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132 Cards in this Set

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In reference to operations, all personnel should continually familiarize themselves with ______________
___________________ __________.
standing medical orders
standing medical orders are applicable regardless of the response configuration response time or _______________ __________________.
final destination.
Authorization for Emergency Services are authorized to function under their appropriate scope of practice within the _______________ protocol.
What is the Definition of Medical Control?
The immediate and concurrent clinical guidance from a physician to emergency medical services personnel regarding the pre-hospital management of a patient.
What are 2 examples of Off-Line Medical Control?
1 Standing Medical Orders (SMO's) approved by
the Medical Director.

2 Written patient orders and protocols pertaining to
a specific transport.
What is on-line medical control?
Direct Radio and/or Phone communication with a hospital emergency physician
On- line Medical Control may override written protocols for 2 reasons:
1. directing medical care for patients with EMS providers scope of practice.

What is the 2nd reason?
-Routing patients to an appropriate hospital
destination considering the number of patients,
patient needs or hospital availability of specialty
beds, operating rooms, or imaging procedures.
C) The Do Not Resuscitate orders are documented on Hospice Forms that are signed by ______________________

The Do Not Resuscitate orders are documented on Hospice Forms that are signed by a physician licensed in the State of Georgia or on the State-approved DNR order form.

The documentation on the Hospice Forms must include what information and what signatures?

The documentation on the Hospice Forms must include the attending physician signature, the patient, and/or patient surrogate signature, and the effective date on the letterhead of the physician or the healthcare facility.

E) Verification of identification shall be through _____________

E) Verification of identification shall be through patient ID band or by authorized personnel of the healthcare facility.

The Do Not Resuscitate orders are documented in the _________________of a long-term care facility (e.g. nursing home) and are signed by a________________________________

The Do Not Resuscitate orders are documented in the medical chart of a long-term care facility (e.g. nursing home) and are signed by a physician licensed in the State of Georgia.

The documentation required should be either the State-approved DNR order form or comparable in the medical record that includes what signatures?

and what important details?

The documentation required should be either the State-approved DNR order form or comparable in the medical record that includes the attending physician signature, the patient and/or patient surrogate signature, and the effective date on the letterhead of the physician or the healthcare facility.

Personnel will initiate appropriate resuscitation unless the correct documentation is shown. Verification of identification shall be through _____________________

Personnel will initiate appropriate resuscitation unless the correct documentation is shown. Verification of identification shall be through patient ID band or by authorized personnel of the healthcare facility.

J) Initiation of CPR or life-saving measures may be withheld for person who is not a patient in a hospital, nursing home, or licensed hospice and who is wearing an ____________________


what specifics are needed on a DNR bracelet/ necklace?

1. The bracelet shall be similar to the identification bracelet worn in hospitals. 2. The bracelet or necklace shall be on an orange background and must provide physician’s name, date signed, patient’s name, and specific order.

*References to the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order refer to any basic or advanced care procedures.*

CPR may be withheld when one (1) of the following explicit signs of biological death exists:

1. Injuries incompatible with life (e.g. decapitation, massive crush injury, incineration, etc.)

2. Tissue decomposition.

3. Rigor mortis of any degree with warm air temperature.

4. Dependant lividity of any degree and/or general cyanosis.

you should contact medical control for what two scenarios if Asystole is the only conclusive sign of death.

**Contact Medical control for all pediatric patients and patients electrocuted before terminating resuscitation efforts for patients, if asystole is the only conclusive sign of death.**

Initiation of CPR or other life saving measures may be withheld if one of the following conditions are met:

Except in the conditions listed above in Section 106.002 F, CPR is to be initiated immediately and continued until one (1) of the following occurs:
1. Effective spontaneous circulation and ventilation have been restored

.2. Resuscitation efforts have been transferred to other persons of equal or greater training.

