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75 Cards in this Set

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Lithium major toxicity
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Lithium blocks the response of principal cells of renal collecting duct to ADH (post pit). Pts cannot concentrate urine and experience severe thirst, polydipsia, and frequent production of dilute urine.
Clozapine major toxicity

This is an atypical antipsychotic. Used in Rx. schizophrenia, but may be used in cases of mania that are unresponsive to first line drugs like lithium.
SSRI major s/e

Fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, ciralopram.

Used to rx major depression.

Sleep changes
Interest loss (anhedonia)****

Energy loss

Concentration changes
Appetite changes
PSychomotor abnormalities
Suicidal thoughts

Depressed mood***
TCA major s/e

Imipramine, clomipramine, amitryptilyine - block reuptake of NE and 5-HT

Used to treat major depression, OCD, and fibromyalgia.
Carbamazepine major s/e
Stevens Johnson syndrome

Anti-epileptic used to rx bipolar disorder.
Which of the following are contraindicated in asthmatics?

Metoprolol - Beta blocker will increase risk of bronchospasm. Though it's a beta-1 selective blocker used to treat tachycardia, it has a risk of bronchoconstriction from possible blockade of beta 2 receptors.

Alprazolam - short acting benzodiazepine - anxiolytic. Not c/i. Abuse potential though, so reevaluate use of drug after a few mos.

Amiitryptyline is a TCA.

Buspirone - for GAD as an anxiolytic.

Fluoxetine - SSRI - used for Social phobia. No abuse potential.
DOC for social phobias (e.g. performance anxiety)?
SSRI like fluoxetine.

No abuse potential.
S/E are well-tolerated.

Irrational fear of social or performance situations that the patient recognizes as irrational. They'll begin to avoid all social situations in order to avert the unpleasant feelings that are aroused. Tends to have insidious onset and remains a chronic problem. Relapse is common after pharmacologic therapy is stopped.
Rifampin moa
Binds prokaryotic RNA polymerase. The 4 Rs:

rRNA pol
Revs up cytochrome p450
Red secretions
Fluoroquinolones MOA
along with etoposide (Eukaryotes), they inhibit DNA gyrase (prok topoisomerase II) in order to stop DNA replication.
Tetracyclines moa
bind 30s subunit on prokaryotic ribosomes, preventing attachment of aminoacyl-tRNA (charged tRNA) - stops protein synthesis.


Rx Vibrio cholerae, Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, Urealyticum, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Francisella tularensis, H. pylori, Borrelia burgdorferi, Rickettsia.
Abx that inhibit protein synthesis:
Buy AT 30, CCEL at 50

Aminoglycosides (inhib formation of initiation complex, cause misreading of mRNA(.
Tetracyclines bind 30s and block aminoacyl tRNA from entering acceptor site.

Chloramphenicol binds 50s, inhib peptidyl transferase
Clarithromycin (macrolides) - prev release of uncharged tRNA after it has donated its amino acid.
Linezolid, Lincomycin.
Mebendazole moa
Antihelminthic - act on Microtubules.

Worms are BENDY.

Also thiabendazole
Griseofulvin MOA
Antifungal - acts on Microtubules

Prevents microtubule formation in fungal cells
Vincristine MOA
along with vinblastine, acto on microtubules by blocking microtubule polymerization

M phase specific - Mitotic spindle cannot form.

Used to treat lymphoma and wilm's tumor.

s/e is peripheral neuropathy.
Paclitaxel MOA
anti-breast/ovarian cancer - stabilizes MT so they can't divide (mitotic spindle cannot break down)

Society is made STABLE by taxes.
Colchicine MOA
anti-gout - decreases inflammation by stabilizing Micotubules, so WBC can't move to the inflammation site.
Oubain MOA
inhibits Na/K pump by binding to K site
directly inhibits Na/K ATPase which leads to indirect inhibition of Na/Ca exchange --> increased Ca2+ in cell --> increased cardiac contractility.
Cisplatin MOA
alkylating agent

Binds to guanine, forms inter and intra strand cross links.

Used to treat lkung, bladder, ovarian, and testicular cancers.
Which immunosuppressant would you use in SLE when NSAIDs have failed?
Cyclophosphamide - reserved for SLE pts with significant organ invovlement. Give in combination with glucocorticoids to reduce the titer of antibodies.
Treatment of choice for PCP pneumonia MOA?

Inhibits bacterial folate synthesis.

1. Dihydropteroate synthetase

Ground glass appearance.
Inhibition of folate synthesis

double whammy!
Inhibition of peptidoglycan cross linking

Binds to PCN binding ptn, resistant to Beta lactamase.
G(-) organisms and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (common cause of nosocomial pneumonia in intubated pts + in CF pts).
Used for pneumonia in an intubated patient.
Aztreonam - inhibits peptidoglycan cross linking, resistant to beta lactamase.

Third gen cephalosporin (Ceftazidime)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common cause of nosocomial pneumonia in intubated pts.
Inhibition of ptn synthesis by blocking attachment of aminoacyl-tRNA
Tetracycline abx (doxycycline, demeclycycline, minocycline).

