
What are some of the clues in a question stem to secondary HTN?
age of onset < 30 yrs or > 50 yrs
What is the MCC of secondary HTN in women?
Birth control pills
What is the MCC of secondary HTN in a young man?
Excessive alcohol intake or exotic conditions
What are the 6 MCC of secondary HTN after alcohol and OCPs?
1. Pheochromocytoma
2. PKD
3. Cushing Syndrome
4. Renovascular HTN
5. Conn's Syndrome
6. Coarctation of the aorta
For the following cause of secondary HTN, list the hints/tests to order:

Test: urinary catecholamines (vanillymandelic acid, metanephrine)

hints: signs of "panic attacks"
For the following cause of secondary HTN, list the hints/tests to order:

Test: Abdominal U/S; elevated creatine, elevated BUN
For the following cause of secondary HTN, list the hints/tests to order:

Cushing's Syndrome
Dexamethasone suppression test or 24-hour urine cortisol
For the following cause of secondary HTN, list the hints/tests to order:

Renovascular HTN
MR or CT andiogram, U/S or ACE-I nuclear renal scan

If bruit on exam treat with angioplasty and stenting.
Conn's Syndrome
High aldosterone, low renin
Coarct of the aorta:
upper extremity HTN only
associated with Turner's Syndrome
rib notching on CXR
What must the plasma fasting glucose be to diagnose DM?
Random glucose?
Plasma fasting: 126
Random: 200
What are the goals of treatment for DM postprandial and fasting?
Postprandial <180-200

Fasting < 130
What are the C peptide levels in a pt with excessive exogenous insulin intake? Insulinoma?
Exogenous insulin: low C pepide
Insulinoma: high C peptide
What three signs must be present to diagnose DKA?
hyperglycemia, hyperketonemia, metabolic acidosis
What is the treatment for DKA?
fluids, IV regular insulin, potassium and phos replacement. DO NOT give bicarn unless pH < 7
What is the MCC of DKA?
Which type of DM typically gets DKA?
Type 1
What is required to diagnose nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state?
hyperglycemia, hyperosmolarity with ketonemia
What is the treatment for nonketotic hyperglycemia hyperosmolar state?
Fluids, IV regular insulin, electrolyte replacement
What are the long term complications of diabetes?
Neuropathy (gastroparesis, charcot's joints, impotence, cranial nerve palsies, silent MI)
Foot ulcers, infections, gangrene
What is the only cure for Type 2 diabetes?
diet changes, exercise and weight loss
What is the Somogyi effect in regards to diabetes?
If too much NPH or long-acting insulin is given at night, the 3 am glucose will be low --> body releases stress hormones causing the 7 am glucose to be high

treatment is to DECREASE insulin night before
What is the dawn phenomenon, in regards to diabetes?
hyperglycemia caused by normal early AM growth hormone secretion. 7AM glucose is high without 4 AM hypoglycemia

treatment is to INCREASE insulin
What lab value is used to follow diabetes management compliance?
hemoglobin A1c
What is the HbA1c level ideal for compliance?
< 7%
How often should a fasting lipid profile be ordered?
Every five years starting at 20 yo
How can one compute the LDL from the lipid profile?
LDL=total cholesterol - HDL - (tgs/5)
What is the goal for total cholesterol?
< 200
What is the goal for triglycerides?
< 150
What disease is the most important cause of permanent disability and accounts for more hospital days than any other illness?
What are the 5 main risk factors for coronary heart disease?
Age (men = 45 yo, women = 55)
Family hx of premature CHD
Current cigarette smoking (>10 cigarettes/day)
What are the symptoms and pathophys of Wernicke's syndrome?
opthalmoplegia, nystagmus, ataxia, confusion
acute and reversibe, can be fatal
thiamine deficiency
damage to mamillary bodies and thalamic nuclei
What are the symptoms and pathophy of Korsakoff's Syndrome?
anterograde amnesia and confabulation
chronic and irreversible
thiamine deficiency
damage to mamillary bodies and thalamic nuclei
What are the symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal? When do the symptoms begins?
tremors, sweating, hyperreflexia, seizures

12-48 hours after last drink
What are the symptoms of acute delirium tremens? When do the symptoms begins?
confusion, poor sleep, autonomic lability (sweating, increased pulse and temp)

2-4 days after last drink
What are the stigmata of chronic liver disease in alcoholics?
varices, hemorrhoids, caput medusae, jaundice, ascites, spider angiomas, gynecomastia, asterixis, prolonged PT, hypoalbuminemia, anemia
What is the MCC of preventable mental retardation?
fetal alcohol syndrome
What are the MCCs of respiratory acidosis?
COPD, asthma, drugs that decrease resp drive, sleep apnea, OHS
What are the MCCs of respiratory alkalosis?
anxiety or hyperventilation, aspirin or salicylate OD
What are the MCCs of Metabolic acidosis?
ethanol, DKA, uremia, lactic acidosis (sepsis/shock), methanol/ethylene glycol poisoning, aspirin or salicylate, diarrhea, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
What are the MCCs of metabolic alkalosis?
diuretics (except carbonic anhydrase inhibitors), vomiting, volume contraction, antacid abuse, hyperaldosteronism
What are the two primary acid/base disturbances you see with aspirin or salicylate OD?
respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
Unless already immune, all patients with chronic liver disease should be immunized against which virus(es)?
immunity is reflected by antibodies to hepatitis surface antigens
Where do metastatic brain tumors usually develop?
grey-white junction
can be solitary of multiple
What cancer lends itself to metastatic brain tumors?
non-small cell lung CA
What is the preferred treatment for a solitary brain met?
resection followed by radiation
For a woman diagnosed with ASCUS/CIN-1, what is the next step in management
Repeat pap in 12 months