3. The rescuer is exhausted and is physically unable to continue resuscitation.
What is the Definition of Standing Orders?
The written authorization to follow a given treatment guideline and provide specified interventions to a patient experiencing a medical emergency prior to establishing direct voice communication with a physician.
Standing medical orders (SMO) may be performed (with or without ) contacting Medical Control: however, Medical Control may be utilized at any time prior to implementing or completion of SMO's

question is WITH OR WITHOUT ?
In standard of care, All personnel is expected to conduct themselves in a _________________________ ____________
professional manner
All personnel will treat all patient with _______________ and ___________________.
dignity and respect
First priority for all personnel in the field will be what?
scene safety for themselves, the patient and the public
The safety of yourself, patient and public include
staging a safe distance away until scene is safe and appropriate use of _______________ ________________ _________________.
personal protective equipment
Patient with the most severe or life threatening injuries or illness will be treated first except for whom?
multiple patients or scene/mass casualty incidents where the field resources are overwhelmed.
Difference of opinion and criticism of agencies or personnel will not interfere with patient care. If not quickly, quietly and easily resolved in the field, where should it be referred?
referred to the agencies involved or the incident commander, on duty medical supervisor and /or on -line medical control.
All personnel should ensure that appropriate equipment needed for complete patient assessment is present. what does this include?
cardiac monitor
jump kit
oxygen caddy
suction, etc
medical professional on the scene:

medical professionals who offer their assistance at the scene should be asked to do what?
identify themselves and their level of training

(ie. a doctor, nurse, or other medical professional that was bystander who came to help)
Medical Professionals on Scene:
When a physician, other than the patient's physician properly identifies himself and wants to assume responsibility, what must be done ?
documentation of his intervention must be done on EPCR and he must sign the report.

When a physician other than the patent's physician properly identifies himself and is assuming responsibility, personnel should not interfere with Medical Control?
Personnel should or should not comply with any orders from any physician that exceed their scope of practice?
Every patient who is found in cardiac arrest will receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation unless there is an exception is met as written in the _________.

* Mass casualty incidents are not covered by these guidelines
Personnel are required to initiate CPR when clinical signs of ___________________ is present
THE DNR order is designated for the pulseless, non-breathing patient who has ben diagnosed with a __________________ _____________.
Terminal illness
In cases involving the breathing patient with a DNR order, you should provide what?
BLS care and contact Medical Control
Initiation of CPR or life saving measures may be withheld for a person who is not a patient in a _____, _______, or ______ if the proper information is present on a DNR.
Nursing home
licensed hospice
Where are the DNR orders documented?
In the Medical chart of the patient
On the documentation of a DNR, what must be included in the chart?
1 Attending physician's signature
2 The patient and/or patients surrogate signature
3 Effective date on the letterhead of the physician
or healthcare facility.
A living will without an accompanied DNR order signed by the attending physician and patients surrogate WILL OR WILL NOT not be valid for Pre- hospital care?
Withholding CPR-
Initiation of CPR or other life saving measures may be withheld if one of the following conditions are met:
1. The Do Not Resuscitate orders are documented in the medical chart of a long-term care facility (eg. nursing home) and are signed by a physician licensed in the State of Georgia

