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27 Cards in this Set

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Awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings being experienced at a given moment

Our private internal world

Altered State of Consciousness(ASC)

Change in awareness produced by sleep, meditation, hypnosis, and/or drugs

Circadian rhythms

24hour cycle which involves change from high points to low points in certain bodily functions and behaviors . Change from wakefulness to sleepiness is an example

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

Biological clock that control the circadian rhythm located in hypothalamus


An ASC which occurs spontaneously and consist of 2 kinds of sleep characterized by amount of eye movement

NREM -non rapid eye movement

Stages 1-4 , 1 is lightest sleep and 4 is deepest .. as we progress thru stages there is decrease in everything . Little dreaming not very vivid

REM sleep- rapid eye movement

Increase everything and large muscles in the arms and legs become paralyzed. More vivid dreaming

Sleep Cycle

A complete sleep cycle consists of stages 1,2,3,4,3,2,REM - about 90mins . 4 to 5 cycles during a normal night's sleep

Sleep Deprivation

Minor sleep deprivation can be made up my a good night's sleep

Sleep disorders

Serious sleep problems which usually require attention


One-third of all people , takes form of difficulty falling or staying asleep, waking too early l, sleep that is too light or of poor quality

Sleep apnea

Difficult breathing while sleeping , individual must awaken suddenly to breathe sometimes as many as 500 times a night in form of loud snoring, snorting, gasps, and choking noises

Night terrors

Sudden awakening from non-REM sleep accompanied by extreme fear, panic and strong physiological arousal usually during stage 4


More frightening than terrors occurring during REM sleep


Uncontrollable, sudden falling asleep while person is awake , from wakefulness directly to REM lasts short period of time

Sleepwalking (somnambulism)

Occurs during stage 4 most common in children

Sleepwalking (somniloquy)

Occurs during stage 4 most common in children


Focusing attention to one thing and block out all distractions to achieve ASC


Trancelike state of heightened susceptibility to suggestions of others which can induce change in thought, feeling, sensations, perceptions or behavior

Psychoactive drugs

Substances that alter our emotions, perceptions and behavior

Substance abuse

Continued use of a substance

Biologically-based addiction

Compulsive pattern of drug use

Drug tolerance

User becomes progressively less affected by the drug

Withdrawal symptoms

Taking away something your use too

Psychologically-based addiction

People believe they need the drug


Drugs that have an arousal effect on the central nervous system


Sense of energy , alertness