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48 Cards in this Set

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If you were to specify your address int he universe, listing your membership from the smalels t to larges physical structures, it would be
Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, the universe
Which of the followin is FALSE?
A scientific theory is an undisputed fact
No matter where you are on Earth, stars appear to rotate around a point called the
celestial pole
Assume you are observing the night sky from a typical city in the US at a latitude of +40 degrees. Use the figure to determine which constellation of the zodiac would be nearest to due South at 6 pm in Septemeber
If you went out tonight and looked at the sky at midnight, at what time would you have to observe 6 months from now in order to find stars in exactly the same postition in the sky? Assume that you could see the stars at any time, day or night.
Which of the following was NOT an idea shared by ancient Greek philosophers?
Stellar parallax can be measured
Which of the following was not one of Galileo's discoveries?
Stellar parallax
When the geocentric model of the solar system did not match the observed positions of the planets,
Ptolemy added epicycles to the geocentric model to try to match the observed data
The Ptolemaic model had all of the following traits except one. Which trait was lacking in Ptolemy's model of the universe?
A simplistic elegance
Which of the following is not one of Kepler's Laws?
The force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
Which of the following is not one of Newton's laws?
No object can travel faster than the speed of light
If the distance between the Earth and Sun was cut to a third, the gravitational force between these two objects would
Increase by a factor of 9
If the wavelength of a beam of light were to double, how would that affect its frequency?
The frequency would be two times smaller
How do the wavelength and frequency of red light compare to the wavelength and frequency of blue light?
Red light has longer wavelength and lower frequency than those of blue light
Which of the following lists different types of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing wavelength?
Gamma rays, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radio waves
As wavelength increases, the energy of a photon.....and its frequency....
Which of the following is not one of Kirchoff's laws?
The flux of an object goes as the temperature to the fourth power
As a blackbody becomes hotter, it also becomes....and....
More luminous, bluer
The Stefan-Boltzmann law states taht F = T4. If a star emits 10 to the 23 ergs/sec/m, how much flux will a star with twice the temperature emit?
Sixteen times as much
One reason to prefer a reflecting over a refracting telescope is its..
All of the above are valid reasons
The angular resolution of a ground-based telescope is usually set by
Atmospheric seeing
Cameras that use adaptive optics provide higher spatial resolution images primarily becase
Deformable mirrors are used to correct the blurring due to Earth's atmosphere
Stars A and B appear equally bright, but star A is twice as far away from us as star B. Which of the following is true?
Star A is four times as luminous as star B
Star A is twice as hot as star B. If star A is four times brighter than star B then
Star B is two times closer than star A
Which of the follwoing properly describes changes in stellar properites as you move along the man sequence on an HR diagram from the lower right to upper left?
Stars get larger, hotter, more massive, and more lumious
What fraction of stars is on the main sequence and which one property ultimately determines all the other properties of a main sequence star?
90%, mass
Why is hydrogen burning the main energy source for main-sequence stars?
All of the above are valid reasons
Hydrostatic equilibrium is a balance between
Pressure and gravity
I flew to the Sun and made some measurements of its atmosphere at different altitudes. I measured 3 temperatures of 1,000,000 K, 6,000 K, and 20,000 K. In which layers of the atmosphere did I make each of these 3 measurements, in order?
The corona, the photosphere, and the chromosphere
Which of the following properly describes the interior or the Sun?
The inner 70% transfers energy via radiation; convection dominates energy transfer in the outer 30%
Which of the following is not a property of the interstellar medium?
Dust fills most of the galaxy glowing in optical wavelenths
Which of the followin is not a manifestation of solar magnetic activity?
Differential rotation
A young protostar is....than the Sun even though its surface temperature is....
more luminous; cooler
A protostar's evolutionary Hayashi track on teh HR diagram traces out
A decrease in size and luminosity with a slight increase in temperature
If you wanted to study regions where star formation is currently happening you could us
All of the above
The entire process of star fomation is really just an evolving balance between
pressure and gravity
A main sequence star converts mass (M) into energy. It's luminosity (L) gives how much energy is given off per unit time. Therefore, the lifetime of a main sequence star should roughly go as
When a G2 star leaves the main sequence,
Its luminosity and radius increase but its surface temperature decreases
A low-mass red giant star's energy comes from
hydrogen burning to helium in a shell surrounding its core
Which of the following gives the correct evolutionary sequence for a low mass star?
Main sequence, red giant, horizontal branch, asymptotic giant branch, planetary nebula, white dwarf
When helium fusion begins in the core of red giant, the situation quickly gets out of control because electron-degeneracy pressure does not respond to changes in
If you measure the average brightness and pulsation period of a Cepheid variable star, you can also determine its
An iron core cannot support a massive main-sequence star because
Iron cannot fuse with other nuclei to produce energy
A binary system always has one star evolve before the other. When the second star evolves it will begin to dump mass onto the star that has already evolved. Which is not a possible outcome?
Type II supernova
Which of the following is a consequence of Einstein's special theory of relativity?
Moving clocks run quicker
Essentially all the elements heavier than carbon in the universe were formed
in cores of massive stars and their supernovae
The Cosmological Principle states that
All of the above are correct
Astronomers have known that galaxies are separate entities outside of our own for roughly the last
90 years