2. The documentation required should be either the State-approved DNR order form or comparable in the medical record that includes the attending physician signature, the patient and/or patient surrogate signature, and the effective date on the letterhead of the physician or healthcare facility.
Withholding CPR-
Personnel will initiate appropriate resuscitation unless the correct documentation is shown. Verification of identification shall be through ____ or ____?
patient ID band or by authorized personnel of the healthcare facility
Withholding CPR-
The Do Not Resuscitate orders are documented on Hospice forms that are signed by a ______ licensed in the State of Georgia or on the State-approved DNR order form.
Withholding CPR-
What must the documentation on the Hospice forms include?
1. attending physician signature
2. the patient and/or patient surrogate signature
3. the effective date on the letterhead of the physician or the healthcare facility
Withholding CPR-
Verification of identification shall be done how?
through patient ID band or by authorized personnel of the healthcare facility
Withholding CPR-
CPR may be withheld when one of the following explicit signs of biological death exists:
1. injuries incompatible with life
2. tissue decomposition
3. rigor mortis of any degree with warm air temperatures
4. dependent lividity of any degree and/or general cyanosis
Withholding CPR-
Contact ____ _____ for all pediatric patients and patients electrocuted before terminating resuscitation efforts for patients, if asystole is the only conclusive sign of death
medical control
Withholding CPR-
Except in the conditions where there is a DNR or explicit signs of biological death, CPR is to be initiated immediately and continued until one of the following occurs:
1. Effective spontaneous circulation and ventilation have been restored
2. Resuscitation efforts have been transferred to other persons of equal or greater training
3. The rescuer is exhausted and is physically unable to continue resuscitation
Withholding CPR-
Initiation of CPR or life-saving measures MAY BE WITHHELD for the person who is not a patient in a hospital, nursing home, or licensed hospice and who is wearing ____, or ____ that indicates DNR.
identifying ankle or wrist bracelet, or identifying necklace
Withholding CPR-
What should an identifying ankle/wrist bracelet or necklace that indicated DNR look like/contain?
The bracelet or necklace shall be on an orange background and must provide physician's name, date signed, patient's name, and specific order.
References to the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order refer to what?
to any basic or advanced care procedures
When a member of the immediate family or authorized person is present and requests initiation of resuscitation contrary to the written DNR order, department personnel must be able to confirm the identity of such person.
give examples of a authorized Person is?
1. An individual possessing durable power of attorney for health care
2. A spouse
3. A court appointed guardian
4. A son or daughter 18 years of age or older
5. A parent
6. A brother or sister 18 years of age or older
Should the situation arise in which two (2) or more family members are present and disagree on whether the DNR order should be honored, personnel shall then begin what?
begin ACLS treatment and transport to the nearest hospital.
Who should be contacted if bystanders and/or family members are hampering the NON-RESUSCITATION of a patient (WITH) a VALID DNR ORDER when there is no consensus by family members?
If bystanders and/or family members are hampering the RESUSCITATION of a patient (WITHOUT) a valid DNR order, who should be contacted?
Medical Control
Patients with __________, ___________, ___________ will require require full resuscitation, unless there is evidence of injuries that are incompatible with life or presence of tissue decomposition?
suspected hypothermia, barbiturate overdose, or electrocution
who can make the determination of death or decision to resuscitate?
paramedic or the most qualified member of the crew
The patient may be determined to be dead and will not be resuscitated or transported if all _____ presumptive signs of death and at least _____ conclusive sign of death are identified.

What are the 4 presumptive signs of death?
a. Unresponsiveness
b. Apnea
c. Pulseless
d. Fixed-dilated pupils
what are the 5 conclusive signs of death?
1. Injuries incompatible with life (e.g. decapitation, massive crush injury, incineration, etc.)
2. Tissue decomposition.
3. Rigor mortis of any degree with warm air temp.
4. Liver mortis (lividity) of any degree and/or general cyanosis.
5. Asystole in two leads
What should you do before terminating resuscitation efforts for pediatric patients and patients that were electrocuted, when asystole is the only conclusive sign of death
You should contact medical control
Any trauma victim who does not meet the criteria listed in Section106.004 C may be determined to be dead based on the following:
1 Blunt trauma to the head, neck, or torso or no
spontaneous pulse or respirations.
2. Asystole confirmed by two leads.
3. Prolonged extrication time (> 15 minutes) where
no resuscitative measures could be initiated prior
to extrication.
4. Penetrating trauma.
5. No spontaneous pulse or respirations.
6. ALS has been unavailable for > than 15 min
When there is a delay in presenting a valid DNR order to EMS personnel, resuscitation must begin. However, once a valid DNR order is presented to department personnel, the Paramedic may do what?
terminate resuscitation.

***Department personnel are not obligated to continue resuscitation efforts that were started inappropriately by others at the scene.
If department personnel have begun full ALS intervention and intend to terminate resuscitative efforts, then Medical Control must be notified to do what?
to obtain orders to terminate the resuscitation.
Patients with _____________, _____________& _____________must have full ALS intervention unless there are injuries incompatible with life or apparent tissue decomposition.
suspected hypothermia, barbiturate overdose, or electrocution
you should provide appropriate _________ ______________ or ______________ to the patient’s immediate family, bystanders, or others at the scene.
grief counseling or support
When discontinuing CPR, who has jurisdiction and will be responsible for the body once death has been determined?
Local Law Enforcement
Under the "Patient Preparation" Section of Discontinuance of CPR, What are 4 important considerations
1. Once it has been determined that the patient is dead and resuscitation will not continue DO NOT remove any property from the body or the scene.

2. if not at a healthcare facility, immediately notify dispatch and request law enforcement to the scene. Local law enforcement has jurisdiction and will be responsible for the body once death has been determined.

