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200 Cards in this Set

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How does RCC cause thrombocytosis and polycythemia?
Increased EPO
Blood streaked sputum and multiple lung cavities on CXR
Acute necrotizing PNA with secondary pneumatoceles
Which pathogen causes post-viral URI necrotizing pulmonary beonchopenumonia w/ multiple nodular infiltrates
S. aureus
Cause of gall stones in pts on TPN
Decreased gallbladder contraction (b/c no stimulus from CCK)
Why are women more predisposed to gall stones?
Estrogen promotes formation by stimulating activity of HMG-CoA reductase
Test for comparing two proportions (e.g. this number out of 100 have disease)
Test for comparing means
Two sample t-test
Nephrotic syndrome in pt with RA, enlarged kidneys, and hepatomegaly is most likely due to
Renal biopsy findings in amyloidosis
Deposits w/ apple-green birefringence under polarized light after staining w/ congo red
Renal biopsy w/ crescent formation on light microscopy
Renal biopsy w/ linear immunoglobulin deposits on immunofluoresence
Anti-GBM disease (e.g. Goodpasture's)
Renal biopsy w/ granular deposits on immunofluoresence
Immune complex glomerulonephritis (e.g. lupus or post-strep GN)
Two areas most at risk in ischemic colitis
Splenic flexure (between SMA and IMA)

Recto-sigmoid junction (supplied by narrow terminal branches of IMA)
Hypopigmented plaque on skin w/o sensation, followed by muscle atrophy
How to diagnose leproxy
Acid-fast bacilli on skin biopsy
Asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis w/ nasal polyosis, and bronchospasm or congestion after aspirin or NSAIDs
Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD)
Bland tasting food and recurrent nasal discharge/congestion
Nasal polyps (bland tasting food is due to anosmia)
Nasal discomfort and excess crusting/ bleeding
Perforated nasal septum
Risk factor for perforated nasal septum
Intranasal cocaine
Frequent cause of nose bleeds during pregnancy
Increased incidence of pyogenic granulomas on anterior nasal septum
Ductopenia (lack of bile ducts) is most commonly due to
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Liver w/ periductal portal tract fibrosis and segmental stenosis of extra/intra hepatic bile ducts
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
How to treat iron deficiency in dialysis pts
IV (iron dextran)
Clubbing in pt with COPD suggests
Occult malignancy (clubbing is NOT a feature of simple COPD)
Causes of clubbing (6)
Pulmonary HTN and hypoxemia (from congenital heart disease, not COPD)
Lung abscess
Interstitial lung disease
Why do pts with acromegaly develop acanthosis?
They also have insulin resistance
Sudden appearance of acanthosis may indicate
GI malignancy
Lung lesion that moves with position change
Aspergilloma (fungus ball, lies free in the lung cavity)
Lung lesion with an air fluid level
Lung abscess
CXR with calcified nodes in lung/mediastinum (or spleen/liver)
EKG finding most specific for digitalis toxicity
Atrial tachycardia (from ectopy) PLUS AV block
Liver biopsy w/ macrovesicular steatosis, polymorphonuclear cellular infiltrates, and necrosis
Anti-mitochondrial antibodies
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Anti-smooth muscle Abs
Autoimmune hepatitis
Study with 2+ experimental interventions as well as multiple groups w/ different treatment endpoints (2+ variables studied independently)
Factorial design study
What is cluster analysis?
Randomization at level of groups rather than individuals
Acute onset of back pain w/o obvious trauma + local tenderness on PEX
Compression fracture of vertebrae
Injury caused by less dramatic physical strain w/ paravertebral muscle tenderness (not spinal)
Rx for acne patient who has begun scarring
Oral isotretinoin
Best study type for calculating incidence
Pt treated with a sulfa antibiotic who then presents with hemolysis
G6PD deficiency
Cause of hemolytic episodes in G^PD deficient pts
Infections or meds (sulfa drugs, antimalarials, nitrofurantoin) that increase oxidative stress
Finding on urine stain during G6PD hemolytic episode
Prussian blue stain (indicating presence of hemosiderin)
Pathophys of G6PD deficiency
Can't catalyze reduction of NADP --> NADPH, which is necessary to form reduced glutathione, which protects RBCs from oxidative injury
Pts with Strep bovis endocarditis or septicemia are at increased risk of
Occult colorectal or upper GI cancer
EKG: tachy w/ regular, narrow QRS complexes w/o definite p waves
Supraventricular tachycardia
Rx for SVT
Wide QRS complex tachycardia
Ventricular tachy
Rx for ventricular tachy (general)
Amiodarone, lidocaine, etc.
Management of pt about to undergo splenectomy (2)
Anti-pneumococcal, Haemophilius, and meningococcal vaccines several weeks preop

