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64 Cards in this Set

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The degree to which individual data points are distributed around the mean


The distance from the lowest to the highest score

Interquartile Range

The range of the middle 50% of the observations

Trimme dsamples

Samples with a percentage of the extreme scores removed

Trimmed Statistics

Statistics calculated on trimmed samples

Mean absolute deviation

The average of the absolute values of the deviations from theman

Sample variance

Sumof the squared deviations about the mean divided by N-1

Population variance

Variance of a population, usually estimated, rarely computed

Standard deviation

The square root of the variance


A property of a statistic whose long-range average is not equal to the parameter it estimates


A graphical representation of the dispersion of a sample

Box-whisker plot

A graphical representation of the dispersion of sample

Winsorized sample

A sample in which trimmed observations are replaced with the highest and lowest remaining values

Normal Distribution

A specific distribution having a characteristic bell-shaped form


Height of the curve for a given value of X; closely related to the probability of an observation falling in an interval around X


X axis


Y axis


Heigh of the curve for a given value of X; closely related to the probability of an observation falling in an interval around X

Standard normal distribution

A normal distribution with a mean equal to 0 and a standard deviation equal to 1; denoted as N(o,1)

Linear Transformation

A transformation involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of or by a constant

z score

Number of standard deviations above or below the mean

Standard scores

Scores with a predetermined mean and standard deviation


The point below which a specified percentage of the observations fall


A set of scores with a mean of 50 and a SD of 10

Analytic View

Definition of probability in terms of an analysis of possible outcomes

Relative frequency view

Definition of probability in terms of past performance

Sample with replacement

Sampling in which the item drawn on trial N is replaced before the next draw

Relative frequency view

Definition of probability in terms of past performance

Sample with replacement

Sampling in which the draw on trial N is replaced before the draw

Subjective probability

Definition of probability in terms of personal subjective belief in the likelihood of an outcome


The outcome of a trial

Independent Events

Events are independent when the occurrence of one has no effect on the probability of the occurrence of the other

Mutually Exclusive

Two events are mutually exclusive when the occurrence of one precludes the occurrence of the other


A set of events that represents all possible outcomes

Additive law of probability

The rule giving the probability of the occurence of one or more mutually exclusive events

Multiplicate Law of probability

The rule giving the probability of the joint occurrence of independent events

joint probability

The probability of the co-occurence of two or more events

conditional probability

The probability that one event will occur given the occurrence of some other event


The numbe of occurrences on one event divided by the total number of occurrence of events-a probability

Risk Ratio

The ratio of two risks


The numbe of occurences of an event divided by the number of nonoccurences

Odds ratio

The ratio of two odds

Sampling error

Variability of a statistic from sample to sample due to chance

Hypothesis testing

A process by which decisions are made concerning the value parameters

Sampling distribution

The variability of a statistic over repeated sampling from a specified population

Standard error

The standard deviation of a sampling distribution

Sampling distribution of the mean

The distribution of sample means over repeated sampling from one population

Research Hypothesis

The hypothesis that the experiment was designed to investigate

Null Hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis tested by the statistical procedure usually a hypothesis of no difference or no relationship

Sample Statistics

Statistics calculated from a sample and used primarily to describe a sample

Test Statistics

The results of a statistical test

Rejection level

The probability with which we are willing to reject Ho when it is in fact, correct

Significance level

The probability with which we are willing to reject Ho when it is, in fact, correct

Alternative hypothesis

The hypothesis that is adopted when Ho is rejected, usually the same as the research hypothesis

Critical value

The value of a test statistic at or beyond which we will reject Ho

Type 1 error

The error of rejecting Ho when it is true


The probability of a type 1 error

Type II

The error of not rejecting Ho when it is false


The probability of a type II error


The probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis

One-tailed test

A test that rejects extreme outcomes in one specified tail of the distribution

Directional test

Another name for a one tailed test

Two tailed test

A test that rejects extreme outcomes in either tail fo the distribution

Nondirectional test

Another name for a two-tailed test