57% of CIN-1 cases regress to normal
What is the MC nerve injury in a midshaft humerus fx? What is the sign/symptom?
Radial n.

wrist drop
What is the initial procedure in pts < 50yo who present with BRBPR without risks of colon CA?
Is joint disease with SLE deforming or non-deforming?
non-deforming (compared to RA)
What is the pathophys of leukoplakia?
chronic irritation of the oral mucosa 2/2 smoking, EtOH, ill-fitting dentures
Leukoplakia carries a risk of which CA?
squamous cell CA
What is the pathophys of HIT?
antibodies to heparin and platelet factor IV --> Ab attaches to Fc region on platelets causing activation -->paradoxical thrombosis
Decreasing platelet counts > 50% 5-10 days after starting heparin is suggestive of what condition?
What is the treatment for HIT?
d/c heparin
administer thrombin-inhibitors (argatroban and lepirudin)
Prolonged QRS complexes on ECG in an older patient with syncope is suggestive of what pathophys?
Prolonged QT on ECG is suggestive of which arrhythmia?
Which common calcium channel blocker decreases the renal clearance of digoxin?
What are the three diseases associated with MEN-II?
Medullary CA of the thyroid (check calcitonin levels)
what is the pathophys of pharyngeoesophogeal (Zenker's) diverticulum?
esophogeal dysmotility and incoordination between the UES and pharyngeal contraction
What is the surgical treatment for Zenker's diverticuluum?
excision and cricopharyngeal myotomy
Asymetric breath sounds immediately after intubation is suggestive of what complication?
R mainstem bronchus intubation

w/d tube
Which neuromuscular blocking agent is safe in patients with renal and liver failure?
Atracurium--metabolized in the plasma and hydrolyzed by serum esterases
What is the main cause of orthostatic hypotension in the elderly?
progressively decreasing baroreceptor sensitivity
MCC of mitral regurg?
Mitral prolapse
What does the presence of hyponatremia tell you about a person's CHF?
That it is severe
May also see hypo/hyper K from fluctuations in the renin-angiotensin-also system
In a patient with high risk/suspicion for a DVT, what is your first step in management?
compression U/S

Low risk: D-dimer
What are the signs/symptoms of X-linked agammaglobulimenia (Bruton's)?
1. recurrent respiratory tract infxns including AOM, PNA, sinusitis in male children
2. nl CD3-positive (Tcells) and low CD19-positive (B cells)
What is the treatment for X-linked agammaglobulinemia?
Infections in which neck space (e.g., submandibular, sublingual) have the highest risk of mediastinal involvement?

retropharyngeal abscesses can lead to acute necrotizing mediastinitis
What is lead time bias?
incorrect assumption or conclusion of prolonged apparent survival and better prognosis due to a new screening test
Suspect which disease in a patient with unexplained anemia and thrombocytopenia with renal failure and neuro symptoms?
thrombotic thromobocytopenic purpura-hemolytic uremic syndrome (TTP-HUS)

Treat with plasmaphoresis
Patients with hyperlipidemia should be tested for which endocrine abnormality?
What is the strongest risk factor for aortic dissection?
systemic HTN
Treatment for tinea corporis(ringworm)?
antifungal (e.g., terbinafine)
In a hemodynamically stable patient, what is the best study to eval solid organ damage?
A positive Trendelenburg sign is indicative of ____?
Gluteal muscle weakness
What type of polyp is more likely to progress to malignant cancer?
Sessile, villous polyps (followed by tubulovillous and tubular)
What is the normal amniotic fluid index?
between 5 and 25
What is the typical presentation of Sturge Weber syndrome?
wine-colored nevus on face, seizures and exopthalamous; cerebral lesions are histologically similar to the facial lesion
What is the pathophysiology of Sheehan's syndrome?
ischemic necrosis of the pituitary gland
Causes of osteonecrosis of the femoral head?
corticosteroid use
antiphospholipid syndrome
Side effects of amiodarone?
**Pulmonary fibrosis
corneal deposits
skin discoloration
What heart drugs can WORSEN peripheral artery disease?
B-blockers can vasoconstrict peripheral arteries
Treatment for Enterobius vermicularis?
albendazole or mebendazole
Indications for surgery in pts with aortic stenosis?
1. syncope
2. angina
3. dyspnea (from CHF)
What is the treatment for uterine atony after supportive measures have been exhausted?
Oxytocin to stimulate contractions

Atony is the MCC of postpartum hemorrhage
MC testicular sex cord stromal tumors
Leydig cell tumors

-all age groups
-increased testosterone and estrogen ->decrease LH/FSH
What is the pathophys of polycythemia vera? What does the pt p/w?
markedly increased RBC mass and total blood volume, hypercellular bone marrow, increased leukocyte alk phos, decreased EPO

p/w: old plethoric male with pruritis after bathing
What is the postexposure prophylaxis for HBV?
Hep B immune globulin and 3 shots of Hep B at set intervals
What can you do to screen pts at high risk for ovarian cancer
Annual CA125 and trans vaginal u/s; there are no sensitive or specific screening tests
MCC of death in dialysis and renal transplant pts?
cardiovascular dz
Presentation of VZV/HSV retinitis?
PAIN, keratitis, uveitis, peripheral pale lesions, central retinal necrosis

Common in HIV pts
Presentation of CMV retinitis?
PAINLESS, no keratitis or conjunctivitis

Common in HIV pts
Drugs that impair the absorption of folic acid?
1st line agents for HTN in pregnancy?
labetalol and/or methyldopa

d/c ACE-I and ARBs
Cause of hypotension after an epidural?
sympathetic fiber block --> vasodilation of lower extremities-->venous pooling
Indications for surgical treatment for hyperparathyroidism?
Age <50
worsening renal fnxn
Serum Ca> 1mg/dL over upper limit of nl
Tx for uncomplicated pyelo?
TMP/SMX orals (it's cheaper)
Tx for legionella pneumonia?
high dose erythromycin and azithromycin
What is pulseless electrical activity? Treatment?
presence of a discernible rhythm on cardiac monitoring in a pt who is clinically in cardiac arrest with no palpable pulses

Tx: immediate CPR including chest compressions
Tx for anaerobic pneumonia (foul smelling sputum)
Drugs that shift potassium intracellularly?
Insulin and glucose
Sodium bicarb
B2 agonists - Albuterol
Pancoast syndrome?
neoplasm in the pulmonary apex (superior sulcus) compressed the inferior portion of the brachial plexus -->shoulder pain and ulnar distribution
Presentation of molluscum contagiosum?
dome-shaped lesions with central umbilication

caused by poxvirus

seen in AIDS
What is the pathophys of pancytopenia in pts with SLE?
autoantibodies to RBCs (Type II hypersensitivity)
Treatment for Reiter syndrome/Reactive arthritis?
Tx of HTN in pts with peripheral vascular dz?
CaChannel blockers - Amlodipine (have peripheral vasodilating properties)
Presentation and treatment for Actinomycosis?
Gram pos branching
p/w infxn in cervicofacial, thoracic and abdominal region
fluid contains sulfur granules

Tx: PCN for 6-12 weeks
What is the pathophys of A-fib in patients with mitral stenosis?
Left atrial dilatation
Signs/sx of nephritic syndrome?
Dependent edema
Hematuria (dysmorphic RBCs or RBC casts)
Rash, low grade fevers
First step in a pt with MI who develops a cold leg?
ECHO to r/o thrombus in the L ventricle
Any HIV pt with bloody diarrhea and nl stool exam should be screened for what infection?
CMV colitis with colonoscopy

cytomegalic cells with inclusion bodies
Inheritance, pathophys and presentation of Heriditary Telangectasias (Osler-Weber-Rendu)
AD inheritance
Diffuse telangectasias and recurrent epistaxis
Pathophy: widespread AV malformations (if in lung -> shunt -> chronic hypoxemia -> reactive polycythemia)
Signs and symptoms of CML?
Age > 50 with fever, malaise, fatigue, anorexia
Bone marrow shows hypercellularity with prominent granulocytic hyperplasia
LOW leukocyte Alk Phos is CLASSIC
What is the MCC of UTI in patients with alkaline urine?
What d/o should always be considered in a pt with unexplained elevation of serum CK?
TX for ingestion of liquid alkalai?
1. maintain airway
2. Upper GI endoscopy w/i 24 hrs to assess injury and dictate tx
Presentation and treatment for aspirin sensitivity syndrome?
persistent nasal blockage
episodes of bronchoconstriction
Tx: leukotriene inhibitors, topical cotricosteroids and aspirin desensitization therapy
Signs and sx of Dubin-Johnson syndrome?
conjugated hyperbilirubinemia with otherwise nl LFTs
increased levels of urinary coproporphyrin
benign, no tx
What therapy has been proven to prolong survival and improve quality of life in COPD pts
Tx for sickle cell pts with frequent, acute, painful episodes?
Hydroxyurea (increases Hb F levels -> erythropoesis)

All SC pts get folic acid
Varicoceles that fail to empty when pt is recumbant. Dx?
Renal cell CA, get Abdominal CT
What does the V/Q scan for PE show?
Large perfusion defect without ventilation defect
Mechanism of Wilson's Dz?
Hepatolenticular degeneration
TX for acute exacerbations of MS?
Signs and tx for HSV keratitis?
corneal vesicles and dendritic ulcers

Tx: antiviral therapy