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146 Cards in this Set

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Define Statistics

The science that relates data to specific questions of interest. Methods to gather, summarize and display data and draw answers from data

Two types of statistics



Why do we need statistics?

Uncertainty in data

Generalize beyond the sample

Three primary sources of uncertainty in data collected in social sciences research





Numbers, the result of measurements


An event or behavior that can assume more than two values


A construct that has only one value

Qualitative/categorical variable

A variable that has discrete categories

Quantitative/continuous variable

A variable that has assigned numbers and the values are ordered in a meaningful way


Individual/group that represents all members of group or category of interest



Subset that is used to represent a population


Four scales of measurment

How variable/numbers are defined and categorized





Nominal scale

Categories that are different from each other, but in kind, not degree

Ordinal scale

A scale of measurement that permits events to be rank ordered

Interval scale

A scale of measurement that permits rank ordering of events with the assumption of equal intervals between adjacent events

Ratio scale

A scale of measurement that permits rank ordering of events with the assumption of equal intervals between adjacent events and a true zero point

Why are scales of measurement important

Each scale has different properties that determine the appropriateness for use of certain statistical anlyes

Descriptive statistics

Used to describe characteristics of distribution of scores

Makes a simplified record of something

Makes it easy to get to main point

Makes record systematic

Basis for inferential statistics

Types of descriptive statistics

Measures of central tendency


Measure of central tendency

One score that summarizes the data

The most representative score of a set of observations

Measures of central tendency




Measures of central tendency:

symmetrical distributions

Measures of central tendency: skewed distributions


The score in a distribution that occurs most often


The number that divides a distribution in half


The arithmetic average of a set of numbers. Adding all scores in a set and then dividing by number of scores

Preferred measure of central tendency

Mean because it best resists fluctuation between different samples and uses every value in data

Three situations using measure of central tendency other than mean

1. Use median when scores in a distribution are skewed (positive or negative)

2. Use median when there are a few extreme scores (high or low outliers)

3. Use mode for nominal data and median for ordinal data

Frequency distribution table

An organized tabulation of the number of individuals located in each category of a measurement scale

An organized tabulation of the number of individuals located in each category of a measurement scale

Primary columns

1. Identify highest and lowest scores. First column lists the categories that make up the scales of measurement (X)

2. Second column lists the frequency associated with each score (or categories of scores) (f)

Four rules of making a grouped frequency distribution table

1. Should have about 10 intervals

2. Width of each interval should be relatively simple

3. Bottom score should be multiple of width

4. All intervals should be same width

Calculate N from a frequency table

The sum of the frequency, f, column = number of scores/size of the sample

Calculate sum of X from frequency table

The sum of the frequency of x, f(x), column

Calculate M from frequency table

Sum of x/N

Sum of f(x)/sum of f


The dispersion or spread of scores; a quantitative measure of the degree to which scores in a distribution are spread out or clustered together

Variability - descriptive

Measure degree to which scores are spread out/clustered together in distribution

Variability - inferential statistics

Provides measure of how accurately any individual score or sample represents entire pop


Total distance covered by the distribution from the highest score to lowest score

Xmax (highest score) - Xmin (lowest score)

Range's primary limitation

Very crude, only based on two scores in entire distribution

Interquartile range

The distance covered by the middle 50% of the distribution (Q1 and Q3)

Standard deviation

Average distance from each score to mean

Abelson's Laws

1. Chance is lumpy

2. Overconfidence abhors uncertainty

3. Never flout a convention just once

4. Don't talk Greek if you don't know the English translation

5. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything

6. There is no free hunch

7. You can't see the dust if you don't move the couch

8. Criticism is the mother of methodology

Abelson Ch 1 Main Points

Cannot make claim with stand-alone statistics

Importance of comparison

Standards of comparison (control groups) can reduce misleading statistical interpretations

Several possible candidate explanations (chosen explanation becomes claim)

Natural tendency for systematic conclusions over chance

Null hypothesis testing

Significance tests provide limited information

Single studies are not definitive

MAGIC criteria

Magnitude, articulation, generality, interestingness, credibility


The strength of a statistical argument is enhanced in accord with the quantitative magnitude for its qualitative claim


The degrees of comprehensible detail in which conclusions are phrased


The breadth of applicability of the conclusions


Must have potential, through empirical analysis, to change what people believe about an important issue


The believability of a research claim, both methodological and theoretical coherence


Dimension along which different possible presentations of same result can be arrayed

Assertive/incautious style vs liberal style


Standards to be followed (e.g. significance level)

Steps to calculate standard deviation

(Sum of X - mean)/N

Deviation scores

Difference between each individual score in distribution and mean of distribution


Square deviance scores

Difference between individual scores and mean, squared


Sum of squared deviance scores

(SS - sum of squares)

Sum of all individual score and mean differences, squared

Sum of (X-mean)^2


SS/(N-1) or SS/df

Square root of variances

SD = square root of (SS/df)