3. Comple a PCR. Document the Above Criteria.

4. All Airway / IV Adjunct Equipment MUST be left in place
In reference to Transportation Decisions, According to rules set forth in Georgia DHR policy, 290-5-30-.05(8)(k), patients should be transported to ___________.
The hospital of their choice provided that the hospital chosen is within a reasonable distance from the patient’s location providing hosp is in a REASONABLE DISTANCE.
Gwinnett County Fire and Emergency Services established ___________ miles as a reasonable distance to provide transport
35 miles
If the patients choice of hospital is not within a REASONABLE DISTANCE, what should be your next actions?
Advise Medical Control.

-He will determine the closest hospital capable of meeting the patient's immediate needs.
If the patient absolutely insists on transort to a particular hospital and cannot be convinced that their choice is NOT in their best interest, What should you do???
transport the patient to the hospital of their choice!
In reference to transportation, How would you go about utilizing a Private Ambulance?
Contact Medical Supervisor - 1
In reference to Transportation Decisions, what should you do about encountering an Inter-facility transport requests?
Contact Medical Supervisor - 1
In reference to Transportation Decisions , What are 2 transport considerations for all pediatric patients?
1. If a cervical injury is suspected, the pediatric
patient weighing UP TO 40 kg must be immobilized
with the Pediatric Immobilization Device.

2. If no spinal injury is suspected:
-All pediatric patients weighing from 5 kg - 18 kg must be transported on the pedi-mate.
-Patients < 5 kg may be transported in their approved car seat.
-Patients weighing > 18kg may be transported on
the stretcher without a child restraint device being required.
Regarding Transportation of Major Trauma/Arrest Under Georgia DHR Region III rules and regulations, patients who meet the definition of a trauma patient must be managed by ________.
a designated trauma center for appropriate destinations.
Referencing Transportation of Major Trauma/Arrest what is the Mechanism Criteria:
a. Falls
b. High risk auto crash
c. Auto vs. pedestrian/bicycle thrown, run over, or with significant (>20 mph) impact
d. Motorcycle crash > 20 mph
In reference to transportation of Major Trauma/Arrest , if any of the criteria (physiologic, anatomic, mechanism) are present for ADULT MAJOR TRAUMA, the patient should be transported to _______.
a Trauma Center.

****Advise the hospital as soon as possible.
Referencing to Transportation of Major Trauma/Arrest, what is the Physiologic criteria?
a. Systolic BP<90 or no radial pulses, or
b. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) <= 14 or
c. RR <10 or >29 (less than 20 in infant less than 1 year) or respiratory compromise or impending compromise
Referencing to Transportation of Major Trauma/Arrest, what is the Anatomic criteria?
a. All penetrating injuries to the head, neck, torso and extremities proximal to the elbow and knee
b. Flail chest
c. Two or more proximal long bone fractures
d. Crush, degloved, or mangled extremity (except finger and toes)
e. Amputations proximal to wrist and ankle
f. Pelvic fractures
g. Open or depressed skull fractures
h. Paralysis
Regarding Transportation of Major Trauma/Arrest,
What type of fall qualifies for mechanism criteria?
1. Adults - greater than 20ft (1 Story = 10ft)

2. Children - greater than 10 ft or 2-3 times the
height of the child
Regarding Transportation of Major Trauma/Arrest,
What classifies as high risk auto crashes?
1.) Intrusion into the passenger compartment – greater than 12 inches on occupant site or greater than 18 inches on any site
2.) Ejection (partial or complete from auto)
3.) Death in same passenger compartment
4.) Vehicle telemetry data consistent with high risk of injury
In Accelerated Transport-Trauma, if circumstances demand hospital care for patient stability, __________
______________ is indicated. Each case will be unique and the compelling reasons must be documented. Notify the receiving hospital of the situation so that preparations can be made.
rapid transport

-Notify the receivinghospital asap!
in an Accelerated Transport-Trauma, Critical injuries can be further simplified into three conditions based on which are “Load and Go”: WHAT ARE THEY?
1. Difficulty with respirations (R )
2. Difficulty with circulation (P )
3. Decreased level of consciousness (M)

-Think START Triage
At the Scene Time, If at any time personnel cannot provide or protect a patient airway, what step must be taken?
At the Scene Time, For LOAD-AND-GO and MAJOR TRAUMA, how much time should be taken to transport the patient?
less than 10 minutes
At the Scene Time, for CARDIAC EMERGENCIES scene time should be how long?
less than 12 minutes
At the Scene Time, times that exceed the time limit require what?
documentation in the narrative of the EPCR
Extrication, destination difficulties or multiple patient scenes

Still Document these incidents on PCR
At the Scene Time , establishing and IV line in the field should not delay transport unless there is an immediate need for what?

