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20 Cards in this Set

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Albany Plan of Union

"Join or Die" Ben Franklin's call for colonies to joinfor their mutual advantage.

French and Indian War

Seven years struggle between Britain and France for territory, power on two continents

George lll

King of England during the american Revolution

George Washington

Led Virginia's militia in an attempt to drive out the French from Ft. Duquesne


Freedoma from harsh rule, or unreasonable government, from captivity, prison or slavery. Our most cherished freedoms are contained within the First Amendment such as freedom of speech, press and religion


A person who owes their allegiance to Great Britain


A small army made up of ordinary citizens who are trained to fight in an emergency


A person who has great love for his/her country. People who were for American Independence from Great Britain

Peace Treaty

An agreement between two or more sides ending a conflict

Proclamation of 1763

An act which prohibited settlers from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. King George lll hoped that this would deduce conflict between the colonists and Native Americans

Quartering Act

Law which ordered colonists to provide room, board, and candles for British soldiers


To take back or cancel a law


to keep

Salutary Neglect

Policy of not interfering in colonial affairs even though it might go against British law

Stamp Act

Tax on any printed documents (cards, wills, contracts, legal documents, etc.) Colonists believed that Parliament had no right to tax the colonists without consent. "No taxation without representation"

Sugar Act

Required colonists to pay a tax on imported sugar. Tax was the first tax to pay off debts of the French and Indian War.

Townshend Acts

Laws placed a duty (tax) on certain goods, such as glass, paint, paper and tea

Town Meeting

A form of Direct Democratic rule, used primarily during the 17th century in which all of the members of a community comes together to discuss issues, legislate policy and budgets for local government


The unjust of government power. A ruler who uses power this way is called a tyrant

Writs of Assistance

Allowed to let tax collectors to search for smuggled goods