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30 Cards in this Set

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refers to death or being fatal-a fatality


a patient who expires while being an inpatient in a hospital is an

inpatient death

a newborn death occurs only in infants who:

have signs of life at the time of birth

what is an infant or fetus born dead called?

a fetal death (never a newborn death)

what results in a newborn death?

any sign of life no matter how tenuous

patients who expire while receiving care on an outpatient basis

outpatient death

true/false: a hospice patient receiving care at home is considered an outpatient, and who expires at home is an outpatient death


true/false: outpatient deaths are recorded but not included in patient statistics


ER deaths and DOAs are:

outpatient deaths

death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother in a hospital facility of a product of human conception irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy and without any signs of life

hospital fetal death

fetal deaths are ___ included in hospital mortality rates


represents an amount before anything is subtracted


Gross minus something =


How many decimal places should the death rate be carried to?

three or at least 2

what data is generally used for death rates unless noted in the appropriate death rate?

discharge data

most death rates combine:

newborn and adults&children data

formula for gross death rate

total number of IP deaths (including NB) for a period / total number of discharges (including deaths) for the period (NB and A&C) * 100

formula for net death rate

total IP deaths (including NB) minus deaths under 48 hours (for a period) / total discharges (including NB) minus deaths under 48 hours (for a period) * 100

what may be reviewed by a medical staff committee in hopes of saving lives in the future?

procedures and appropriate patient care

formula for NB death rate

total number of NB deaths (for a period) / total number of NB discharges (including deaths) (for a period) * 100

includes newborns under 28 days of age


two types of surgical death rates

postoperative and anesthesia death rates

surgical death rates are not based on


one or more surgical procedures performed at one time for one patient using a common approach or for a common purpose

surgical operation

a single manipulation that can be complete in itself

surgical procedure

formula for postoperative death rate

total surgical deaths (within 10 days postoperative) for a period / total patients operated upon for the period * 100

formula for anesthesia death rate

total deaths caused by anesthetic agents for a period / total number of anesthetics administered for the period * 100

deaths not included in routine death rates are:

outpatient deaths, ER deaths, DOAs, and fetal deaths

what is the numerator in all death rates

the total number of deaths pertaining to that rate

net death rates exclude deaths occurring less than ___ after admission

48 hours