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48 Cards in this Set

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The objects described by a set of data. Individuals may be people, animals or things
is any characteristic of an individual. A variable can take different values for different individuals.
OBservational study
observes indivviduals and measures variables of interest but does not attempt to influence the responses
Purpose of observational study
to describe some group or situation
in a statistical study is the entire group of individuals about which we want information
a part of the population from which we actually collect information and is used to draw conclusions about eh whole.
is a sample survey that attempts to include the entire population in the sample
delibertely imposes some tretment on individuals inorder to observe their responses.
The purpose of an experiment
to study whether the treatment causes a change in the response
convenience sampling
selection of whichever individuals are easiest to reach
voluntary response sample
chooses itself by responding to a general appeal. write-in or call-in polls are examples.
simple random sample (SRS)
of size n consists of n individuals from the population chosen in such a way that every set of n individuals has an equal cance to be the sample actually selected
table of random digits
is a long string of the digits 0,1,....9 withe these 2 properties. 1) each entry in the table is equally likely to be any of the 10 digits. 2) the entries are idependent of each other.
a number that describes the population. It is a fixed number, but in practice we don't know the value
is a number that describes a sample. The value of a statistic is known when we have taken a sample, but it can change from smaple to sample. we often use a statistic to estimate an unknown parameter.
what are the two types of errors in estimation
bias and variability
is consistent, repeated deviation of the sample statistic from the population parameter in teh same direction when we take many samples
describes how spread out the values of the sample statistic are when we take many samples. large variability means that the result of sampling is not repeatable.
how do you reduce bias
use random sampling
how do you reduce variability of an SRS
use a larger sample
confidence statements
has 2 parts. margin of error and a level of confidence.
the conclusion of a confidence statement always applies to the...
population NOT to the sample. We know what the sample thinks as they were the ones interviewed.
occurs when some groups in the population are left out of the process of choosing the sample
is the faiure to obtain data from an individual selected for a sample. Most nonresponse happens because some subjects can't be contacted or b/c some subjects refuse to cooperate.
response variable
a variable that measures anoutcome or result of a study
explanatory variable
a variable taht we think explains or causes changes in the response variables.
sampling error
errors caused by the act of taking a sample. They cause sample results to be different fromt the results of a census
Random sampling error
is the deviation between the sample statistic and the population parameter caused by a chance in selecting a random sample. The MOE in a confidence statement includes ONLY random sampling error
nonsampling errors
are errors not related to the act of selecting a sample from the population. The can be present even in a census
undercoverage/sampling error
occurs when some groups in the population are left out of the process of choosing the sample.
processing error/nonsampling error
mistakes in mechanical taskes such as math or data entry
response error/nonsampling error
subject gives an incorrect response
nonresponse/nonsampling error
is the failure to obtain data from an individual selected for a sample. nmost nonresponse happens b/c some subjects can't be contacted or because some subjects who are refuse to cooperate
stratified sample
divide the sampling frame into distince groups of individuals called STRATA
take a separate SRS
probability sample
a sample chosen by chance
response variable
a variable that measures an outcome or result of a study
explanatory variable
variable that we think explains or causes changes in the response variable
the individuals studied in an experiment
specific experimental condition applied to the subjects. If an experiment has several explanatory variables, a treatment is a combination of specific values of these variables
lurking variable
a variable that has an important effect on the relationship among the variables in a study but is not one of the explanatory variables studied
effects on a response variable cannot be distinguished from another variable. may be either explanatory variables or lurking variables.
principles of experimental design
control the effects of lurking variables on the response, most simply by comparint 2 or more treatments.
randomize-use impersonal chance to assign subjects
Use enough subjects
statistical significance
an observed effect of a size that would rarely occur by chance
double-blind experiment
neither the subject nor the people who work with them know which treatment each subject is receiving
subjects who participate but don't follow the experimental treatment
completely randomized
all the experimental subjects are allocated at random among all the treatments
matched pairs design
compares just two treatments.
block design
a group of experimetnal subjects that are known before the experiment
the random assignment of subjects to treatments is carried out separately w/i each block