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45 Cards in this Set

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Variables falling in a certain interval on which no theoretical restrictions are placed. Measured along a scale
Continuous Variables - examples height, BP, time, age, distance, temperature, annual snowfall amount, weight, improvement in SAT score, GPA
These types of variables have a restriction placed on them. There is no continuity
Discrete - Gender/sex, schooling level, day of the week, hair color, SAT prep program, Class (P1...), race, ethnicity, college major, eye color, blood type, battery manufacturer
These types of variables assumes a value of one if a criterion is met, a value of zero otherwise
The number of observations in a given statistical category
Absolute Frequency
The ratio of the absolute frequency to the total # of data points in a frequency distribution
Relative Frequency ex: Class with freq of 6 within a sample size 38
relative frequency = 6/38 x100 = 15.8%
How many #'s are in each class (category)
Simple Frequency
It's conducted by adding the frequency of scores in any class interval to the frequencies of all the class intervals below it on the scale of measurement
Cumulative Frequency Distribution (it tells how many values are in that interval and all intervals less than it.
Distributions points toward the low scores
Negatively skewed distribution
Distributions with a tail pointing toward high values of a variable are
positively skewed
Degree of peakedness, the extent to which, for a given standard deviation, observations cluster around a central point
A degree of kurtosis that is elongated and flat
Platykurtic (flatter)
A degree of kurtosis that appears taller and narrow
Leptokurtic (taller)
A degree of kurtosis that tends to be bell-shaped like the normal curve
Mesokurtic - a perfect mesokurtic curve is also called a normal curve
Used to illustrate the relationship between 2 variables when the scale of measurement of the independent variable is nominal. Measurements are discrete (there's no continuity). For qualitative variables
Bar graph
They're used to display the sizes of parts that make up a whole, used commonly for qualitative data.
It's a circle graph divided into pieces, each displaying the size of some RELATED piece of information
Pie Chart
Type of bar graph that illustrates the frequencies of individuals scores or scores in class intervals by the length of its bar. The intervals are on the x-axis (range of scores), Y-axis = frequency of scores

The bars are continuous, shape depends on the choice of the sixe of the intervals
Histogram (no space between bars)
A graphical display of a frequency table, intervals are shown on the X-axis, # of scores in each interval is represented by the height of a point located above the middle of the interval, points are connected so that together with the X-axis
Frequency Polygon
Graph that illustrated the relationship between 2 quantitative variables; both measured on either an interval or a ratio scale

Shows how much one variable is affected by another

Relationship between 2 variables is called their correlation
Scatter Plot/Scattergram - positive = / negative = \
Summarizes how 2 pieces of information are related and how they vary depending on one another
Line Graph
The numbers along a side of the line graph are called
the scale
Provides a simple graphical summary of a set of data

Shows the median, the range and inter-quartile range skewness and potential outliers

Useful when comparing 2 or more sets of data
Box Plot (Box and whisker diagrams)
It's a graph of the cumulative frequencies (or cumulative % frequencies) against the class upper boundaries

To determine the various %ile points in a distribution of scores
This measure of location or central tendency should not be used when there are extreme values (ouliers) in the data set
Mean or Average - add all the values and divide by the # of values
This measure of location or central tendency is not affected by outliers
Median - arrange #'s in order and the median is the number in the middle or the average of the two #'s in middle
In a normal distribution this measure of location or central tendency coincides with the values of the mean and the median
Mode - most frequently occurring value in the set of scores
The spread or variability of the scores around their average in a single sample
Standard deviation (s) - mathematically the square root of the variance
The standard deviation of the the sampling distribution
Standard Error (of the mean) = se
Also called the standard normal curve or standard normal distribution
mean = 0
standard deviation = 1
variation = 1
The curve is symmetric and symptomatic
z distribution
If the area representing the desired proportion falls on both sides of the mean, do we add or subtract the two area segments?
If the desired area falls between two z scores on the same side of the mean, do we add or subtract to find the proportion?
Formula to transform your raw values into z scores =
z = (x - x ) / s
x = mean
x = raw score
s = standard deviation
Family of symmetrical, bell-shaped distributions that change as the sample size changes
Students t distributions
there's a specific t distribution for every sample of a given size
Mean = 0
Variance greater than 1
Range: - infinity to + infinity
Shape: less peaked in the center and higher tails than the normal distribution
t - distributions
The __ distribution for infinite degrees of freedom is identical to the normal distribution
We reject a true Ho - when it is falsely concluded that a significant difference exists between the groups being studied
Type I Error (alpha) = 1 - probability value (the probability of making type I error)
When we fail to reject a falso Ho - when it is falsely concluded that no significant difference exists between populations, when in fact a true difference exists
Type II Error = beta
degrees of freedom of the column
K-1 (K=number of groups/levels)
degrees of freedom of the row

N=total sample size
K = number of groups/sizes
Skewed to the right
Only positive numbers (begins at 0)
One-tailed test
Ratio of variability
Equation of Mean Squares (Variance) Between (Factor)
MSB = SSB / (K-1)
Equation of Mean Squares Variance Within (Error)
MSW = SSW / (N-K)
F Statistic =
MSB / MSW (must always be positive)
If the calculated F value is > or = to the table value:
If the calculated F value is < than the table value:
is sometimes referred to as the omnibus
F-test used in Anova