Daily oral penicillin prophy for 3-5 yrs after surgery
Lab test that can distinguish septic shock from other types of distributive shock (neurogenic, hypovolemic)
MVO2: typically low in distributive, due to increased oxygen extraction by hypoperfused tissues, but normal in septic shock due to hyperdynamic circulation/ improper distribution of CO
Excess immunoglobulins seen in multiple myeloma vs. Waldenstrom's
IgG or IgA in multiple myeloma
IgM in Waldenstrom's
Why do Waldenstrom's pts have dilated retinal veins?
Hyperviscosity (not seen in multiple myeloma)
Treating H pylori can help cure what type of GI cancer (specific)
Gastric lymphoma (NOT gastric adenocarcinoma)
Which pulmonary-renal syndrome requires emergency plasmapheresis to minimize the extent of kidney damage?
Goodpasture's syndrome (take off anti-GBM antibodies)
Rx for Wegener's
Cyclophosphamide and steroids
Another name for Wegener's?
Granulomatosis with polyangitis
Ganciclovir is most commonly used to treat
Pathophys of NASH
Insulin resistance
Weight loss, gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, impotence
Chronic liver failure (latter three from hyperestrogenemia since estrogens aren't adequately cleared and there is decreased synthesis of SHBG)
Cirrhosis can cause what endocrine problem?
Hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction (e.g. lack of TSH response to low thyroid hormone levels)
A sudden aversion to smoking may indicate
Rx for Hep A
Immune globulin for close contacts
Rx for primary biliary cirrhosis
Ursodeoxycholic acid (also MTX and colchicine)
Rx for resistant PBC
Liver transplant (once disease is advanced)
Recurrent oral and genital ulcers, anterior uveitis, and erythema nodosum
Behcet's Syndrome
How is cysticercosis transmitted?
NOT by eating infected pork. Rather, by ingesting the feces of someone who has eaten pork with Taenia solium eggs.
Chem abnormality after a seizure?
Lactic acidosis from the seizure --> post-seizure anion gap metabolic acidosis that resolves w/in 60-90 min
Abx choice for emphysematous cholecystitis
Coverage for Clostridium (amp-sulbactam, zosyn, or an aminoglycoside + clinda)
High fever, jaundice, and RUQ pain
Charcot's triad (acute cholangitis)
Localize the lesion for cauda equina syndrome
Nerve root injury
Pts with hemochromatosis and cirrhosis are at increased risk of infection with what 3 bacteria?
Listeria, Yersinia, and Vibrio vulnificus
What test is required before starting trastuzumab adjuvant treatment for breast cancer?
Echo (b/c risk of cardiac toxicity, esp in combo w/ chemo, and pts w/ EF <55% are at higher risk)
Rx for SVT in a pt with unstable vitals or refractory chest pain
DC cardioversion
Pt with sickle cell trait and nocturia
What is hyposthenuria?
Impaired ability to concentrated urine (likely from RBC sickling in vasa rectae of medulla)
Dreaded complication of retropharyngeal abscess and 2 measures to prevent it
Spread into mediastinum
IV Abx and urgent drainage
What is herpangina and what virus causes it?
Formation of vesicles on the tonsils and soft palate

