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213 Cards in this Set

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Gaucher's cell (macrophages that look like crumpled tissue paper) - seen in Gaucher's disease
Foam cells - Niemann-Pick disease
Oval yeasts within macrophages - Histoplasmosis
Renal papillary necrosis
Peyer's patches - lymphoid tissue found in lamina propria & submucosa of ileum
Abdominal CT
A - Ascending colon
B - Pancreatic head/uncinate process
D - Aorta
E - Antrum of stomach
F - Small intestine
G - Descending colon
Target cells in beta-thalassemia
"Crew-cut" on x-ray showing hematopoiesis in the skull - in sickle cell anemia & beta-thalassemia major
Ringed sideroblast - sideroblastic anemia
Schistocytes ("helmet cells") - hemolytic anemia
RBCs with increased central pallor - microcytic hypochromic anemia
Hypersegmented neutrophil - megaloblastic anemia
spherocytes (dense round RBCs without central pallor) in hereditary spherocytosis
Elliptocytes - hereditary elliptocytosis
Sickle cells & target cells - sickle cell anemia
Howell-Jolly bodies - seen in splenic dysfunction
Basophilic stippling
bone marrow replaced by adipose - aplastic anemia
ring form of malaria inside RBC
Atypical lymphocytosis - seen in infectious mononucleosis
Auer rod - Acute myelogenous leukemia
Cerebriform nuclei - in Sezary syndrome
hairy cell leukemia
Smudge cells - Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
African form of Burkitt's lymphoma involving the jaw
starry sky appearance of reactive histiocytes + neoplastic B cells - Burkitt's lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma
Classic Reed Sternberg cells (multilobed cell with prominent nucleoli) - seen in Hodgkin lymphoma
Nodular sclerosing type of Hodgkin lymphoma
Lacunar cells - seen in nodular sclerosing HL
lytic bone lesions in skull - multiple myeloma
Tennis-racket shaped Birbeck granules on EM - seen in a langerhans histiocytosis
Koilonychia/spoon nails - iron deficiency anemia
Blue/violet dermal plaques in Kaposi's sarcoma - HHV8 infection
Pseudopalisading necrosis - Gliobastoma multiforme
Lymphoblasts - Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
B - Right atrium
C- aortic arch
D - left pulmonary artery
E - left atrium
F - left ventricle
A - esophagus
B - trachea
C - lung hili
D - heart silhouette
E - lung apices
F - scapulae
G - thoracic vertebra
H - intervertebral foramen
I - posterior ribs
J - costophrenic angles
arrows = diaphragm
A - right bracheocephalic vein
B - manubrium
C - trachea
D - Bracheocephalic trunk
E - left common carotid artery
F - esophagus
G - left subclavian artery
H - ribs
I - upper thoracic vertebra
J - scapula
Nerves & what they innervate
Nerves & what they innervate
1 - Long thoracic nerve (C5-C7) -> serratus anterior
2 - Suprascapular nerve coming off of superior trunk
3 - Lateral pectoral n coming off lateral cord -> pectoralis major
4 - Upper subscapular nerve -> subscapularis
5 - Thoracodorsal n -> latissimus dorsi
6 - Lower subscapular nerve -> teres major
7 - Musculocutaneous nerve (C5-C6) -> biceps, coracobrachialis, flexors of arm/forearm
8 - Axillary nerve -> deltoid & teres minor
9 - Radial nerve -> triceps & extensors
10 - Median nerve -> pronators & thenar mm of hand
11 - Ulnar nerve -> interosseous mm, hypothenar mm
1 - stratum corenum
2 - stratum lucidum
3 - stratum granulosum
4 - stratum spinosum
5 - stratum basale
1 - tight junction/zonula occludens
2 - adherens junction/zonula adherens
3 - desmosomes/macula adherens
1 - phalanges
2 - metacarpals
3 - capitate
4 - hamate
5 - pisiform
6 - triquetrum
7 - lunate
8 - scaphoid
9 - trapezium
10 - trapezoid
A - C8
B - C7
C - C6
D - C5
E - T1
F - C8
Clue cells (vaginal epithelial cells covered with bacteria) - Gardnerella vaginalis infection
Blue sclera - osteogenesis imperfecta
Thickened bone - osteopetrosis
Mosaic pattern of bone - Paget's disease
Thickened bone with shaggy areas of radiolucency - Paget's disease
Area of increased bone density containing fracture site - avascular necrosis of bone
Bone outgrowth with cartilage cap - osteochondroma
Codman's triangle (tumor lifting off periosteum) + sunburst appearance - osteosarcoma
Pleomorphic cells producing osteoid - osteosarcoma
Onion-skinning - Ewing's sarcoma
Mass in medullary space of small bone of hand - Chondroma
Ulnar deviation & joint swelling - rheumatoid arthritis
Bamboo spine (fused vertebrae) - ankylosing spondylitis
Pencil in cup deformity of DIPs - psoriatic arthritis
Bullseye rash - erythema chronicum migrans in Lyme disease
Tophi (white chalky deposits of uric acid crystals in soft tissue around joint) - chronic gout
