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91 Cards in this Set

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The General Linear Model equation
Yi = β0 + β1X1i + εi
The Generalized Linear Model equation
Logit(Y) = β0 + β1X1 + ε
What is the difference between the Generalized Linear Model and The General Linear Model wrt outcome?
Outcome is Yi for GLM and Logit(Y) for Generalized Linear Model
What are the types of logistic regression? (based on types of outcomes)
○ Binary logistic (2 categories)

○ Multinomial outcomes (3 or more categories)

Binary logistic regression
Categorical or continuous variables and outcome is 2 categories
When do we use a logistic regression?
-Categorical/continuous/nominal variables (binary logistic or multinomial outcomes)

-Can look at interactions (same way you would in a linear regression) by computing product terms. DIFFERENCE is outcome is categorical/nominal.

-Can look at interactions same way you would in a linear regression by computing product terms.

Why do we use logistic regression?
"1. Prediction is going to be based on likelihood, not levels

2. Assumptions of ordinary least squares regression are violated by having a dichotomous variable.
3. Thus, we need to expand the General Linear Model (which only can be used for continuous outcomes) and make it even more general and call it the Generalized Linear Model (which can be used for categorical, ordinal, and very skewed or weird distributions)"

Non-Parametric Analyses: What are the Two Types of Chi-Square Tests?
Chi-square Goodness of Fit & Chi-square Test for Independence
Major violations of OLS assumptions that call for use of logistic regression
-Measurement assumption

-Linear assumption

-Heteroscedastity and non-normal residuals

-Scale of predicted score of the model needs to match the scale of the observed model

Major violations of OLS: measurement assumption
Outcome is not on interval or ratio scale
Major violations of OLS: linear assumption
relationship between predicted values is assumed to be NON-linear.
Major violations of OLS: Heteroscedastity and non-normal residuals
Variance in residuals is not consistent across the predictor. At extreme levels, the violation is bigger (see logistic regression curve)
Major violations of OLS: assumption that scale of predicted score of the model matches the scale of the observed model
Violated in logistic regression because we are predicting probabilities and not values of the outcome
Logistic Regression Curve
Variance in the residuals is not consistent across the predictor. At extreme levels, violation is bigger…. That represents heteroscedastity (violation of homoscedastity)    ○ Distance between predicted and observed is not constant"
Variance in the residuals is not consistent across the predictor. At extreme levels, violation is bigger…. That represents heteroscedastity (violation of homoscedastity)

○ Distance between predicted and observed is not constant

Logit(Y) = β0 + β1X1 + ε <--what is being predicted?
Predicting likelihood that outcome is either 0 or 1. Very similar to GLM and linear regression equation BUT uses the Logit(Y)
Probabilities/Odds: What is the range that probability can take?
"Expressed in a ratio from 0 to 1

□ 0 - definitely not going to happen

□ 1 - definitely will happen

Probabilities/Odds: What does P(Y=1) refer to?
Probability that event will happen (aka probabilty that Y will be classified as 1 on the DV)
Probabilities/Odds: Express P(Y=0) in terms of P(Y=1)
P(Y=0) = 1 - P(Y=1)
Probabilities/Odds: Why don't we use P(Y=1) = β0 + β1X1 + ε equation for logistic regression?
Problems with this are based on mathematical characteristics of probability --- observed and predicted values are restricted between 0 and 1. Predicted values may fall less than 0 (i.e. could get a negative probability).
Probabilities/Odds: What are the Odds?
Probability that Y = 1 relative to probability of Y =/= 1
P(Y=1)/(1- P(Y =1))
Probabilities/Odds: What does it mean if Odds are less than 1?
You're less likely to be categorized as a 1 than 0 on the DV
Probabilities/Odds: What is range of Odds?
Ranges from 0 --> 1 --> infinity.
Probabilities/Odds: What happens as the difference between P(Y) = 1 and P(Y)=/=1 gets bigger?
The bigger the diff between the two, the closer the odds ratio gets to infinity or 0!
Probabilities/Odds: What does it mean if Odds = 1, is > 1, or is <1, respectively?
= 1 equal likely to be in either condition

>1 = more likley to be in category coded as 1

<1 = more likley to be coded as a 1 than a 0

Probabilities/Odds: Why are odds better than Probability? Why are they still nonoptimal?
Better than probability because odds have no upper limit!

Nonoptimal because lower limit of 0 -- could create problems because you could get predicted values below 0.

