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87 Cards in this Set

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a governor of Louisiana 4 times, he was responsible for the English Turn
Years of pre-history
10,000 bc to 3,000 bc
Land grants
in return for parcels of land, directors were required to bring settlers to live on the land
Severance tax
a tax on resoures taken from the land such as oil and natural gas
command system in which a colony exist solely to support its mother country
Red River Valley Region
a valley that borders the Red River, it is like a smaller version of the Mississippi Floodplain region
old natural levees thay are the highest part of the terraces region
Mississippi Floodplain
level land along a river that is likely to flood
Northwest Passage
What were explorers looking for when they discovered Louisiana?
Antoine Crozat
rich business man who gave money to Louisiana so it could stay a colony; first proprietor of Louisiana
Natural Levee, Swamp, Passes
the 3 parts of the Mississippi Floodplain
people who study history
Natural Levee
the natural river banks that built up over time
the religion that was banned by Code Noir
Traditional Economy
the economy that is set up based on how the economy had been run in the past
Non-Renewable Natural Resource
Type of natural resource that Earth CAN'T replace as fast a man uses it; in Louisiana they are natural gas, oil, lignite, and coal
objects left behind by ancient peoples that are used to determine how they lived
spanish subjects from the Canary Islands
Tropical climate zone
climate zone from 23 N to 23 S
Cajun French
who listened to Cajun music?
Farming, gator hunting, tours
the industries of the Mississippi Floodplain region
Fort Maurepas
french headquarters
prairie covered with a forest (similar to a dried up swamp)
Natchez uprising
when the natchez rebelled against the french killing 250 french colonist
Marsh Region
a wet treeless prairie covered with water and grass
Dredged canal
a canal that has been widened and deepened
where anthropologist and archaeologists work
Fur, lumber, indigo, tobacco
resource of french colony
he was a french explorer whos goal was the find a water route to the east Indies (Northwest Passage)
built to protect cities from floods; doesn't allow sediment to reach marshes
Governor and Commissary Commissionar
the 2 colonial officials
the routes the Mississippi River takes to merge with the Gulf of Mexico
the imaginary lines that go from North to South on the Earth (Prime Meridian)
Polar climate zone
the climate zone above 66 N and below 66 S
Superior Council
french colonial government in charge of judicial matters
a state in which a family's income is too low to be able to buy needs for survival
Main reasons for poverty
lack of education, no job, and parents
The 3 goals of the french king
religion, power, and the northwest passage
Antonio de Ulloa
Spanish governor
the time period since written record
Salt water intrusion
when salt water goes into the marsh and harm the fish and plants or the Marsh
Temperate climate zone
the climate zone between 23 N and 66 N and 23 S and 66 S
Alejandro O' Reilly
a strong and forceful leder chosen to gain control of rebellious colony charged with treason
The 4 Economic questions
what to produce
how to produce it
how much to produce
who to produce it for
Primary Source
document or object which was made from that time
Early Neo-Indians
nomadic seasonally; would hunt and pick berries
English Turn
where the english turned around after Bienville bluffed about having many more troops to fight if they didn't leave peacefully
Command Economy
in this type of economy, the government answers the 4 questions for you
a group of people who settle in a distant land but who still kept ties to their native land
Code Noir
slavery laws
Company of the West
operated in Louisiana colony, John Law was the leader; 2nd proprietor of Louisiana
Mississippi Bubble Burst
the collapse of the Company of the West
The reason the french and indian war begun
fur trade
exiled peasants who had come from france to canada and later to Louisiana
Secondary Source
interprets a primary source
seasonally flooded forest
Terraces Region
contains the old Mississippi Floodplains that are no longer under water
The 3 divisions of the terraces region
Blufflands, Praries, Flatlands
old natural levees that are the highest part of the region
old river channels now form this
Marsh Region
a wet treeless prairie covered with water and grass
Salt dome
found in the salt marsh, layer of rock that have folded upward rising above the surface
Hills Region
the highest region in Louisiana with the roughest
Mining, limber
the industries of the hills region
fishing, crabbing, tourism, oil rigs
the industries of the Marsh region
for every ___ degrees of longitude, the time zone changes by 1 hr
the imaginary lines that go East to West on the Earth (Equator)
Renewable Natural Resources
a type of Natural resource that the Earth CAN replace as quickly as man is using it; water, wind, solar
Market Economy
the economy that operates in a way that the individual gets to decide how to answer the 4 questions
Coastal erosion
dredging oil canals, saltwater intrusion
rodents that eat a lot of plants which causes erosion because there are no roots to hold the soil
sinking of land
time period before written record
scientists who study the items left behind by ancient people to determine how they lived
Paleo Indians
had a nomadic lifestyle and hunted mastodons
Meso Indians
nomadic, would hunt smaller animals
Late Neo-Indians
sedentary and farmed
Poverty point
bird like structure that is thought to have had a trading center
Who built poverty point?
late neo indians
Why was poverty point built?
Religion and trade
Why did i just pay you $3000 for a taco?
Years of history
3000 bc to present day
father of Louisiana, he founded the french colony in LA be establishing Fort Maurpaus
King Louis XIV
The king of france during french exploration in LA
Cajun music
high, french lyrics, fiddle, accordion, washboard
Zydeco music
percussion, english lyrics, African influence, more like rock
Council for the Development of French In Louisiana