Hyperkeratosis & parakeratosis (retention of nuclei) - Psoriasis
Well-demarcated salmon-colored plaques with silver scales - Psoriasis
Inflammation at dermal-epidermal junction (sawtooth appearance) - Lichen planus
Planar purple papules with white reticular pattern - Lichen planus
A - quadriceps femoris
B - femur
C - articular cartilage
D - anterior cruciate ligament
E - lateral collateral ligament
F - fibula
G - patella
H - posterior cruciate ligament
I - meniscus
J - patellar ligament
K - medial collateral ligament
L - tibia
Clubbing of fingers
A - Z line
B - H zone
C - I band
D - A band
E - M line
Vesicles & bullae on oral mucosa - pemphigus vulgaris
Epidermis separated from basal layer - pemphigus vulgaris
Blister between epidermis & dermis - bullous pemphigoid
Tense bullae that don't rupture - bullous pemphigoid
Bullae with targetoid appearance - erythema multiforme
Coin-like raised pigmented lesion with stuck-on appearance - seborrheic keratosis
pseudocysts of keratin - seborrheic keratosis
velvety darkened skin - acanthosis nigricans
raised nodule with central crater - basal cell carcinoma
Nodule with peripheral palisading - basal cell carcinoma
ulcerated nodule - squamous cell carcinoma
Molluscum bodies - molluscum contagiosum due to poxvirus
Broad-based budding - blastomycosis
Spherules filled with endospores - Coccidiodomycosis
Captains wheel budding yeast - Paracoccidiomycosis
spaghetti & meatballs - Malassezia furfur
Pseudohyphae with budding yeasts - Candida albicans
Germ tubes - Candida albicans
acute (45 deg) angle branching - Aspergillus
Conidiophore with radiating chains of spores - Aspergillus
Yeasts with wide capsular halos & unequal budding - Cryptococcus
Disc-shaped yeasts forms on silver stain - Pneumocystis jirovecii
Cigar & round-shaped budding yeast - Sporothrix schenkii
1 - Anterior communicating artery
2 - Anterior cerebral artery
3 - middle cerebral artery
4 - Internal carotid artery
5 - Posterior communicating
6 - Posterior cerebral
7 - Superior cerebellar
8 - basilar
9 - Anterior inferior cerebellar
10 - Vertebral
11 - Posterior inferior cerebellar
12 - anterior spinal
Enlarged posterior fossa + absent cerebellum - Dandy-Walker malformation
Lacunar infarcts
bleeding on bottom of brain - subarachnoid hemorrhage
diffuse cerebral atrophy with narrowed gyri & widened sulci - alzheimer's
loss of pigmented dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra - Parkinson's
atrophy of caudate with enlargement of lateral ventricles (hydrocephalus ex vacuo) - Huntington's
spongy degeneration of neurons & glial cells - prion disease
tumor crossing corpus callosum - glioblastoma multiforme
swirling meningoepithelial cells & psammoma bodies - meningioma
cells with fried egg appearance - oligodendroglioma
cystic lesion with mural nodule in cerebellum - pilocytic astrocytoma
Rosenthal fibers (thick eosinophilic processes of astrocytes) - pilocytic astrocytoma
perivascular pseudorosettes - ependymoma
red (apoptotic) neurons
hemorrhagic necrosis of temporal lobe - herpes simplex encephalitis
(in AIDS pt)
(in AIDS pt)
multiple enhancing lesions in brain - toxoplasmosis encephalitis
central pontine myelinolysis
neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's
Epidural hematoma
Crescent shaped hemorrhage that crosses suture lines & causes midline shift - subdural hematoma
smiley face trophozoite - Giardia lamblia
Cyst with multiple nuclei - Entamoeba histolytica
cysts on acid-fast stain - Cryptosporidium
ring form & maltese cross - Babesia microti
macrophages containing amastigotes - Leishmania donovani
owls eye basophilic intranuclear inclusions - Cytomegalovirus
hydatid cyst in liver - infection with Echinococcus granulosus
hysterosalpingogram showing bicornuate uterus
ballooned heart on CXR - dilated cardiomyopathy
cardiac myocyte disarray - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
banana-shaped ventricles - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
apple green birefringence - amyloidosis
hyperplastic onion skinning - malignant HTN
mediastinal widening - aortic dissection
orphan annie nuclei (empty appearing) - papillary carcinoma of thyroid
double bubble on X ray - duodenal atresia
meckel's diverticulum
abdominal contents protruding through umbilicus covered by peritoneum + amnion - omphalocele
"bird's beak" with barium - achalasia
blunted villi + crypt hyperplasia - celiac sprue
PAS (+) foamy macrophages in lamina propria - Whipple's disease
lots of outpocketings in colonic mucosa - diverticulosis
thousands of polyps in colon - familial adenopolyposis syndrome/variants
"apple core" in colon - colon cancer (left-sided)