Probabilities/Odds: What is Logit?
Logit = Natural Logarithm of the odds
General Linear Model Equation
Yi = β0 + β1X1i + εi
General Linear Model: what is Yi?
Yi = the value of the DV or outcome; sometimes referred to as the expected value and denoted as Ŷ

Subscript “i” indicates that we are dealing with one score or case"

General Linear Model: What is β0?
β0 = intercept term, constant effects, value of Y when all X’s are equal to zero.
General Linear Model: What is β1?
β1 = the regression coefficent for variable X, how much does X influence Y
General Linear Model: What is X1i?
X1i = the score of x for person or case i
General Linear Model: What is εi?
εi = residual, error, term. How far is the person’s actual score from the expected score
What is the logistic regression equation?
Logit(Y) = β0 + β1X1 + ε
What is the Generalized Linear Model?
-Used for analyses when OLS assumptions are not met

-Flexible generalization of ordinary linear regression that allows for response variables that have error distribution models other than a normal distribution

- Allows the linear model to be related to the response variable via a link function (Logit)

- Allows the magnitude of the variance of each measurement to be a function of its predicted value

Non-Parametric Analyses: What are non-parametric tests & why are they used?
Make no assumptions about the parameters of the population the sample is drawn from
Non-parametric analyses: When are they used?
Used when assumptions of parametric analyses are violated (outcome variable is on interval/ratio scale, residuals are normally distributed/demonstrate homoscedasticity, linear, scale of predicted score is the same as scale of observed variable)
Non-parametric analyses: alternative to one-sample t-test
Chi-square Goodness of Fit
Non-parametric analyses: alternatives to independent samples t-test
Chi-square Test for Independence, Mann-Whitney (M-W) U Test
Non-parametric analyses: alternative to Paired-samples t-test
Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
Non-parametric analyses: alternative to Between Subjects Factorial ANOVA
Kruskal-Wallis Test
Non-Parametric Analyses: alternative to Repeated Measures Factorial ANOVA
Friedman Test
Non-Parametric Analyses: alternatives to Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
Chi-square test for independence, logistic regression
Non-Parametric Analyses: alternative to Ordinary Least Squares regression
Logistic regression
Non-Parametric Analyses: What is Chi-square Goodness of Fit used for?
Uses sample data to test hypotheses about the shape or frequencies/proportions of a population distribution. Evaluates how well the obtained data fit the population proportions specified by the null (i.e., what is expected)
Non-Parametric Analyses: What are Chi-square Test for Independence used for?
Uses the frequency data from a sample to evaluate the relationship between two (nominal) variables in the population
Non-Parametric Analyses: How to calculate df for goodness of fit chi-square test
df = c – 1(c = number of categories)
Non-Parametric Analyses: How to calculate df for chi-square test of independence
df = (R-1)(C-1)(R = categories in the row variable; C = categories in the column variable)
Why do we use logistic regresion?
Having a dichotomous variable violates many of the assumptions of OLS regression --> Prediction is going to be based on likelihood, not levels
Probabilities/Odds: How to convert from probabilities to logit?
P(Y=1)/P(Y=0) = P(Y=1)/(1-P(Y=1)<--odds

LN(P(Y=1)/(1-P(Y=1)) <--logit

Probabilities/Odds: How to convert from logit to probability?
Odds (Y) = elogit(y)

P (Y=1) = elogit(y)/(1+elogit(y))

Probabilities/Odds: Probabilities/Odds: LN(0) = LN(small#) = LN(.98) =
LN(1) = LN(larger numbers) =
"LN(0) = undefined. "the limit does not exist!"

LN(.00001) is really negative

LN(.01) is negative

LN(.98) = increasing towards 0

LN(1) = 0

LN(larger numbers) = gets larger"

What are the primary assumptions of logistic regression?
Shared with OLS assumptions:

1. specificity assumption - model contains all relevant predictors and no irrelevant predictors. This is easier said than done, and often violated.

2. multicollinearity - still bad.

Specific to logistic regression

3. Outcomes must be statistically independent - a case can only be in one category (e.g. one cannot be both male and female).

4. Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive - a case cannot be in more than one category AND every case must be in one category (e.g. alive or dead)

What are the three broad pieces of information that are provided by a logistic regression analysis?
Shared with OLS assumptions:

1. Model fit - How well do all of the variables in the model together predict the outcome

2. Regression coefficient - What is the influence of each individual predictor in accounting for the outcome

Specific to logistic regression

3. Classification - How well does the model correctly classify cases into target (1) and non-target (0) group. We'll talk about this more later….

What is an odds ratio & how do you interpret it in logistic regression?
• analogous to a standardized regression coefficient in OLS regression

• Estimates the increase (or decrease) in odds of membership in the target group for a one-unit increase in the predictor while controlling for the other predictors in the model

What does an odds ratio of greater than 1 mean in logistic regression?
Increase in the likelihood of being in the target group as the predictor increases
What does an odds ratio of 1 mean in logistic regression?
No impact of the predictor on the outcome
What does an odds ratio of less than 1 mean in logistic regression?
Decrease in the likelihood of being in the target group as the predictor increases
"Classification: Sensitivity = "
"Classification: Sensitivity = "

Sensitivity = 100 * (d/(b+d))
Classification: Sensitivity is...
Correct identification of true positives
Classification: Specificity is...
Classification: Specificity is...