Bind 30s unit, prev attachment of charged tRNA.

Used with Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Inhibit ptn synthesis by blocking peptide bond formation
Clindamycin - binds 50s subunit. Bacteriostatic.

Abx of choice for G(-) coverage.

Anaerobic infections (Bacteriodides fragilis and Clostridium perfringens).

Also covers MRSA (skin infections (cellulitis), pneumonia (cavitations or abscesses)).
Inhibit ptn synthesis by blocking translocation
Macrolide abx like clarithromycin, erythromycin, and azithromycin.

Bind 23s rRNA of 50s ribosomal subunit, inhibiting ptn synthesis.

First line rx for pneumonia caused by Strep pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae(atypical pneumonia).
a man with Hep C undergoes a liver txplant to treat HCC. After surgery, he takes drugs to prevent organ rejection. His BUN and creatinine are high. What is the MOA of his drug?

Blocks clonal expansion of Ag-selected cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Inhib B and T lymphocyte proliferation
Reacts with CD3 part of T lymphocytes
Treats Hep C
A - Cyclosporien has nephrotoxic effects, and is used to treat txplant pts.
MOA: binds to cyclophillin, which inhib calcineurin, blocking production of IL-2 and its receptor. IL-2 is needed to differentiate T lymphocytes and for clonal expansion of Ag-selected cytotoxic T lymphocytes.

Also a/w HTN, HLD, hyperglycemia, tremor, GINGIVAL HYPERPLASIA, and hirsutism.
Which transplant drug inhibits B and T lymphocyte proliferation?
Mycophenolate mofetil

Provides immunosuppression. Not a/w nephrotoxicity. Cyclosporine is.
Which transplant drug reacts with CD3 part of T cells?
Muromonab-CD3 targets CD3 of T cells. Binding --> cell death and leads to immunosuppression.
Which transplant drug treats hep C infection?
Ribavirin is used with IFN-alpha to treat chronic hep C infection.

Not part of post-transplant regimen.
Blocks Na/K pump in cardiac muscle?

Increasd intracellular Na --> decreased Na/Ca2+ exchanger activity --> increased intracellular Ca2+ --> increased contractility.
Used for reducing systemic vascular resistance and arterial pressure, but not angina?
Dihydropyridine CCBs.

Amlodipine, Nifedipine, Nimodipine, etc.
Selective for myocardium to reduce oxygen demand and rduce coronary vasospasm, but minimal vasodilatory effects - less reflex tachycardia.
Non-dihydropyridine CCBs (Verapamil, Diltiazem).
Acts on NKCC pump in thick ascending limb of loop of Henle
Loop diuretics like Furosemide.
Inhibits carbonic anhydrase at the PCT.

Reduces body HCO3-.

Can result in type 2 renal tubular acidosis (HCO3 not combined with H+ to make CO2/H2O, which is absorbed. Then intracellular CA converts it back to HCO3 + H+...the HCO3 is reabsorbed into body, H+ is exchanged for Na+).
Inhibits NaCl cotransporter.
Thiazide diuretics like HCTZ.

Early distal tubule.

Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hyponatremia, hyperglycemia, HLD, hyperuricemia, and hypercalcemia.
Competitive ALD receptor antagonist --> hyperkalemia and gynecomastia.
K+ sparing diuretic - Spironolactone.
Blocks Na+ channels in CCD
K+ sparing diuretic - Triamterene.
Diuretic whose s/e is to stimualte PGE release --> vasocilation of afferent arteriole.
Furosemide - loop diuretic that inhibits NKCC channel in thick ascending limb. Abolishes hypertonicity of medulla - preventing concentration of urine.
Toxicity pnemonic for loop diuretics:

Allergy (sulfa)
Nephritis (interstitial)
Indicated for a pt with widespread edema, HTN, and hypercalcemia dt CHF, and has a sulfa allergy.
Ethacrynic acid - same MOA as furosemide (NKCC inhib in TAL of loop of henle) but no sulfa.

NEVER use to treat gout - can cause hyperuricemia.
Treatement for BPH?
Finasteride - inhibits conversion of testosterone to DHT - thought to have higher DHT receptors on the transitional zone of the prostate --> autocrine/paracrine stimulation of hyperplasia.

Terazosin and tamsulosin - alpha-1(a,d) antagonists, cause relaxation of smooth muscle on prostate.
Use for enterobacter spp?
Carbapenems (Imipenem and meropenem) - enterobacters ahve Abx resistance via production of beta lactamase.
Use for g(-) rods, pneumonia, sepsis, and UTIs?
Third gen cephalosporins
Use for G(+) bact + some G(-) cocci and spirochetes? Most common adverse rxn is a hypersensitivity rxn.
Use for G9-) bacilli. Adverse fx include nephrotoxicicty and ototoxicity.

Use for Pseudomonas + G(-) rods. Combination drug
Piperacillin-tazobactam - extended spectrum PCN + penicillinase inhibitor.
Nucleoside analog that inhibits viral reverse transcriptase. Used in treating a pregnant, HIV-infected woman during L&D to reduce risk of txmission to child.

