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43 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between elitism and pluralism?
Elitism is the theory that government responds to a small group of powerful people whereas pluralism is the theory that government responds to the people based on their involvement in groups
Which amendments led to the expansion of civil rights?
13 14 24
Which amendments led to the expansion of voting rights?
15 17 19 23 26
Which amendments dealt directly with slavery?
13 14 15
What are the first ten amendments known as?
The Bill of Rights
Amendments 5 through 8 are protections for those...
Accused of a crime
Article 1 of the Constitution describes which branch?
The legislative branch
Article 2 of the Constitution describes which branch?
The executive branch
Article 3 of the Constitution describes which branch?
The judicial branch
The judicial branch deals with both the...
Supreme Court and federal court system
The fourth article of the Constitution states...
The federal government has the final say ( federal law trumps state law)
The 6th article of the Constitution states...
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land
Article 7 of the Constitution deals with...
The procedure for ratifying amendments.
How many votes are needed for an amendment to be ratified?
2/3 from both houses
3/4 from all states
The Federalist Papers were designed to get the ____ accepted.
The 5th article of the Constitution explains...
How to add an amendment
Which was the only state that did not attend the Constitutional Convention?
Rhode Island
Who was the Virginia Plan tailored towards?
Big states, it called for a House of Representatives based on population
Who was the New Jersey Plan tailored towards?
Little states, called for The Senate based on equal representation for each state.
What is a representative democracy?
When those eligible choose representatives to make laws on their behalf.
What is a republic?
A nation that chooses its representatives
Which characteristics did the Framers have in common?
They were all well educated, land-owning farmers, and white males.
Why did the colonist feel disenfranchised?
They were being taxed by Britain but they were not represented in Parliament.
What does an election driven responsiveness do?
It keeps people in office accountable because they can be replaced.
The state of nature is when...
People can do whatever they want but no protection will be provided for them.
A social contract is...
A general idea that we all agree to follow some rules in exchange for some sort of protection.
What did John Locke believe?
Government gets its authority from the government. He was a social contract theorist.
What are two components of common law?
We are innocent until proven guilty.
We are all equal before the law.
What is Napoleonic Law?
Guilty until proven innocent.
What are the characteristics of voters?
Full time employment, own houses, have children
What are characteristics of non voters?
Distrust of the government, belief that their vote doesn't matter, belief that its too difficult to make an informed decision
What was the significance of the Bush vs Gore election?
The people of Florida felt disenfranchised because they didn't actually vote for Bush but he still won so they felt like their vote didn't count. (Butterfly Ballots)
What are the four necessities of a political actor?
Resources, Power, Authority, and Legitimacy.
Legitimacy can only be acquired through which type of elections?
Free and fair
Which groups of people hold the control in the elitist theory?
Corporate and academic leaders, military chiefs, people who own big media outlets, and members of the permanent government bureaucracy.
According to the pluralism theory, who controls government?
Service organizations, unions, religious groups, school and neighborhood groups.
What is a normative statement?
A judgment or opinion. What should happen, this doesn't mean that it will.
What is an empirical statement?
A statement that is factual and can be proven with scientific reasoning. Although factual it can also be worded in a way that shows bias.
Who is in control in an authoritarian government?
One person or a small group.
What is political openness?
When political matters are discussed publicly and not carried out behind closed doors.
Why did Montesquieu think that separation of powers was a good idea?
He believed that government would not be able to get a lot done if a majority of people did not agree on it.
What did the Connecticut Compromise produced?
A bicameral legislature
What are the powers of the legislature?
Gives power to Congress, rights laws, interprets written and implied laws