Coxsackie A virus
Rx for a pt w/ uremic pericarditis 2/2 renal failure
6 indications for hemodialysis
1) Refractory hyperK
2) Volume overload/pulm edema refractory to diuretics
3) Refractory metabolic acidosis (pH <7.2)
4) Uremic pericarditis
5) Uremic encephalopathy/ neuropathy
6) Coagulopathy due to renal failure
Immunocompromised host w/ bilateral difffuse interstitial infiltrates
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Zofran (ondansetron)'s mechanism
Serotonin (5HT3) antagonist
2 most common causes of cellulitis
Staph aureus and beta-hemolytic strep
Rx for cellulitis w/ systemic signs (high fevers, confusion, etc.)
IV nafcillin or cefazolin
Common nidus for LE cellulitis
Tinea pedia
Rx for organophosphate poisoning
Atropine (anticholinergic) and wash whole body
Two non-renal risks of nephrotic syndrome
Lipid abnormalities (high LDL/low HDL: risk of atherosclerosis) and hypercoagulability
Chloride and bicarb in pt w/ obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Compensate for respiratory acidosis by retaining bicarb (high), which causes chloride excretion (low)
Rx for hemochromatosis pts who can't udnergo phlebotomy
Hypercalcemia w/ recurrent peptic ulcers
MEN1 (hyperparathyriodism and pnacreatic gastrinoma)
Rx for acute COPD flare (4)
Bronchodilator (beta-adrenergic agonist e.g. albuterol), antimuscarinic (ipratropium), broad spectrum Abx, 2wk steroid taper
Chem-7 abnormality in Cushing's
Hypokalemic alkalosis
Rash of Lyme vs. secondary syphilis
Erythema migrans is on arms, abdomen, or moist areas and has central clearing

Syphilis is scaly red papules on trunk/extremities (incl palms/soles)
Difference between 2 sample t test and z test?
T: two groups
Z: two populations
Anaphylaxis to blood transfusion may indicate
IgA deficiency
Rx for anaphylaxis from blood transfusion (4)
Stop transfusion, epi, IV fluids, vasopressors
Pt w/ bacterial endocarditis w/ hemoptysis, chest pain, and numerous round alveolar infiltrates on CXR
Septic pulmonary emboli
Pt w/ bacterial endocarditis w/ proteinuria
Septic emboli to kidneys
Tricuspid endocarditis causes what murmur?
Tricuspid regurg (systolic murmur that increases w/ inspiration)
Systolic murmur that increases w/ standing
Paradoxical splitting of S2
LBBB (due to delayed closure of aortic valve)
Pleural fluid protein count in exudates vs. transudates
Higher in exudates
Low pH pleural fluid: diagnosis and management
Likely empyema
Needs drainage
Management of pleural fluid w/ glucose <60
Needs drainage
Milky white pleural effusion is likely due to
Ruptured thoracic duct
How to differentiate hereditry spherocytosis from autoimmune hemolytic anemia (both have spherocytes)
+ osmotic fragility test vs. + Coomb's test
Two types of autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Warm-agglutin (IgG)
Cold-agglutin (IgM)
Heinz bodies on peripheral smear indicate
G6PD deficiency
D-xylose absorption test
Requires only intact mucosa, so normal in pancreatic insufficiency and terminal ileal disease

Decreased in bacterial overgrowth but improves w/ Abx

Decreased in celiac disease
Inpatient CAP Rx
Levofloxacin or moxifloxacin
Outpatient CAP Rx
Azithromycin or doxycycline
Rx for hairy cell leukemia
Cladribine (purine analog)
Rx for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Rx for CLL
Chlorambucil and prednisone
Common bone marrow aspiration finding in hairy cell leukemia pts and why
Dry tap: fibrotic BM
What is use dependence and what anti-arrhythmics display it?
More effective at higher HRs b/c med has less time to dissociate from receptosr