Prevents incorporation of viral genome into host DNA. Reduces transmission by 70%.
Non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitor - prevents incorporation into host DNA.
Viral protease inhibitor that inhibits assembly of new virus particles.
Indinavir, Saquinavir.
Which 3 drugs compose the HAART therapy for AIDS-defining illness, low CD4 (<500), or high viral load?
2 NRTIs + 1 NNRTI OR 1 protease inhib OR 1 integrase inhib
What is the suffix for protease inhibitors?

e.g. lipinavir, atazanavir, darunavir, fosamprenavir, saquinavir, ritonavir, indinavir.

Pol gene cleaves the polypeptide products of HIV mRNA --> functional parts. Protease inhib prevent maturation of new viruses.

Navir tease a protease.

s/e hyperglycemia, GI intolerance, lipodystrophy, nephropathy hematuria.
What category are Tenofovir, Emtricitabine, Abacavir, Lamivudine, Zidovudine, Didanosine, and Stavudine?

competitively inhibit nucleotide binding to reverse transcriptase and terminate the DNA chain.

Tenofovir is a nucleotide analog and DOES NOT have to be activated.

Zidovudine is used during pregnancy to reduce risk of fetal transmission.

Have you dined (vudine) with my nuclear (nucleosides) family?

s/e - BM suppression, peripheral neuropathy, lactic acidosis (nucleosides), rash (no-nucleosides), anemia (zidovudine)
What category are nevirapine, efavirenz, and delavirdine?

Bind to reverse transcriptase at site diff from NRTIs.

Do not require phosphorylatioin to be active or compete with nucleotides.

s/e: BM suppression, peripheral neuropathy, lactic acidosis, rash, anemia.
Name the HIV drug that inhibits HIV genome integration into host cell chromosome by reversibly inhibiting HIV integrase?

s/e Hypercholersterolemia.
Drug taken for pregnancy termination:

Progesterone partial agonist with antagonist properties. Interferes with progesterone's ability to maintain pregnancy.
Drug taken a few days after mifepristone for pregnancy termination?
Misoprostol - stimulates uterine contraction like oxytocin. PGE1 analog. Expulsion of fetal remnants.
Clomiphene use for women?
Treats infertility

Partial estrogen receptor agonist.

Interferes with negative feedback of estrogen on Hyp and Pit --> increased secretion of GnRH and gonadotropins. Increased stimulation of ovulation.
DES use?
Was used to treat primary hypogonadism, but it is teratogenic!
Ehinyl estradiol use?
Synthetic estrogen analog used in combination OCPs.

High dose + progesterone - contraception up to 72 hours post-coitus (Plan B).

Suppresses ovulation when used at constant dose.
Monoclonal Ab against human epidermal growth factor receptor 2?

This is HER2.
Monoclonal Ab against vascular endothelial growth factor?

VEGF is produced by cancer cells to promote angiogenesis.

Rx metastatic colon cancer, non-small cell lung cancer.
Slows process ofmacular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy (proliferation of BVs in the eye)
Alkylating agent that cros links DNA --> apoptosis.

Rx non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and breast/ovarian cancer.
Anti-tumor Abx that intercalates into DNA, inhibiting topoisomerase II --> DNA damage and cell death.

Rx. breast cancer.

A/w CHF.
Chemotherapeutic agent useful in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.

SERM with estrogen-r antagonist effects - binds, blocks estrogen receptors to impede production of estrogen-responsive genes.
Monoclonal antibody against IgE

Additional line of treatment for severe asthma
Monoclonal Ab against CD20

Rx B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Monoclonal Ab against Glycoptn IIb/IIIa

Prevents cardiac ischemia in unstable angina and in pts with percutaneous coronary intervention to prevent clotting.
Monoclonal Ab against TNF-alpha

Rx. Crohn's disease, RA, Psoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis.
Monoclonal Ab against Digoxin
Digoxin Immune Fab

Antidote for digoxin intoxication
Monoclonal Ab against CD3
Muromonab-CD3 (OKT3)

Prevent acute transplant rejection
Antimicrobial, antiprotozoal that acts by inducing formation of toxic metabolites within bacterial or protozoal cell.

Good rx for Gardnerella vaginalis.

GET GAP on the Metro with metronidazole!

Gardnerella vaginalis
Anaerobes (Bacterioides, C. diff).

Infection belo the diaphragm (vs. Clindamycin - anaerobic infections above diaphragm).

Used with Clarithromycin and PPI as triple therapy for H. pylori.
Binds D-ala D-ala parts of cell wall precursors, inhibiting cell wallmucopeptide formation. USed for g(+) and multi-drug resistant organisms.

Staph aureus, C. diff.
Wider spectrum than PCN that blocks transpeptidase cross linking of CW b binding PCN-BPs.

PCN-ase sensitive but is combined with clavulinic acid to enhance its spectrum.

G+ and G- infections.

H. influenzae, E. coli, Listeria, Proteus, Salmonella, Enterococci, Shigella.