(e.g., hypoglycemia, seizures, narcotic overdoses, cardiac arrest, or unstable arrhythmias).
there is a immediate need to parenteral therapy

Parenteral- All Medication Routes outside besides Sublingual, Oral, and Buccal

Call Medical Control sooner rather than later!
For Medical Transport Decisions, you should consider the use of an aeromedical service when presented with what steps?
1. Multiple-system trauma patient with prolonged extrication and/or where a lengthy transport time may be required due to the hospital diversion status.
2. Multiple casualty incidents where ground transport units are unable to manage and transport all patients in a timely manner.
3. Specific pediatric trauma patients
4. Ventilation dependent or special needs children requiring transport to a specialized pediatric center.
Referencing to Aeromedical Transport Decisions,
Decision to transport by air should be made early or late?
Referencing Aeromedical Transport Decisions, who should you notify for your request for Aeromedical response?
Referencing Aeromedical transport, The _________ and ___________ will ensure that the appropriate Aeromedical Service is requested.

-what additional will then be dispatched and why?
Batt Chief and MS Officer.

An additional Engine will be dispatched to establish the Landing Zone (LZ).
For Aeromedical Transport Decisions, Do not compromise time for invasive procedures other than for what?

*Most invasive procedures can be done while enroute to the trauma center.
a "Patient" is definedd as …
an individual who is sick, injured, wounded or otherwise incapacitated or helpless

-Any person who has a reasonablel potential for injury or an assessment has been initiated, should be treated as a patient.
what is "NO PATIENT" defined as?
a patient not having a complaint of or visual, illness injury or reasonable potential for injury.
For Patients/Refusals, For patients refusing transport and treatment, what 3 things should be done?
1. Assess patient to the extent possible performing a complete primary and secondary survey including a complete set of vital signs.
2. Look for objective causes of injuries/illnesses that may impair decision-making.
3. Evaluate mechanism/history, scene and potential for unseen injuries/illnesses.
for Patients/Refusals , If the patient still refuses treatment/transport, then determine what from the patient?
determine the patient’s ability to understand the medical severity and need for treatment.
For Patients/Refusals, Inform the patient of any _____, _______ ___________ or _______ that warrant treatment and transport, and the risks associated with delaying examination and treatment by a physician.
findings, possible injuries, or illnesses
In Reference to Patients/Refusals, The patient may be transported under the basis of what?
the basis of a medical emergency

(i.e., patient has altered level of consciousness or transported under IMPLIED CONSENT).
In referencing Patients/Refusals, The patient may refuse treatment and transport, but they must be made aware of what?
advised of the risks of non-transport
In referencing Patients/Refusals, The EMT must warn the patient that non-transport is __________.
against medical advice (AMA).
For Patients/Refusals, The patient should alway be urged to seek what?
to seek medical attention and transport
Referencing to Patients/Refusals, The following people may refuse pre-hospital care and medical transport:
1. Legal age: 18 years or older
2. Emancipated minor
3. Patient’s guardian / parent
4. Police for prisoner
5. Legal guardian to incompetent person
For Patients/Refusals , What should you do when there is any question regarding a patient’s level of consciousness to refuse care.
Contact On-Line Medical Control
Referencing Patients/Refusals, only a _____________ to transport patients needing immediate medical attention supersedes all guidelines!
A Physicians Orders
for Patients/Refusals, Consult Medical Control for a decision on transport , if unable to gain consent from parents or guardians in situations of questionable competency including, but not limited to whom?
1. Any minor (17years old or less) without a guardian
2. Any infant (less than three months old) with a fever 101 degrees or higher
3. Any person with suspected overdose or extreme alcohol intoxication.
4. Any person with suspected psychosis or apparent mental illness.
5. Any person with an injury to the head
6. Any person not alert and oriented regardless of medical condition.
When discontinuing CPR and you are not at a healthcare facility, immediately notify dispatch and request _____ __________________ .
Law Enforcement
when discontinuing CPR, you must complete a Patient Care report , why is this?
To document the criteria.

