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38 Cards in this Set

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ae: used after transplants, can cause irreversible renal tubule damage, dec the kidney's ability to excrete uric acid
-damage leads to inc serum levels of urate which can precipitate as monsoduium urate crystals in joints causing gout
what is the following disease and type of genetic mutation is assoc with it?

->muscle weakness and/or cardiac disease beginning in midadolescence, does not usually have intellectual impairment
Becker's muscular dystrophy

in-frame deletion
->maintain reading frame during translation process in dystrophin gene result in abn dystrophin protien that retains some level of fxn
what is this diseaee and assoc type of genetic mutation?

->weakness in pelvic girdle and progresses superiorly, onset before 5 years old
Duchenne's Muscular dystrophy

type of genetic mutation: out of frame deletion
->deletion of dystrophin gene result in severly truncated or absent dystrophin protien, resulting in much more severe phenotype
What is maternal imprinting and what disease is assoc with it?
maternal imprinting:
-inactivation (methylation) of imprinted allele

disease: Angelman's syndrome
what is paternal imprinting and what disease is assoc with it?
paternal imprinting:
-inactivation (methylation)of imprinted allele

disease: Prader-Willi syndrome
what is point mutations and what disease is an example of it?
point mutation:
-mutation of a single base pair and have myriad downstream effects, including altered protien fxn

example: sickle cell anemia
what is triple repeats and what disease are assoc wit this genetic mutation?
triple repeats
-inc in severity with each generation, see disease at younger age = anticipation

huntingoton's disease = CAG repeat
Friedreich's ataxia= GAA
fragile X syndrome = CGG

X-linked diseases
disease and txmt?

-when pt tx with general anesthetic to undergo sedation, pt has inc release of free Ca conc in pt skeletal muscle

what is the genetic inheritance of this disease?
Malignant hyperthermia
-autosomal dominant disorder affecting skeletal muscles

->presents as muscular rigidity and hyperthermia when pt exposed to general anesthesia such as Halothane

->prevents calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum and relaxes muscles
what disease is assoc with:

inc Ca levels
dec phosphorus levels
mild inc in alk phos levels
primary hyperparathyroid ism
what changes in Ca, Phosphours and Alk phos are assoc with osteoporosis?
none, they are all with in normal limits and no lab abn are expected

-bite by animal
-see purulence and inflammation at site of bite
-culture shows G(-) rod
Pasturella multoceida

txmt: penicillin

assoc with scratch of cat leading to chronic lymphadenitis mostly seen in young children
Bartonella henselae

-bit by dog
-cause fever, malaise, and hepatosplenomegaly in humans
Brucella canis
what is the cellular rxn to a pt developing a rash 2 days after playing in the woods?
pt experiencing type IV or delayed-type hypersensitivity rxn

->requires prior exposure to trigger antigen and typically takes 24-48 hrs after new contact witha trigger

Type 4 hypersensitivity
-mediated by action of T lymphocytes which secrete cytokines and in turn recruit additional inflammatory cells to the contact

->T cell activation depends on interaction btwn cell surface T-lymphocyte receptor and antigen MHC comple on antigen presenting cell
What disase assoc with following sx and what Ab is assoc?

>symmetric proximal weakness
>purple rash over eye lid = heliotrope rash
>elevated serum muscle enzyme
>myopathic changes on electromyography
>muscle biopsy abn in absence of histopathologic sign
->Ab = Anti--Jo-1

heliotrope rash is highly specific for dermatomyositis
disease assoc with anti-IgA autoantibodies
diesease assoc with anti-microsomal auto antibodies
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
disease assoc with anti-mitochondrial auto antibodies
primary biliary cirrhosis
what structure is damaged if someone breaks the neck of the fibula?
common peroneal nerve
what ae is described in the following sx and what drugs are assoc with it?

immune-complex-mediated hypersensitivity rxn

->involves mucutanious surface and is potentially fatial
this is a description of Steven-Johnson syndrome


what drug used to tx ptwith tonic-clonic or gland mal seizures, which is thought to act on voltage-sensitive sodium channels?

ae: stevens johnson's syndrome
->an immune-complex-mediated hypersensitivity rxn involving mucocutaneious surface and potentially fatal