Class I and IV anti-arrhythmics
Diabetic pt w/ necrotic nasal turbinates
Mucormycosis (usually from fungus Rhizopus)
Rx for Mucormycosis
Surgical debridement + IV amphotericin B (only effective drug)
Characteristics of the arthritis in SLE (2)
Very painful
Young pt w/ neuro abnormalities (incl extensor weakness), abdominal pain, renal disease, and anemia
Lead poisoning
Tick borne illness w/ leukopenia/ thrombocytopenia and elevated LFTs, but no rash
Ehrlichiosis ("spotless RMSF")
Rx for erlichiosis
Rx for tinea versicolor (2)
Selenium sulfide lotion and ketoconazole shampoo
Cause of pseudogout
Release of calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate (CPPD) crystals from sites of chondrocalcinosis in joint space
Best intervention to prevent enlargement of AAA
Smoking cessation
Rx for HTN in pt with AAA
Beta blocker
Retrosternal chest pain with aortic regurg
Aortic dissection
Diagnostic test for suspected aortic dissection
HIV drug associated w/ nepropathy
Indinavir (protease inhibitor) --> crystal-induced nephropathy
HIV drug associated w/ pancreatitis
HIV drug associated w/ hypersensitivity
HIV drug associated w/ liver failure
HIV drug class associated w/ lactic acidosis
HIV drug class associated w/ Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Widened mediastinum on CXR in Marfan's pt
Aortic dissection
Splenomegaly and pruritis after showering
Polycythemia vera
Myeloproliferative disorder with painful swollen toe
Gout (MPDs cause uric acid overproduction from increased purine turnover)
How does chronic kidney disease cause gouty attacks?
Decreases amount of uric acid excreted in urine
HIV pt with chronic bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and normal stool culture
CMV colitis
Rx for CMV colitis
Colonic biopsy with large cells w/ eosinophilic intranuclear and basophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions
Owl's eyes: CMV colitis
Irregular vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and an enlarged uterus postpartum
Gestational trophoblastic disease
Rx for aortic dissection
BP control w/ IV labetalol (beta blockers simultaneously lower HR and BP)
Which type of dissections require surgery in addition to medical therapy
Type A (involve ascending aorta)
(Type B doesn't: descending aorta only)
Most common pathogen in osteomyelitis from a nail puncture wound
Painless blisters, increased skin fragility on dorsal hands, facial hypertrichosis and hyperpigmentation
Porphyria cutanea tarda
2 substances that can trigger porphyria cutanea tarda
Pathophys of porphyria cutanea tarda
Deficiency of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (part of heme synthesis pathway)
Common infection that co-occurs w/ porphyria cutanea tarda
Rx for porphyria cutanea tarda (3)
Phlebotomy or hydroxychloroquine

Interferon-alpha in pts w/ HCV
Where is lung ventilation and perfusion the greatest?
Most dependent location (usually lung bases; when on their side, pts lower lung)
What is susceptibility bias?
Type of selection bias

