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14 Cards in this Set

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Typical Antipsychotics
haldol + 'azines' (trifluoperazine, fluphenazine, chlorpromazine, thiordizine)

Mech: block D2 receptor

Use: schizophrenia, tourettes, pyschosis/acute mania

Side effects
1) extrapyramidal a) acute dystonic reaction, b) akinesia, c) akathisia (restlessness), d (tardive dyskinesia)
4 hours, 4 days, 4 weeks, 4 months

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome - fever, encephalopathy, vitals unstable, elevated enzymes, rigidity of muscles (myglobinuria). treat with dantrolene

3) endocrine side effects - hyperprolactinemia

4) blocking muscarinics (dry mouth/constipation), alphas (hypotension), histamine (sedation)
high potency typical antipsychotics
haldol, trifluoperazine, fluphenazine (so not thio or chlorinated)
atypical antipsychotics
clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, aripiprazole, quietipaine, ziprasidone
(not atypical for old closets risper quietly at zippers.)

Mechanism: Block 5HT2, alpha, Histamine, and dopamine receptors

use: schizophrenia, bpolar. olanzapine for OCD and others

Toxicity - weight gain (esp olanzapine). clozapine maybe agrunulocytosis
Mechanism: unknown
use: bipolar
toxicity: LMNOP. movement (tremor), nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, hypothyroid, pregnancy)
mech: stimulates 5-HT1a receptor

use: GAD. no sedation or addiction. no interaction with alcohol.
pramines + amitriptyline
mech: block NE and seratonin uptake
use: major depression, bedwetting (imipramine), OCD (clomipramine)

side effects - alpha blocking (orthostatic), anticholinergics (tachycardia, urinary retention).

tertiarys (amitryptaline) worse than secondarys

Toxicity: delirium, arrhythmias (bicarb), cholinergic
Fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, citalopram

Use: OCD, depression

Toxicity: serotonin syndrome, sexual dysfunction, GI
Phenelzene, tranylcypromine

Mech- inhibiti MAO - raising amine transmitter levels
use: atypical depression, anxiety, hypochondriasis

toxicity - tyramine ingestion leading to hypertensive crisis. SSRI or meperidine can lead to seratonin syndrome
increases NE, dopamine by unknown mechanism
Use: smoking, depression
Toxicity: stimulant effects (tachycardia, insomnia), seizure in bulimic patients ! (electrolyte abnormalities)
Inhibits norepi, seratonin
use: depression
toxicity: higher BP, stimulant effects, sedation/nausea
inhibits seratonin, norepinephrine. more NE than venlafaxine
Use: depression, diabetic peripheral neuropathy
toxicity: same as venlafaxine
alpha 2 antagonist (which raises release of NE and serotonin), so opposite of alphamethyl dopa/clonidine
also potent 5HT2, 5HT3 antagonist
use: antidepressent
side effects: sedation (use for insomnia though), appetite and weight gain
NE reuptake inhibitor
use: depression
toxicity: sedation, orthostasis
Mech: inhibit serotonin reuptake.
used for insomnia.
side effects: priapism, sedation