Three things that help researchers determine meaningfulness of data

1. Statistical significance - confident results aren't due to chance

2. Practical significance - effect size, clinical significance

3. Confidence interval - precision of statistic, confidence statistic falls in certain range

Three possibilities that can account for a distribution of scores (Abelson Ch 2)

1. Variability of scores can be entirely explained by chance factors

2. Variability of scores can be enitrely explained by systematic facotrs

3. Variability of scores can be explained by both systematic and chance factors

*1 & 2 are most parsimonious

*Statistical significance 1 vs 2 0r 3

Three types of random influences or chance occurrences that might influence data

1. Random generation

2. Random sampling

3. Random assignment

Fundamental characteristics of normal distribution

1. Symmetrical

2. Unimodal

3. Asymptotic

Why is normal curve/distribution important?

Links data to probabilities

Central limit theorem

Describes distribution of sample means using shape, central tendency, and distribution

Central limit theorem: shape

Normal approximation: the distribution of sample means will be almost perfectly normal if - population from which samples are selected is a normal distribution

- the number of scores (n) in each sample is relatively large (30 +)

Central limit theorem: central tenedency

Mean of distribution of sample means (expected value of M) is always equal to population mean

Central limit theorem: variability

Standard error of M (σ subm)

- standard deviation of sample means

1. provides measure of how difference is expected from one sample to another

2. describes how well individual sample mean represents entire distribution

Size of standard error is function of two things:

1. Size of sample

2. The population standard deviation

(most of the time we do not need to have the population standard error, therefore we must estimate from sample data)

Standard error

The standard deviation of the frequency of distribution

The measure of how much random variation we would expect from samples of equal size drawn from a population


Standardized value calculated from sample data during hypothesis test

Determine whether to accept or reject null hypothesis

Compares data with what is expected under null hypothesis

Observed effect or difference/SE of effect

Two types of deviation from normality in distribution:

Positive skew or negative skew


Likelihood of an event occurring

Positive right skewed distribution

Tail goes to right, mean is right of peak, median, and mode

Tail goes to right, mean is right of peak, median, and mode

Negative left skewed distribution

Tail goes to left, mean is left of peak, median, mode

Tail goes to left, mean is left of peak, median, mode


Process of converting raw score (difficult to interpret by themselves) to a standard score (metric or unit easily interpretable)



Z-score: how to interpret

z = (raw score X -mean)/SD

negative sign is below the mean, zero is the mean, and positive is above mean

Number represents number of SDs

Link up with different probabilities within SD

High z-score = more extreme score

Numerator test-statistic

Observed effect (signal)

Denominator test-statistic

Standard error of effect, variation (noise)

Goal of hypothesis testing

Rule out chance (sampling error) as plausible explanation for results from a research study

- statistical significance

- always two explanations for pattern

1. systematic factors - meaningful

2. random influence - not meaningful

Four steps of hypothesis testing

1. State hypothesis and specify alpha level

- reject/accept null

2. Locate critical region

- center dist due to chance

- tail not due to chance

3. Calculate test statistic

- t, z, F, corr coefficient, test = effect/variation

4. Make a decision

- data, test statistic, critical region, accept or reject null

p value

Probability null hypothesis is correct

Probability of getting results you did given null is true

Probability of obtaining statistic of given size from a sample of a given size by chance (random error)


Level of significance

Probability value used to define very unlikely sample outcomes if null is true

The a priori probability of falsely rejecting null that research is willing to accept

General Linear Model

A common mathematical foundation of several different stat models

ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, ordinary linear regression, t-test, f-test

GLM equation

Yi = B0 + B1X1i + εi

Yi = value of DV or outcome, expected value

B0 = intercept term, constant effects, value of Yi when all X's are 0

B1 = regression coefficient for variable X, how much does X influence Y (slope)

X1i = score of x for person or case 1

εi = residual error, how far is person's actual score from expected score

GLM graphically depicted

In notes

Slope of best fit line, how far data falls from expected


Compare two means to see if significantly different from one another

Three types of t-tests

1. One- sample

2. Paired-samples

3. Independent-samples


Data collected from one sample under one condition at one time

Does sample mean differ from pop mean or meaningful number?


