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63 Cards in this Set

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What is an indicator of a neuroblastoma in a child whose cancer has stemmed from nerve tissue in the adrenal glands?
What has to be present in the urine or blood in order to make a diagnosis of neuroblastoma?
These types of cells are overproduced in leukemia and are immature and abnormally functioning:
Blast cells
What can be used as a detector of metastasis in Hodgkin's disease?
Gallium and bone scan
What is the definitive test to determine if a child has leukemia?
Bone marrow biopsy
True or false: Fencing and paintball gunning are ideal activities for a child who has had an eye enucleation.
Often neuroblastomas present here as a mass that is non-tender, firm, and crosses the body's midline:
The overcrowding of abnormal WBCs in the blood and bone marrow cause suppression of normal cell function and formation in the bone marrow, increasing risk for this:
When should antiemetics be given to a patient undergoing chemo and radiation?
Before chemo or radiation to prevent nausea and vomiting
Most common solid tumor in children; can be cancerous:
Brain tumor
An ANC count below this number is considered severe neutropenia and drastically increases the risk for infection:
The overproduction of abnormal WBCs:
What is the best way to determine if a rhabdomyosarcoma is present?
What is essential to the diagnosis and staging of Hodgkin's disease?
Lymph node biopsy
True or false: A rectal temperature is recommended for a patient with rectal ulcers and thrombocytopenia in order to obtain the most accurate reading.
Removal of the eye; done as a treatment for advanced retinoblastoma. A prosthetic eye is implanted:
A tumor that originates in the retina; most occur in only one eye but if there is a family history it may occur bilaterally:
Given to stimulate erythrocyte production; does is adjusted based on labs. This side effect should be watched for:
Epogen, Procrit. Watch for HTN
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is characterized by these types of tumors of the lymph system; affects deeper lymph nodes:
Solid & diffuse
These types of cells are the most sensitive to chemotherapy; what are two big examples?
Rapidly dividing; hair cells and GI cells
Affects the metaphysis of bones; pain, limping, and masses result; adolescents mostly affected:
This is a common surgical management of Hodgkin's disease; prophylactic antibiotics are usually needed to prevent infection:
What are two main signs of a brain tumor?
Headache upon arising, vomiting unrelated to feeding
Tachycardia along with this change is worrisome in a neutropenic child receiving chemo:
Low blood pressure
True or false: Because cancer symptoms are vague at first and mimic regular childhood illness signs, parents may unintentionally delay treatment.
A lymph system malignancy that attacks kids ages 5-15; occurs often from a previous infection with Epstein-Barr (mono); affects lymph nodes closer to the surface:
Hodgkin's disease
Diagnostic test for leukemia; very painful. Usually done on the iliac crest or sternum in kids (also monitors effectiveness of therapy):
Bone marrow aspiration
This type of treatment is best for neuroblastomas that have metastasized to the bones or brain:
Should a neutropenic child be placed in a hospital room by themselves or with other children from the unit?
Private room
True or false: A child with leukemia can ONLY have low WBC counts, never too high.
False - can sometimes be too high but it is rare
A lymph system malignancy that occurs mainly prior to puberty and affects B-lymphocytes:
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Type of leukemia that yields a 50% cure rate; immature myelocytes are seen in blood and bone marrow:
Acute myelogenous leukemia
What does radiation do for a neuroblastoma?
Shrinks tumor for surgical removal
An increased fluid rate >1.5x the normal maintenance fluid recommendations and the encouragement of frequent voiding should be implemented for a chemo patient to prevent complications from this:
Hemorrhagic cystitis
True or false: Impending shock produces subtle changes in the early stages.
Are live or dead viruses contraindicated for children receiving chemo?
How are bone tumors positively identified?
What is the most important nursing consideration to implement while caring for a child with a nephroblastoma (Wilm's Tumor)?
Do not palpate abdomen!
This is produced by growing bones and is elevated in children; if it is elevated in a child who is done growing, bone cancer is present:
Serum alkaline phosphate
What is the main clinical manifestation of Hodgkin's disease?
Painless lymph node enlargement in groin, armpit, or clavicle
This manifests as an abdominal mass that is firm, non-tender, and fixed to one side; hematuria and HTN are other major signs:
Nephroblastoma (Wilm's Tumor)
Drug given to increase the WBC count:
The abnormally functioning blast cells seen in leukemia spill into the blood and replace these:
Normal WBCs, erythrocytes, and platelets
How long does bone marrow suppression begin after chemo is started?
7-10 days
Management for leukemia that is done if a patient can't be kept in remission or in the case of induction failure; done for high-risk presentation:
Bone marrow transplant
True or false: A hard-bristled toothbrush should be used on a chemo patient with stomatitis to prevent plaque buildup and gingivitis.
False - soft bristled
Where is the most common site for lymph node enlargement in Hodgkin's disease?
Cervical nodes or supraclavicular nodes
A bone tumor that affects the diaphysis of long bones; pain, masses, and fractures result. Affects 5-20 year olds and mostly Caucasians:
Ewing's Sarcoma
These cells are markers for Hodgkin's disease:
Reed-Sternberg cells
What is unique about the location of a neuroblastoma?
It crosses the midline of the body
The second most common malignant tumor in children; happens at about 2 years to 10 years of age; originates from nerve tissue and is advanced at first diagnosis:
Given to stimulate granulocyte production; given until the ANC count is >10,000. NOT given within 48 hours of chemo because the chemo will destroy the drug:
What is the main thing to watch for in a thrombocytopenic patient?
Spontaneous bleeding
These drugs should be avoided during chemo to decrease risk of bleeding; this should be given instead:
Aspirin & NSAIDs should be avoided; Tylenol or acetaminophen can be given
Management of leukemia done for high risk patients only; done for proven CNS involvement. Has many risks, especially for younger children:
Cranial irradiation
The (younger, older) the child with neuroblastoma, the better the prognosis:
Most common and most curable form of leukemia; immature lymphocytes are seen in blood and bone marrow. Has a 75% cure rate:
Acute lymphoid leukemia
What is the period of time in which siblings of cancer/chemo patients should have a live vaccine before coming in contact with the patient?
1 month
Malignancy that arises from skeletal muscle; found in bones, muscles, cartilage, and fat:
Also called "Cat's Eyes" and is a symptom of retinoblastoma; there is an abnormal red reflex seen in one eye only on photos:
Are dogs and cats okay to have around a child with cancer on chemo? Reptiles? Birds?
Dogs and cats are okay, get rid of the birds and reptiles
What is the first sign of infection even before a fever develops?
If a child has neuroblastoma in this location, they may have periorbital edema or exophthalmus: