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5 Cards in this Set

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diabetes follow-up

exam: eye (fundoscopic), neck (carotid), CV (pap, ausc), pulm (ausc), extremities (inspect feet, peripheral pulses), neurologic (DTR, babinski,sensation and strength in LE)

Ddx: insulin-induced hypoglycemia, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, organic erectile dysfunction

Ddx workup: genital exam, serum glucose, A1C, UA, Urine microalbumin, BUN/Cr, doppler U/s penis, nerve conduction studies

sexual assault

exam: head neck, mouth, CV (ausc), Pulm (i,a,p,p), abdom (i, a, p), neurologic (mental status, cranial nerves, gross motor) MSK (inspect, palpate)

ddx: rib fracture, STD, pregnancy

workup- pelvic, xr, chest xray, urine hcg, wet mount, koh prep, cervical culture, GC/CH test, HIV, VDRL, HBV antigen

calf pain

exam: CV/PUlm--inspect, auscultate, femoral, popliteal, DP pulses, joint (knee, ankle, hip joint), extremities, neurologic exam-sensory and motor knee and hip

ddx: DVT, cellulitis, ruptured baker's cyst

work-up- doppler, d-dimer, hypercoaguable (+FH), CBC with diff, wound and blood culture


exam: HEENT, CV/pulm ausc, abdominal, extremities (inspection, DTR)

ddx: laryngeal cancer, laryngitis, vocal cord polyp/nodule, GERD, hypothyroidism

workup- larygnoscopy, ESR, CT (chest, neck), u/s neck

neck pain

exam: neck, extremities, neurologic (motor, DTR, sensory exam, kernig and brudzinski signs)

ddx: disk herniation (radiculopathy--arm numbness), cervical fracture, neck muscle strain, osteoarthritis

ddx- XR-c spine, MRI c-spine, nerve conduction studies