Observations that are not totally dependent

1. Within-subjects design (same people under certain conditions)

- DV or outcome variable is assessed at multiple occasions for each participant

2. Matched data (e.g. parent/children)

Independent samples

Comparing two totally separate samples (no overlap)

Compare groups - randomized control trial comparing random vs control

Between-subjects experimental design

Quasi-independent variable (gender)

Assumptions of t-tests

Compare two means

Limitations of t-tests

Can only compare two means (only one IV with two conditions), limited to one IV

Limited to one IV with two conditions (can only compare two means)

Type I error

False positive (say difference but not)

When null hypothesis is true but it is rejected

alpha = chance of making type I error

Conclude difference/effect but it isn't (more concerned with type I error)

Type II error

False negative

Null hyp is false but is accepted as true

β (power) = chance of making Type II error

Conclude no effect, but there is

Why use ANOVA based on Type I/II errors

ANOVA tests the difference among all groups simultaneously, avoiding inflation of experimentwise alpha

Conducting several separate t-tests instead of one overall ANOVA increases experimentwise alpha level, increasing type I erro

Testwise alpha

Alpha level for each individual hypothesis test

Acceptable amount of tolerance for Type I error for one test

Experimentwise alpha

Total probability of type I error accumulated from all separate tests of experiment


one-way ANOVA

When you want to compare two or more means (three)

One IV (factor) with two or more conditions (levels)

General logic of ANOVA

Decompose variance to test mean differences by analyzing variance

Decompose total variance/variability into smaller parts

Total variance --> between treatments *measure difference due to 1. systematic treatment effects 2. random unsystematic factors*

Total variance --> within treatments *measure difference due to 1. random unsystematic factors*


Independent variable or quasi independent variable that designates groups being compared


Conditions of the independent variable or value that make up factor (e.g. quasi IV - gender; IV - neutral, happy, sad)


Number of conditions/levels for factor


number of scores in each treatment/condition


Total number of scores in entire study


Sum of squares, sum of squared deviations, sum of squared differences from the mean

Sum of (x - mean)^2


Mean square - estimate of variance across groups



Degrees of freedom, how many scores are free to vary within sample


test statistic for ANOVA, uses variance variability as measure of diff between group because there is more than one group


F numerator

Variance between treatments (effect)

F denominator

Error term, random unsystematic variability (noise)

Factorial design

Two or more IV

When study involves more than one factor or IV

- completely crossed (each level with each IV appears in combo with every other level of IV



dfw +dfb


Sum of (n-1) = sum of df

N - k


k - 1

Main effects

Average effect of A when you average across B

Controlled or partial effects

Main effect of factor A in factorial design is different than in one-way ANOVA because controlling for effect


The joint synergistic effect of A and B on DV

The relationship between factor A and te DV difference across different levels of factor B

Occurs when the effect of on IV on DV varies across different levels of another IV




# of cells - 1

k - 1


N - # of cells

N - k


kA - 1


kB - 1


dfBetween - dfA - dfB

ANOVA table

Difference between descriptive statistics reported at top of factorial ANOVA and estimated marginal means

Estimated marginal means - means when controlling for all other variables

Descriptive statistics - raw means

Two general types of effect size estimates

Mean differences


Cohen's d

effect size indicator

General form: M1 - M2/SD

Express mean diff in SD units

Variations on d

Same general form, but diff SD used

Cohen's d = M1 - M2/SDpooled (mot appropriate when variances/sample size are equal)

Glass's delta = M1 - M2/SD control (when N is diff/diff homogeneity in variance)

Hedge's g = M1 - M2/SD*pooled (deals with bias due to sample size)

Guidelines for Cohen's d

small = .20 medium = .50 large = .80

Effect size indicator for ANOVA

Omega squared ω², eta squared η²

small = .01 medium = .06 large = .141

Point estimate

Use single estimate of unknown quantity (e.g. mean)

High precision, low confidence

Interval estimate

Use range of values as estimate of unknown quality

Low precision, high confidence

Precision vs confidence: tradeoff

Point estimates are very precise - specify one value, but can't be confident correct

Interval estimates are less precise - specify range of values, but can be confident estimate of pop parameter is in interval

95% confidence interval for mean

CI95 = M +/- (t95)(Sm)

95% confidence interval for any estimate

CI95 = Estimate +/- (t95)(EstimateSb)

3 characteristics of relationship between two variables described by correlation coefficent

1. Direction - indicated by sign of correlation (positive = same direction, negative = different direction)

2. Form

3. Strength

Factors influencing strength of correlation

1. Restricted range of scores represented in data

- need people to represent all ranges of both scales

2. Outliers - one or two very extreme data points can have dramatic impact (more impact on small sample size than large sample size)


Provides an estimate of the degree of relationship between two variables (regression coefficient)

Preferred way to describe relationship between two variables (coefficient of determination)

Interpretation more straightforward, shows how much overlap in variance of two variable

Shows how much percentage of Y is captured by X

How much variance in outcome variable is accounted for by variance in predictor variable in regression

Four types of correlation coefficients

Pearson's correlation

Spearman correlation

Point-biserial correlation

Phi coefficient

Pearson's correlation coefficient

Linear, variables interval/ratio continuou


Nonlinear, ordinal


One dichotomous variable and one continuous varibale, very similar to independent samples t-test


Two dichotomous variables (connected to Chi squared)

Can do categorical variables with more than two categories

Covariance and correlation

Association between two variables, strength


Not directly interpretable - on scale of two variables (unstandardized coefficient)

Compare covariance of two data sets on same metric, can get sense of relationship


Standardized coefficient

Cross products: positive correlation