Treatment regimen selected for a pt depends on severity of their condition
S/p angiography w/ blue skin on the toes, livedo reticularis, acute renal fialure, and nausea/abd pain
Cholesterol embolization
Two lab abnormalities in cholesterol embolization
Increased eosinophils
Decreased complement levels
Pathophys of edema in heart failure
Decreased circulating blood volume --> renal hypoperfusion --> renal arteriolar constriction --> sodium reabsorption --> water retention
How to distinguish anemia of chronic disease from iron deficiency anemia?
TIBC is decreased in anemia of chronic disease and elevated in iron deficiency
MOA of osteltamivir and zanamivir
Neuraminidase inhibitors (latter is only for treatment, not prevention, of influenza)
When should antivirals be administered in influenza pts?
Within 48 hrs, otherwise not effective
TPN pt w/ alopecia, abnormal taste, bullous lesions around orifices, impaired wound healing
Zinc deficiency
Rx for gallstone pt who isn't a surgical candidate (2)?
Avoidance of fatty foods
Ursodeoxycholic acid (bile salt that decreases cholesterol content of bile by reducing enterohepatic circulation)
Hypothyroid Sx + carpal tunnel Sx
Generalized myxedema --> deposition of acid mucopolysaccharides in skin, heart, and nerves (incl. median nerve)
Cause of carpal tunnel in pregnancy
Accumulation of fluid
Hematuria, HTN, RBC casts, and mild proteinuria 2 wks after infection and Abx
Complement finding in PSGN
Low serum C3
Hematuria 5 days after URI w/ normal complement
IgA nepropathy
Hematuria, peripheral eosinophilia, WBC casts in urine after infection and Abx
Drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis
Diagnostic test for suspected achalasia in pt >60yo or with weight loss
Endoscopy to r/o pseudoachalasia (from malignancy)
Skin condition associated w/ Parkinson's
Seborrheic dermatitis
Electrolyte side effects of loop diuretics
Metabolic alkalosis
Prerenal renal failure
Rx for erythema migrans
Is pathognomonic for Lyme disease, so no need to test, just treat with doxycycline
6 common drugs that cause esophagitis
Rx for pancreatic pseudocyst
Usually just watch; drain only if last >6wks, are >5cm, or become secondarily infected
Rx for hyperkalemia (5)
IV calcium gluconate (to stabilize cardiac membrane)
Shift potassium intracellularly w/ insulin, glucose, sodium bicarb, and beta-2 agonists (albuterol)
Asymmetric breath sounds immediately after intubation
Have likely intubated right mainstem bronchus: pull back
Intermittent flank pain, hematuria, recurrent UTIs/nephrolithiasis, and palpable mass
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Why is an enlarged right kidney easier to palpate than on the left?
Lies lower
2 most common electrolyte abnormalities in primary adrenal insufficiency
HBV is associated with what type of nephrotic syndrome?
Membranous glomerulonephritis
COPD pt with worsening symptoms, chest pain, and unilateral decreased breath sounds
Secondary pneumothorax
Cause of secondary pneumothorax in COPD pts?
Destruction of alveolar sacs --> formation of alveolar blebs, which can rupture and leak air into pleural space
Mobitz type I AV block implies dysfunction where and what type of pattern?
AV node
PR intervals that grow progressively longer until a beat is dropped
Tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome on EKG might indicate?
Sick sinus syndrome (impaired SA node automaticity from fibrosis or SA node arterial disease)
Common cause of respiratory acidosis
Alveolar hypoventilation
What decreases the risk of febrile transfusion reaction?
Leukocyte depletion techniques (e.g. cell washing)
Cause of edema in a severe COPD pt?
Hypoxemia --> pulmonary arterial constriction --> pulmonary HTN, RVH, and right heart failure
Who requires yearly influenza vaccines?
All adults (IM if elderly or comorbid conditions)
Who needs a Td vs. a TdaP vaccine?
All adults need a Td vaccine every 10 yrs

One time TdaP booster for adults >18yo due to waning immunity against pertussis
Overdose w/ dilated pupils, seizures, QRS prolongation, and hypotension
TCA overdose
Rx for severe TCA overdose
Sodium bicarb
Rx for afib w/ RVR in a pt with Wolf Parkinson White
Because they have accessory pathway conduction, don't want to block the AV node further (which typical afib drugs do); so instead, convert to sinus rhythm with cardioversion or antiarrhythmics like procainamide
Common cause of anemia in a pt with a malignant lymphoproliferative disorder
Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Rx for warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia (first and second line)
Prednisone (if ineffective, splenectomy)
Cause of UTI in a pt with alkaline urine and why
Proteus (produces urease, which alkalinizes urine)
Reactivation of TB causes what CT findings
Upper lobe cavitary lesions (+/- surrounding alveolar infiltration)
Chest pain, severe N/V, widened mediastinum, and unilateral pleural effusion w/ high amylase and low pH
Esophageal rupture (Boerhaave's syndrome)
Rx for any chemical contact with eye
Run under water for at least 15 min
Rx for pt with high homocysteine (3) and why
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) which is a cofactor of cystathionine Beta-synthase (which metabolizes homocysteine into cystathionine

Also, folate and B12
Rx for hepatic adenoma
Resect if symptomatic
Otherwise, can watch with imaging and serial AFP measurements
Concern with hepatic adenoma (2)
Malignant transformation
Most common asymptomatic isolated elevation of alk phos in the elderly
Paget's disease of bone (osteitis deformans)