correct identification of true negatives
"Classification: Specificity = "
specificity = 100 * (a/(a + c))
"Classification: Positive Predictive Value = "
"Classification: Positive Predictive Value = "

Positive Predictive Value = 100 * d/(c+d)
Classification: Positive Predictive Value is...
percent of predicted 1 that are 1
"Classification: Negative Predictive Value =  "
"Classification: Negative Predictive Value = "

Negative Predictive Value = 100 * (a/(a + b))
Classification: Negative Predictive Value is...
percent of predicted 0 that are 0
EFA/PCA: What are some design issues to consider when planning a PCA or EFA study?
1. Sample size

2. Number of variables/indicators per common factor (EFA): 3-5 per factor

3. Content validity4. Measurement

EFA/PCA: what are sample size recommendations?
At least 100 participants and STV >= 5(Subject-to-variables ratio = STV ratio).
EFA/PCA: what are recommended number of variables/indicators per common factor?
3-5 per factor
EFA/PCA: what are content validity considerations?
-Inadequately covering all domains of interest could lead to the failure to identify relevant common factors

-Including irrelevant variables could lead to the false identification of irrelevant common factors to the construct of interest

EFA/PCA: what are measurement considerations?
Variables should be measured at interval or ratio level
EFA/PCA: What are the four steps of conducting a PCA/EFA?
1. Choose an estimator/extraction method

2. Determine number of factors

3. Select a rotation

4. Interpret solution (may need to repeat steps 2 and 3)

EFA/PCA: Most commonly used extraction procedures
Maximum likelihood

Principle axis factoring

EFA/PCA: criteria for choosing the correct number of factors
1. Kaiser-Guttman Rules (eigenvalues over 1) =>eigenvalues measure total variance

2. Scree test (“scree plot”, really) => identify where the plot levels off

3. Interpretability"

EFA/PCA: What is the purpose of rotation?
-The goal of rotation is to redefine the factor loadings to obtain simple structure

-Each factor should have indicators with strong loadingso Each indicator should load strongly on only one factor

-Helps with interpretability

EFA/PCA: difference between orthogonal and oblique rotation
• Orthogonal - uncorrelated factors

• Oblique - correlation among factors"

EFA/PCA: What two things that guide interpretation of factors?
• Theoretical interpretation => do the factors and constructs make sense from theory?

• Obtain simple structure

EFA/PCA: What is simple structure?
• Each factor should have indicators with strong loadings

• Each indicator should load strongly on only one factor

EFA/PCA: What is the characteristic of a bad factor?
A good factor has AT LEAST three items that significantly load onto it and no other factors; bad factor has 2 or less
EFA/PCA: What are two types of bad indicators/items?
• Items that do not load onto any factor

• Items that load onto two or more factors

CFA/SEM: What is the primary distinctions between EFA and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)?
• EFA is a “bottom-up” or data-driven process. The analyst submits the data to EFA, and EFA dictates the results.

• CFA is a “top-down” or theory-driven process. The analyst a-prior specifies the model to be tested, and the CFA provides information about how well the data fit the specified model.

CFA/SEM: What are the primary advantages of CFA over EFA?
• More methodologically rigorous

• CFAs are theory driven and more specific (and more parsimonious) than EFAs

• Likelihood of obtaining good model fit is reduced; HOWEVER, we can have more confidence in CFA solutions than EFA solutions and they are more likely to replicate across samples

• Provides ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE goodness of fit indicators

• More flexible (can do a lot more)• Can evaluate INVARIANCE

• Maps onto construct validity very well

• Produces UNSTANDARDIZED, as well as standardized solution

• Can incorporate error theory

CFA/SEM: CFA/Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Graphical Notation - what does square represent? what about circle?
Squares for indicators, circles for factors
CFA/SEM: CFA/Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Graphical Notation - what do bidirectional arrows indicate? unidirectional?
bidirectional arrows for correlations, unidirectional arrows for factor loadings/directional relationships
CFA/SEM: CFA/Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Graphical Notation - Double Arrow Curve with both ends pointing to same latent variable
variance of latent variable
CFA/SEM: Factor Loadings
o The effect of the factor on the observed variableo Indicates how well the indicator “represents” or loads onto the factor

o CFA provides significance tests for factor loadings and provides standardized (-1 to 1) and unstandardized estimates"

CFA/SEM: error variances
Error variance = the residual, error term, or unique variance. How much of the observed variable or indicator is NOT accounted for by the factor
CFA/SEM: error covariances
Associations among residual terms
CFA/SEM: Factor variance
How much variability is there in the factor across participants
CFA/SEM: Factor covariance
The degree to which factors are associated (correlated)
CFA/SEM: what is the Structural Component of SEM?
the factor relationships to each other
CFA/SEM: what is the Measurement Component?
the relationship of indicators to factors