Documentation of patient's care will be written in a professional and timely manner to further evaluation and treatment.
Personnel should ensure that a complete and thorough assessment of the patients chief complaint is completed prior to what?
transferring the patient to the transport vehicle
for Non transport of patients/ refusal:

Upon arrival at the incident, all personnel must be offered what?
Medical assessment and transportation for further medical attention if needed or desired.

what is a standard format for radio reporting of patient information?
Utilize the EMS channels to rely the radio report

Utilize the Nextel phone when the receiving facility does not have our radio capabilities.
what is the radio report designated to do?
minimize air time and allow triage decision to be made and to request orders beyond protocol.

* in approximately 30 seconds or less
For purposes of relaying on patient info, patients may be categorized as what?
serious and non serious with associated information needs for each.
Regarding Use of Physical Restraints, the use of physical restraints on a patient is permissible if the patient does what?
poses a danger to himself or to others.

*** Only reasonable and appropriate force is allowed. Contact Medical Control for physician direction if there is uncertainty as to whether or not restraint use is warranted.
For the Use of physical restraints, where does documentation need to be filed?
During the use of Physical Restraints , Handcuffs or other hard restraints are not applied by _____- _______providers. Handcuff by an officer will be required to ride in the back of the ambulance or follow the ambulance to the hospital.
pre hospital providers
EMT-I’s or EMT may perform all of the following procedures, in the absence of a paramedic, within their scope of practice except:

A. Administer oral glucose or 50% Dextrose IV solution for hypoglycemia
B. Perform intraosseous infusion
C. Administer 0.3 mg EPI 1:1000 IM for allergic reaction
D. Nebulized Proventil and Atrovent treatments
E. None of the above

SMO 104.000
C. Administer 0.3 mg EPI 1:1000 IM for allergic reaction
True/False: Personnel may comply with any orders from a physician that exceed their scope of practice.

A. True
B. False

SMO 105.002 E4
B. False
All treatment including assessments shall be documented on a/an:

A. State of GA DHR patient form
B. 24-7
C. email to MS officer

SMO 105.001 C
. In order for a DNR to be valid it must contain:

A. Physician signature
B. patient signature and/or patient surrogate
C. effective date
D. all of the above

SMO 106.001 F
D. all of the above
A physician may revoke a DNR if:

A. he is on scene
B. on the phone with the paramedic
C. in a letter
D. by word from a family member

SMO 106.003
A. he is on scene
List the five conclusive signs of death.

SMO 106.004 C2
-Injuries incompatible with life
-Tissue Decomposition
-Rigor Mortis
-Asystole in 2 Leads
Should the situation arise in which or more family members are present and disagree on whether the DNR order should be honored, personnel shall begin ACLS treatment and transport to the nearest hospital.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
SMO 106.003 C
A. 2
List all the presumptive signs of death:

-Fixed / Dilated Pupils
Gwinnett County Fire and Emergency Services established_________miles as a reasonable distance to provide transport.

A. 25
B. 35
C. 45
D. 55
B. 35
A fall greater than ________feet for an adult and ________feet or 2-3 times the height of the child is considered a significant MOI.

A. 10/4
B. 15/8
C. 20/10
D. 25/ 12

SMO 108.000 B3a
C. 20/10
For load-and-go and major trauma scene time should be less than___________minutes.

A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 15

SMO 109.000 A
B. 10
A “no patient” is defined as not having a complaint of or,

A. visual illness
B. injury
C. reasonable potential for injury
D. All of the above

SMO 111.000 C
D. All of the above
The patient may be determined to be dead and will not be resuscitated or transported if ALL________presumptive signs of death and at least______conclusive sign of death are identified.

A. 4/1
B. 3/2
C. 2/3
D. 1/4

SMO 106.004 C1,2
A. 4/1
Prioritize the order for safety concerns for persons on a scene:

I. You
II. Bystanders
III. Your crew
IV. The patient


SMO 103.00 C