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18 Cards in this Set

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1. What is matter?

Answer: Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.

2. What is a substance?

Answer: A substance is a single kind of matter that is pure and has a specific set of properties.

3. What is a physical property? Please give two examples of a physical property.

Answer: A physical property is a characteristic of a pure substance that can be observed without changing it into another substance. Ex 1: The temperature at which water freezes, Ex 2: The texture of an object

4. What is a chemical property? Please give two examples of a chemical property.

Answer: A chemical property is a characteristic of a pure substance that describes its ability to change into different substances. Ex 1: Flammability, Ex 2: Rusting

5. What is the difference between a homogeneous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture? Please give an example of each.

Answer: The difference between a homogeneous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture is that in a heterogeneous mixture you can still see the different parts making up the mixture, while in a homogeneous mixture you can't make out the different parts anymore, because it's so evenly mixed. Ex of Homogeneous Mixture: A solution, Ex of Heterogeneous Mixture: A salad

6. What is a solution? (in terms of matter-not problem solving)

Answer: A solution is a well-mixed mixture containing a solvent and at least on solute that has the same properties throughout.

7. What is a mixture?

Answer: A mixture is tow or more substance that are mixed together but not chemically combined.

8. What is a chemical change? What are some signs that a chemical change has occurred? (*Chemical change and chemical reaction are the same thing)

Answer: A chemical change is a change in which one ore more substances combine or break apart to form new substances. Some signs that a chemical change has occurred are light was released, heat was released, there was rapid temperature change, gas was produced, a precipitate formed, and there was unexplained color change.

9. What is a physical change? What are some signs that a physical change has occurred?

Answer: A physical change is any change that alters the form, shape, or appearance of a substance but does not change it into a new substance. Some signs that a physical change has occurred is when the appearance or shape of a substance has changed.

10. What is an endothermic reaction? What phase changes are associated with endothermic reactions?

Answer: An endothermic reaction is a reaction that absorbs energy in the form of heat. The phase changes associated with endothermic reactions are boiling, melting, and sublimation.

11. What is an exothermic reaction? What phase changes are associated with exothermic reactions?

Answer: An exothermic reaction is a reaction where energy is released in the form of heat. The phase changes associated with exothermic reactions are condensation, freezing, and deposition.

12. Put solids, liquids, and gases in order of MOST energy to LEAST amount of energy and the phase change that occurs between each.

Answer: Gases, Liquids, and Solids. From gas to liquid it's condensation. From gas to solid it's sublimation. From Liquid to gas it's vaporization. From liquid to solid it's freezing. Form solid to liquid it's melting. From solid to gas it's deposition.

13. Which of the states of matter has the most organization among the molecules? Which has the least?

Answer: The state of matter that has the most organization is a crystalline solid. The state of matter that has the least organization is gas.

14. Why did the beaker with the ice AND salt get colder than the beaker with only ice?

Answer: The beaker with ice and salt got colder, because the ice draws heat energy from the water, and the salt helped to lower the water freezing time.

15. Know ALL the phase changes (melting, freezing, evaporation, boiling, vaporization, condensation, sublimation, and deposition).

Answer: Melting is when a solid becomes a liquid. Freezing is when a liquid becomes a solid. Boiling is when you go from a liquid to a gas. Vaporization is when you go from a liquid to a gas. Condensation is when you go from a gas to a liquid. Sublimation is when you go from a solid to a gas. Deposition is when you go from a gas to a solid.

16. What happens to the temperature of a substance when it undergoes a phase change?

Answer: The temperature of a substance stays the same when it undergoes a phase change.

17. Why is it that ice after it freezes can get colder than 0 degrees Celsius but boiling water cannot get hotter than 100 degrees Celsius?

Answer: Ice can get colder than 0 degrees Celsius because nothing is happening to the ice and the temperature is only getting colder. Meanwhile, boiling water stays at the same temperature because the water from the bottom is becoming a gas and boiling, instead of the same bubbles (or water) boiling over and over again.

18. What happens to the density of a gas if it heats up? What happens to the density of a gas if it cools down (but not enough to condense) ?

Answer: The density of a gas increases if it's heated up, and the density also decreases when it's cooled down.