-benzodiazepine that acts as anxiolytic and naticonvulsant

moa: inc frequency of GABA channel opeining

->used to tx absence and myoclonic seizures

ae: ataxia, sedation, dizziness

anticonvulsant that is used as part of combo drug to tx seizures and neuropathic pain

ae: sedation dizziness, ataxia, fatigue

anticonvulsant that is used for seizuress and for migraine prophyalaxis

->act on Na channels in neurons

ae: psychomotor slowing, sedation, renal stones
drug used for a wide variedy of seizures

-thought to affect levels of GABA in brain

severe ae:
->hepatotoxicity, pancretitis, and teratogenicity
Valproic acid
why does an the following hernia occur in men?

-nonpainful, reducible buldge in right groind that worsens when lifting
due patent processus vaginalis
what muscles allow a pt to say ah and what is the embryologic orgin of these muscles?
muscles that allow pt to say ah are muscles that elevate the palate which are
-> stylopharyngues - from brachial arch 3 - innervatedby CN9 (glossopharyngeal)

-> levator veli palantini - from brachial arch 4 - innervatred by cn 10 (vagus nerve)
if a pt has damage to lateral collateral ligament and post cruciate ligament, how did the injury occur?
being kicked on medial aspec of knee
what changes in

alk phos

are seen in pt with Paget's disease?
Phosphate - stays normal
Ca - normal or slightly elevated
alk phos - does not exceed 10x upper limit of 4 mg/dL
what is the following and what other disease(s) is it assoc with?

-several red, tender, subcutaneious nodules from ant lower leg

panniculitis (inflammation of subcutaneous fat) with widening of tissue septa from edema, inc neutrophils and fibrin exudation
pt has erythemia nodosum
->inflammation of subcutaneious fat often accompanied by fever and malaise

assoc with:
-inflammatory bowel disease - Crohns's disease or UC
-certain drugs - oral contraceptives and sulfonamides
-certain neoplasms
-certain infections
diesase and other disease assoc with it?

nonpruritic inflammatory skin disorder
-nonpruritic inflammatory skin disorder assoc with:

spondylitic disease
certain HLA including: HLA-B27, HLA-13, HLA-17
disease and cause?

-pt present with pain in leg
-unable to stand on lef
-organism found in blood culture
->most common cause, Staph aureus-> G(+) cocci in cluster

G(+) cocci in chains assoc with pharyngitis, impetigo, scarlet fever and cellulits
Strep pyogenes
organism assoc with acute sinusitis and otitis media?
strep pneumo = G(+) cocci in pairs
cause of disease?

-involuntary mvmt of upper limbs
joint swellings
1st - left knee
few hrs later - left hip then couple hrs later right shoulder

pmh - sore throat 3 weeks ago

pe: fever and several nodules under sking of elbows
pt has rheumatic fever
->autoimmune mulitsystem disease present several weeks after strep pyogenes (group A beta-hemolytic streptococci)

-pt has:
>migratory polyarthritis of large joints
>subcut nodules under skin overlying bony prominences

toddler with
-multiple fractures
-bruised swollen joints
-multiple petichiae
-> x-ray shows:
metaphyseal thicking and fragmentation aaroudn epiphyseal plates

RBC count = 3.5 millin/mm3
WBC count = 2500 /mm3
MCV = 70
Hb conc = 33%
pt has scurvy, defiency in vit c)(ascorbic acid)

Vit C has 3 roles:
1. hydroxylation of Lys and Pro residules in collagen
2. absorption of iron by reducing it in to a ferrous state
3. acting as antioxidant

-result of combo of poor iron uptake and blood loss from vessel leakage

vessel leakage
-result of malformed collagen, causes petechiae

hereditary disorder caused by venule and cappilary malformation that tend to bleed in the skin and mucosa membrane
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
->hereditary hemorrhagic telangicetisia
-> AD
what organism causes the following sx and what causes its transmission and what is the source?

pt went camping
-> well demarcated skin lesion with a black base on arm
-> small, itchy bump at site of lesion
Francisella tulerensis -> G(-) coccobacilus
->ulceroglandular tularemia

transmission: tick or deerfly bit

source: deer or rabits

can be transmitted through inhallation of aerosols and considered agent ofbioterrorism