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59 Cards in this Set

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Gram-positive and gram negative cocci are frequently called what?
due to their stimulation of pus
What are nonmotile, gram-positive cocci arranged in irregular clusters; facultative anaerobes; fermentative; salt-tolerant; catalase-positive?
Characteristics of Staphylococci

S. a_______________ produces a number of virulence factors.

Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus Aureus has five enzymes, name them.

(C H S N P)




Nuclease & Penincillinase.

Beta-hemolysins, leukocidin, enterotoxin, exfoliative, and toxic shock syndrome are what?

Toxins or Enzymes


Abscesses, folliculitis, furuncles, carbuncles, & impetigo are _________ infections.


Toxemia in women caused by a staph infection within the vagina (due to tampons)

Toxic shock syndrome

S. Saprophyticus is a staphylococci pathogen that causes________ infections


S. Epidermidis is a normal resident on the _____ & follicles. It's an opportunist. And the most common cause of _________ infections.

Skin, Nosocomial

Streptococci are a large, varied group of gram _____ bacteria and contain 2 genera: S________tococcus & E________ococcus.

Positive, Streptococcus,


S. pyrogens = group ___

S. agalactiae = group ___

Enterococcus faecalis = group ___

Alpha-hemolytic S. Pneumoniae & V_____________

A, B, D, & Viridans

What is another name for strep throat?


Pharyngitis (strep throat) may lead to pneumonia or toxemia also called _______ fever.


Group A and B strep are treated primarily with _____________.


This alpha hemolytic strep constitutes oral flora in saliva and can form bio films on tissue.


S. mitis

S. salivarius

S. mutans

S. sanguinis

Starts with a V

Pneumococcus are the most common cause of bacterial ______. Which attacks weak _____ defenses, symptoms include fever/chills, cyanosis, and cough

Pneumonia, Respiratory

Otitis media is inflammation of the __________- _____, and is common in children or adults?

Middle ear, Children

Gonococcus causes _____________


Located intracellularly in ___ cells.

Gonorrhea is a common ___.

Transmitted _____ to newborn. Both sexes can have asymptomatic ________.

Pus,STD, Mother, & Carriers

Symptoms of Gonorrhea in males are: urethritis with _________. Infection of deeper reproductive structures may cause scarring and __________.

Discharge, Infertility

Gonorrhea may cause extragenital infections of the anal region, pharyngeal, conjunctivitis, S_________ & A___________.

Septicemia, & Arthritis

The symptoms in scarlet fever are due to

A) streptomycin

B) coagulate

C) erythrogenic toxin

D) alpha-toxin

C) erythrogenic toxin

__________ hemolysis is the partial lysis of _____ due to bacterial hemolysins

Alpha, RBC's

What virulence factor causes skin hemorrhages in meningitis

A) blood clots

B) erysopelas

C) endotoxins in the blood

C) endotoxins in the blood

Skin condition that causes desquamation

(SSSS) Staphylococal scalded skin syndrome
Toxemia in women due to infection of the vagina associated with tampon use

Toxic shock syndrome

Bacteremia leading to endocarditis and pneumonia

Starts with an O
S. Epidermidis is a common cause of ______ infections, mainly in ________ patients with medical devices or implants.
Nosocomial, Surgical

S. aureus has multiple resistance to __________. They are:


A__________ and


Antibiotics, Penicillin, Ampicillin, & Methicillin

The resistance to these antiobiotics is called ____________.


Staphylococcal infections have extreme resistance to ________ environmental conditions.

Cocci are in chains of ______ lengths.

_______ cocci are gram positive, non-motile, encapsulated, catalase-negative.


Streptococci are classified into _________ groups (A-R) according to the type of serological reactions of the cell wall carbohydrate.

S. pyogenes is the most serious pathogen of the ______ family?

_____ Hemalytic streptococci produces several ____ factors. These include C-carbohydrates, M-protein, streptokinase, hyaludronidase, DNase, Streptolysins, erythrogenic toxin.
Beta, Virulence

Strep skin infections include pyoderma or strep __________ and erysipelas also know as a deeper _________ing skin infection.

impetigo, spreading

Sequelae caused by ________ response to streptococcal toxins include ____________ fever and glomerulonephritis.
immune, rheumatic

Streptococcus agalactiae is a pathogen increasingly found in the human _________; causes neonatal, ________ , and _______ infections particularly in debilitated persons.
vagina, wound, &


S. Pneumoniae is a heavily encapsulated ________ shaped diplococcus. ______ is an important virulence factor. The reservoir is _________ of normal healthy carriers.
lancet , capsule, nasopharynx

S. pneumoniae is the most common cause of _______ in adults

The family neisseriaceae is a gram ___________ cocci.

Bean shaped diplicocci have capsules and fimbrae, oxidase positive, non spore forming, non-motile, fastidious, and do not survive long, also residents of mucous membranes

Symptoms in a female with Gonorrhea include ________________ and urethritis

Ascending infections of gonorrhea may lead to__________, also know as inflammation of the uterine tubes in females or PID

Gonorrhea is a _____ anaerobic infection of the abdomen, common cause of __________ and _______-______ pregnancy.
mixed, sterility, ectopic tubal

due to scared fallopian tubes
Gonorrhea infections in newborns cause ________ inflammation.

Gonorrhea infections can infect deeper tissues of the eyes in newborns and cause ___________.


True or False

Newborn infections can not be prevented immediately after birth by prophylaxis.


Which of the following is/are a pyogenic coccus/cocci?

A) Streptococcus

B) Staphylococcus

C) Neisseria

D) All

D) All

The coagulase test is used to differentiate S. aureus from

A) Other Staphylococci

B) Enterococci

A) Other staphylococci

The most severe streptococcal diseases are caused by

A) group B

B) group A

C) enterococci

B) group A streptococci

rheumatic fever damages the ________, and glomerulonephritis damages the ___________.

Heart valves


Viridians streptococci commonly cause

A. Pneumonia

B. meningitis

C. subacute endocardiditis

D. otitis media

C. subacute endocardiditis
which genus of bacteria has pathogens that can cause blindness?

A. streptococcus

B. staphylococcus

C. Neisseria

D. Branhamella

C. Neisseria
An important test for identifying Neisseria

A. production of oxidase

B. production of catalase

C. sugar fermentation

D. beta-hemolysis

A. Production of Oxidase
A complication of genital gonorrhea in both men and women is

A. Infertility

B. Pelvic inflammatory disease

C. arthritis

D. Blindness

A. Infertility

Which infectious agent of those covered in this chapter would most likely be acquired from a contatiminated doorknob?

A. staphylococcus aureus

B. streptococcus pyogenes

C. Neisseria meningitides

D. Streptococcus pneumoniae

A. Staphylococcus aureus
Which of the following effects is/are caused by formation of an infectious biofilm?

A. disseminated infection

B. failure of drug therapy

C. colonization of tissues

D. a and b

E. b and c

F all of these

F. All of these