regenerative nodules + bridging fibrosis - liver cirrhosis
mallory bodies (arrows) + ballooned hepatocytes - alcoholic hepatitis
kayser-fleischer ring in cornea - wilson's disease
PAS (+) diastase-resistant pink globules in hepatocytes - A1AT deficiency
"nutmeg liver" with centrilobular congestion
abnormal scar hypertrophy - keloid
honey colored lesions with crusting - impetigo
IF showing reticular/netlike pattern - pemphigus vulgaris
inflammatory lesions of subcutaneous fat on anterior shin/leg - erythema nodosum
lamellar bone arranged in osteons with haversian canals
loss of trabecular bone density - osteoporosis
"Erlenmeyer flask" bones (flare out) - osteopetrosis
"soap bubble" lesion on X-ray - giant cell tumor of bone
multinucleated giant cells + spindle-shaped cells - giant cell tumor of bone
Heberden's nodules on DIPs - osteoarthritis (no DIP involvement w/ RA)
asteroid body - sarcoidosis
Heliotrope rash on eyelids - dermatomyositis
subepithelial humps on EM - post-strep glomerulonephritis
crescents - rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
linear IF - Goodpasture's (anti-GBM)
"tram-tracking" of GBM - Type I Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
dense mesangial immune complex deposits on EM - type II membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
diffuse capillary & glomerular thickening on LM - membranous glomerulonephritis
spike & dome on silver stain - membranous glomerulonephritis
effacement of foot processes on EM - minimal change disease
focal sclerosis + hyalinosis - focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
acute tubular necrosis
eosinophilic casts in tubules (thyroidization) - chronic pyelonephritis
nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules) - diabetic nephropathy
golden yellow tumor on kidney - renal cell carcinoma
polygonal clear cells filled with lipid - renal cell carcinoma (clear cell type)
multiple fluid-filled cysts on kidneys - adult polycystic kidney disease
staghorn calculi (magnesium ammonium phosphate stone)
mitral valve with fusion of commissures & fibrosis - rheumatic heart disease
ground glass hepatocytes with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm - hepatitis B
adenomatous polyp with fibrovascular stalk, tubular & villous components
hemosiderin-laden macrophages in lungs (heart failure cells) - seen with increased pulmonary capillary pressure (left heart failure)
symmetrical dilation of all ventricles - normal pressure hydrocephalus
hyperlucent lung & mediastinal deviation toward opposite side - tension pneumothorax
enlarged alveoli & thin septa - emphysema
curschmann spiral - asthma
charcot-leyden crystals - asthma
bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy + interstitial infiltrates - sarcoidosis
eggshell calcification of hilar lymph nodes - silicosis
ferruginous/asbestosis bodies (asbestos fibers coated with iron) - asbestosis
calcified pleural plaques - asbestosis
hyaline membranes + fluid in alveoli - ARDS
(in appendix)
(in appendix)
nests or sheets of uniform cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm & stippled nuclei - carcinoid tumor
1) mitochondria
2) rough ER
3) lipid droplets
banana-shaped gametocyte - plasmodium (malaria)
Ascaris lumbricoides egg
lip hyperpigmentation - Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
peaked T waves - hyperkalemia
thumb sign on X-ray - epiglottitis (H. influenzae)
1 - caudate nucleus
2 - internal capsule
3 - putamen
4 - globus pallidus
5 - optic tract
6 - amygdala
7 - temporal lobe
8 - lateral ventricles
slapped cheeks rash - erythema infectiosum (parvovirus B19)
"steeple sign" - croup (parainfluenza virus)
Cavernous hemangioma (liver)
lipid droplets at tips of villi - abetaliproproteinemia
marrow with plasma cells (w/ clockface chromatin) - multiple myeloma
senile purpura
yellow discoloration of midbrain - kernicterus
achilles tendon xanthoma - hypercholesterolemia
thromboangiitis obliterans (buerger's)
port wine nevus in trigeminal nerve distribution - Sturge Weber syndrome
oral hairy leukoplakia (can't be scraped off)- EBV (in HIV pts)
trophozoite with ingested RBCs - entamoeba histolytica (probably in a liver abscess)
calcifications in pancreas - chronic pancreatitis
signet ring cells with mucin in ovaries - krunkenburg tumor (GI metastasis to ovaries)
peau d' orange - inflammatory carcinoma of breast
abdominal striae - Cushing's syndrome
calf pseudohyperthrophy - duchenne's muscular dystrophy
degeneration of lenticular nuclei - Wilson's disease
A - macrophages
B - Type I pneumocytes
C - Type II pneumocyte
lamellar body of type II pneumocyte